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Project Manager

Project Manager

Work Experience

Aug 05 - current WHITWORTH
Location Brussels
Position Project Manager – Business developer
Conduct Client Needs Assessment, meet regularly with clients to understand requirements & business needs and prospection, visiting and presenting the company’s services to potential clients

Establish product development resource priorities
Set up of business plan in respect to the company’s objectives (business diagnosis and planning activities)

Liaise with the banks for funding purposes

Coordination of efforts to solve finance, contractual and compliance issues
Preparation and delivery of presentation on findings, recommendations, and actions to take going forward

Set up of contracts and SLA in collaboration with the legal department, set up of commercial offers and preparation to clients

Jun 04 Sep 05 Freelance consultant for the European Commission
Oct 04 Aug 05

Sep 04 Oct 04

Jun 04 Sep 04
Location Liberia
Resident Post-conflict Economic Development and Institutional Support Adviser
SOE(state owned enterprises) audit & BOT(build/operate/transfer):
Audit Public sector finance management, with particular emphasis upon complete control and collection of revenue flows, prudent expenditure control, accountability and transparency in fiscal affairs of State.
• GEMAP (Governance Economic Management Assistance Program) securing revenue base/ improving budget & expenditure / Improving procurement practices. Establishment of judicial system and anti-corruption commission / Support key institutions (State Owned Companies) and Ministries.
• Establishment of an OED (Office of Economic development) to source funding for development and establishment of SME. Set up a revolving fund into which profits will be deposited for poverty alleviation/infrastructure rehabilitation
Location: Indonesia:
Retail credit/leasing analyst:
Assessment of financial services available to SME to identify possible areas added-value
intervention in the provision of equity and quasi-equity finance.
Assistance to commercial banks and investment funds willing to develop the SME retail and corporate lending through refinancing of MFIs, by provision of risk-sharing instruments.

Location: Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast
Audit & Advisory Business Consultant – team leader
Reporting to the DG RELEX and Europe-aid Brussels, Financial and Organizational
Audits of State owned Company (Central Bank / Bureau of Maritime Affairs / Land, Mines & Energy / Port Authorities / Customs and Taxes Bureau )
Financial process re-engineering; finance systems implementation;
Organisation design; treasury and tax transformation

Nov 98 Jun 04 European Parliament
Location Belgium
Position Deputy Division Chief— Accountant
Description Africa Caribbean Pacific Public Private Dialogue (PPD) support to improve ACP intermediary organisations´ abilities to initiate and develop a dialogue with national and regional authorities on policy development and measures related to the investment environment, and implement policy proposals or action plans;
Business Development Services (BDS) support to increase ACP intermediary organisations´ capacity to provide better quality and higher quantities of services to enterprises to establish and expand their businesses or venture into company partnerships;
Company Match-making (MM) support to enable ACP intermediary organisations to facilitate face-to-face meetings of enterprises and the conclusion of company partnership agreements between foreign and domestic partners

EMAC (Economic & Monetary Affairs) of the SME integrated framework, helping entrepreneurs to deal in the market driven economy. Business plan for business development and implementation of financial instruments

(1998-00) Reporting to the Head of Unit of Finance financial audits to ensure that the principal of good financial management are adopted. Preparation and analysis of documents supporting financial expenditures, financial management of revenues, allocating of budgetary resources/expenditures legal commitments, end of year closure and preparation of annual balance sheet and bank reconciliations


Sep. 05 Harvard University Boston U.S.A.
Degree: executive education:- Corporate lending & Financial Institutions for Small and
Medium Enterprise
◘ Raising necessary capital for business modernization and expansion while minimizing risk
◘ Innovative financing alternatives to assist companies in refinancing, acquisitions, recapitalizations and restructurings.

Apr 00 – Feb 02 American University Business School.
M.B.A. Major:Investment Banking Operations & International Trade financing
Thesis: “How to stimulate Economic Growth in Europe through SME financing ”
Tutor: Dr. Maxine Asher Professor at UCLA

Sept 99 – Jan 00 University of Louvain-La-Neuve Faculty of European Law,
Degree: executive education European Law, External Relations / Cooperation and Development, Economic policies & Administration, budgetary procedures, structural funds,
Tutor: D. Servais AIDCO Unit. Financing, Contracts and Audits

Sept 93 –Jun 97 European University
Degree: B.B.A. Bachelor in Business Administration
Thesis: “Shaping e-trading for the future, through online minerals petroleum products trading platform”.Tutor: Mr. Van Houte, Banque Royale Belge


Business development, Project manager,
business / financial / project


english : french : mother language



Commercial credit negotiation / private equity


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