Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Work Experience

01/02/1980 – 30/09/1999 De Keyser Thornton N.V.
Functional Analyst – ICT Manager
Complete review of the current system + analysis of the complete business and information flow for the purpose of implementing a new system.
Feasibility study, functional and technical analysis, cost benefit analysis, budget, implementation planning, project planning, project management.
Coordination with contracted 3rd party services.
Implementation van Windows NT 4.0 network (8 servers, +- 120 clients), Ms Exchange, Internet access.
Interface with existing Novell based applications.
Interface with existing SCO UNIX application.
Analysis en implementation of security issues.
Analysis and adaptation of existing applications in order to interface via EDI – EDIFACT with several 3rd parties.
Implementation of integrated telex, fax E-mail.
Implementation of exchange of EDIFACT messages via SEAGHA. (Port of Antwerp centralized EDIFACT messaging system)
General management of the ICT department + reporting to the board

01/10/1999 – 30/06/2001 Pyramid Consultancy B.V.B.A.
Consultant – Business Analyst – Owner
Independent consultant mainly focused on implementation of ERP packages in SMB’s.
Requirement analysis.
Business analysis
Screening of possible solutions.
Coaching and project management at implementation.

09/10/2000 – 01/01/2001 Care Consultancy B.V.B.A.
Business analyst, project leader.
Independent consultant mainly focused on implementation of ERP packages in SMB’s.
Requirement analysis.
Business analysis
Screening of possible solutions.
Coaching and project management at implementation.
01/02/2001 – 01/04/2004 Various Interim jobs and projects

01/04/2004 Consultant, Project Manager, Owner
Independent consultant mailnly focused on small SMB, VZW and private
Requirement analysis.
Business analysis
Screening of possible solutions.
Coaching and project management at implementation.
Remote Helpdesk
Security issues (Virus and intrusion detection, firewalls etc)
Network desing and implementation
Backup solutions and implementation


Higher Secondary (College) Science – Modern Languages.
System design (S.D.M.).
Data analysis – database design.
Computer audit.
Functional analysis.
Wang VS minicomputer administration.
Application development using PACE. (Wang’s RDMS and development tool)
HLI en Cobol.
Network design and maintenance (TCP/IP, routing, switches and hubs…).
Windows NT 4.0 implementation and administration.
SCO UNIX administration.
MS Exchange Server installation and administration.
EDI en EDIFACT messaging.
WAN design and administration.
Project management.
Visual Basic 6.0, database access, software components. (ActiveX, DLL …)
Basic HTML and XML.
Basic SQL.
General ICT Management.


See above


Dutch, English


Stress resistant, independent, loyal, good communicator, flexible. Good team player – leader, good people management skills. Good in organization of work.


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