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Consultant, Projectmanager

Consultant, Projectmanager

Work Experience


2001 - today (Self Employed) Rotterdam, NL
- Co-ordinate troubleshooting effort for Dutch Internet start-up in order to improve the quality of their business offering and technical solution.

2001 Start-up Rotterdam, NL
Interim Manager
- Help out young company active in the field of knowledge management and the virtual workspaces to develop business opportunities.

1996 - 2000 Andersen Consulting (Accenture) Amsterdam, NL
- Details in Experience section.

2000 Internet Start-up Amsterdam, NL
Project manager
- Lead team to design, build, test, implement and rollout initial offering for a direct marketing Internet Start-up.
- Responsible for 2.000 K Euro budget.
- Team of 15 persons consisting of Accenture consultants, client personnel, third parties.
- Team included 3 nationalities and co-ordination between 2 countries.
- Project was delivered on time and within budget.

2000 Mobile Operator Amsterdam, NL
Project manager
- Set-up ISP services for multi-access portal services (Web and WAP).
- Included managing / co-ordinating project managers from 5
solution/service providers. Energis, Versatel, Sun, Pink Roccade and Level3.
- Prepared contract decisions for several multimillion Euro contracts.

2000 Insurance Company The Hague, NL
- Advice Management on Internet presence.

2000 Major Bank Rotterdam, NL
- Design Operation / Organisation for Employee Benefit offering.

2000 Major Publisher Amersfoort, NL
- Review technical architecture for European Internet Portal Legal Professionals.

1999 Employee Benefits Zeist, NL
Team lead /Technical Architect
- Responsible for the team that designed the technical architecture and selected the development and production software.

1998 Airline Schiphol, NL
Project Manager, Consultant
- Team member involved in the reorganisation of the central it-organisation of this airline.
- As (interim) project manager responsible for bringing projects ‘in trouble’ back inline with the ‘new’ it-strategy.

1998 TreasureHunt (web game for student) Amsterdam, NL
Team lead
- Design the game web site.
- Make sure the TreasureHunt web site was build and operated by third party as planned.

1997 Insurance Zeist, NL
Technical Architect / Designer
- Setting up an extranet to enable sales agents and third party front offices to share information with the back-office of this company.

1997 Java Development Centre Paris, F
Team Member
- Design, build, test Java applications.
- Support projects with Java expertise.
- Present what using Java means for a business.

1996 Automotive Eindhoven, NL
- Setting up security and security management for new dealer network software and communication platform.

1996 Automotive Eindhoven, NL
- Prepare and support the outsourcing partner selection process for Company X IT non-legacy systems.


1989 - 1995 University Twente Enschede, NL
MSc Business & Technology Management
- Technical Specialisation: Computer Science
- Business Specialisation: Strategic Management
- Graduation Project in Top 5 best thesis Class of ‘89

1994 Universite Rennes I Rennes, F
Study Business Economics and Marketing
- EC Scholarship


- Prince2, Outsourcing, IT management, security policies, technical architectures, functional design, net-centric design, data-modelling, firewalls, Internet, Intranet, client/server, database design, eCommerce, user interface, application servers, data warehousing.

Hardware/ Software
- Sun, Compaq, Cisco, Microsoft, Netscape, Java, Centura, HTML, ASP, JSP, C, C++, Silverstream, Linux, WebLogic, BroadVision, BlueMartini, Oracle.


Dutch - Mother tongue
English - Fluent
German - Comprehensive
French - Comprehensive
Spanish - Basic


Mr. S is a 31 year old, experienced consultant and project manager interested in opportunities which require leadership and business acumen in areas where information technology is a key factor.


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