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Project Manager / BI Software Engineer

Project Manager / BI Software Engineer

Work Experience

Nov2002-Dec2002 Start Uitzendbureau
OFA development and administration (BAF system, os=AIX on Bull )

Oct 2002 Sabbatical
sabattical period

Mar 2002 – Sep2002 Start Uitzendbureau
OFA development and administration (BAF system, os=AIX on Bull ).

This project took place during heavy reorganisation of this company. A merger with USG took place. A new SAP based backoffice system was introduced and source data had now to be read from both systems and integrated. Semantic mismatches between these systems had a big impact on delivering the system.

Also the organisation had trouble in delivering the correct files to OFA. A large number of users (over 750, both snapi clients and web clients) had also a big impact on the system. Database sizes were over 60 Gb. So size and performance of the system was out of control. Because of this, performance improvements had to be made. In the end, this project was sucessfully closed.

A version control system was introduced and all upgrade actions were done by scripts.

Aug 2001 – Feb 2002 Value Boosters
Started my own company (Lucide) and worked for Value Boosters on ...

+ Express systems ( eg Oracle Financial Analyzer )
+ Information Analysis
+ System audits

Part of the work was at Budget Rent-A-Car, a company in reorganisation trouble.

Budget Rent-A-Car had an implementation of an ODS (Operational Data Store) which held over 80 Gb of data at that moment.It considered putting OFA on top of this system.

I have setup a little datamart for OFA in the Oracle RDBMS (mostly views), and build a prototype in OFA in two days, which used embedded SQL for retrieving the data from that datamart. SQL readers were accessible through OFA worksheets.

Also I did some information analysis for this company to support decision making for the reorganisation proces.

In the mean time Value Boosters also had some trouble because of malicious spamming.
I supported Value Boosters in that area.

Dec 2000 - Jul 2001 Scanmar
PlanCaster product development.

Plancaster is one of the flagship products of Scanmar. Besides Plancaster Scanmar delivers also a product called 'Market Tracker'. Scanmar clients are in top-100/500.

Plancaster was a hybrid system which incorporated management planning techniques and statistical forecasting techniques.

These two sub systems had to be integrated. This was not easy as these two sub systems used completely different backend setups while Express Objects was used as the frontend. The system could be hooked into another express based system to deliver the planning end forecaster functionality.

A bug tracking system was introduced and over 500 bugs were solved, during this period, while enormous performance improvements were realized.

The system had lots of instabilities, which prevented it's normal functionality. These instabilities were removed, partly by replacing functions such as cumsum (memory leaks in that particular version of express) by movingtotal.

Mrt 2000 – Nov 2000 Sabbatical
During this period I did no projects. Instead I started to study web based development: HTML, CSS, XHTML, XML, XSLT, java applets, jsp servlets, etcetera, etcetera

Sep 1995 – Feb 2000 Unilever HQ, Rotterdam
Analysis, design, implementation and documentation of the interface between the star-schema datawarehouse of Unilever and Oracle Financial Analyzer (Abacus), which makes the following data-streams possible, based on so-called meta-data, stored in the datawarehouse:

Datawarehouse -> Oracle Financial Analyzer

.. Reference data
..... Dimension values
..... Relationships
.......... Hierarchical relationships
.......... Attribute relationships
..... Measurements
.......... Oracle Financial Analyzer -> Datawarehouse
.......... Datawarehouse -> Oracle Financial Analyzer

The following products were used:

Express Server
Oracle Financial Analyzer @ HP9000
Oracle RDBMS @ HP9000

Oracle stored procedures and PL/SQL
Oracle Objects for OLE
Express snAPI
Express Embedded SQL
Visual Basic

Feb 1989 – Aug 1995 Information Resources Inc.
Customer base: top 100 ( commercial, governments, banking ) :

+ Software Instructor, internal and external
+ Application development EIS, SMS, FMS and tailor-made
+ Project Management
+ Speaker at international meetings
+ System auditing

Mrt 1986 – Jan 1989 Advanced computing management
Software instructor
Javelin application development


I have mainly worked on a project basis for so-called Top-100 clients in the Netherlands.

Job experience on these projects include analysis, design and implementation of BI systems, as well as project management and pre-sales presentations and demos.

Custom Sales/Marketing analysis system

Custom Sales/Marketing analysis system

Laboratory control system

International financial consolidation

International CAPEX and datawarehousing applications, Technical project-manager for a team of 10 people.

Optimized large OSA database at Iglo OLA Hamburg

Interfaces for star-schema datawarehouse to OFA system.(Abacus/Issia). Was in touch with some of the ABC system

Distributed application for planning, control, simulation and consolidation for infrastructure projects.

Budgetting for The Netherlands

Statistical Annual Reporting
Anaysis for workflow control system

Financial consolidation
Project management system( with strong financial emphasis)

Financial Consolidation, pre-sales and project management, EIS systems.

Fullfilled some information analysis needs caused by severe reorganisation needs.

Large originally government-based recruiting agency. BAF: Budgetting, Analysis and Forecasting system.


1981 - bachelors degree mechanical engineering
1974 - atheneum B


BI: project management
BI: design/developement/implementation/pre-sales


dutch (excellent)
english (excellent)


Business Intelligence
Project Management
Oracle BI Tools
Oracle Express
Oracle Financial Analyzer ( OFA )
Oracle Sales Analyzer( OSA )
Oracle Warehouse Builder ( OWB )


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