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Verander manager Marketing & Communicatie

Verander manager Marketing & Communicatie

Work Experience


1997-2003 Various Functions, Detachment/Interim base/ Pay role
Worked for a variety of companies;
· Management & office assistant
· Facility Management
· HR
· Product management.
· Attending Business Diners and Conferences
· Administration- Secretarial Work.
Companies; UPC kabel, Chemetall NV, MagicCity, VOS Logistics, Philips Lighting NV.

2002- 2006 Director : Q. ( Pestana Resorts) Pty(LTD) (Netherlands-South Africa)
I was Marketing & Communication Director. Member of board of Directors. Project management, (real estate) Investment Company with investor consortium, together with Ernst & Young. Stationed in Durban, South-Africa. (Sector: Tourism & Investment Business Solutions)
· Corporate Identity Development, incl. Setting up Branding Campaign in SA. (Name, logo and International Identity development)
· Worldwide PR, marketing planning, press releases (Free exposure Durban Times, London Time, Courier, and exposure via sponsor deal with National Rugby team).
· Marketing and Communication planning, within political & health challenges. (Using BEE and Aids scenes for awareness programs worldwide and as programs within our Company policy, exposing the Company very positive on a global level).
· PR- Global Setting (I realized a visit from NELSON Mandela on one of our locations).
· Business Planning (different locations) & Implementation plans .
· Management Customer Care, Management & Sales departments (Best Service awards; TUI and Trend Travel)
· Purchase Policy Development (I used Local purchase power for the Company benefit , increasing and developing local growth, which was portrayed in the news papers as example of responsible entrepreneurship).
· International Business and Political Events and Exhibitions and partnership realization (amongst others with African Union, European Union Foundation, WWF and International Business Liaison).
· Competence Management, Education and skills improvement scenes (as a part of Global Marketing, within South Africa´s obvious challenges).

2006 - 2007 Commercial Director, Kunsthandel VOF ( part-time)
2006 - 2007- Interim Director exxclusiv Kunstportal, Germany (part-time)
On interim base I was responsible for the re-organizational part of combining three dependences together.
My tasks were amongst others:
· Re-branding and Corporate Identity Development (Internationally), within the new business strategies (New strategy: from 100% B2C to 80% B2B, new Identity, Logo, name and working environment).
· International Marketing planning (B2B and B2C), policy development and implementation thereof Coaching and Management within Changing environment, new rules, departments and Corporate Culture (total 18 persons)
· Re-organizing Organization, (Three locations melted together to one in the Netherlands and three in Germany).
· Budget Planning and Control (Developing and implementing investment scenes due to less subsidy and new selling strategy).
· Full Administration and monthly financial reports to owners
May 2007- 1 September General Director, MT-Member, Astrum BV
Complete development of a Marketing Agency, within an International Sales Organization. My tasks were amongst others:
· Separate Corporate Identity development (Logo, vision, mission, marketing planning and implementation on European level), within Holding Strategies.
· Identifying new product groups, prices and markets within set time scales. (innovation and re-newel existing portfolio)
· HR Management (the marketing and sales division).
· International Marketing Planning (three years) and budgeting (quarterly).
· Business Development on Holding level (from linear structure to cell structure, Acket philosophy).
· Organize marketing events and campaigns (exhibitions and sales conferences & presentations).
· Acquisition and sales presentations (Scored over 120 % of the target).

Vision and Mission
I would very much like to further develop myself, on a strategic and tactic level. I feel I can contribute an Organization in marketing and Communicational challenges, in regards of International Communication by having practiced Global Marketing for several years. Due to my International experience in Business Development, Marketing and Communication I would like to further grow in this direction.

References & Psycological and Personality Analyses
On request and the PPA , taken in May 2007, is available on request.



1984-1988 Diplome, Mavo D-niveau
1988-1991 Diplome, MBO Sociale Arbeid, labour/ HR
1997-2000 Certificate, HBO (Psychiatry)

Courses and General Knowledge:

Skills development classes:

Legal Contracting
English Business Conversation
Financial Reports & Bookkeeping
Event Management I
Sales & Marketing I & II
Marketing Communication I & II


Fast marketing knowledge, strong communicative skills, being world wise and having enthusiastic entrepreneurial skills, together with common business sense, social background, good intuition and curiosity give me the qualities to be sharp and react. Further more my analytic capacity, together with the Dutch down to earth attitude will keep me steady and focused.
Due to the previous directorship and management functions, I have dealt with difficult political and business issues, successfully balancing the outcome to the companies benefit, without loosing track of the individual in the situation. In previous functions I have been Board Member, Management Team Member and was responsible for investor meetings and shareholder meetings.
Cultural Interest (both in Countries and Companies) finding mutual ground, innovation, strong communicational skills and creativity are my key words.


Languages :
Dutch : Fluent
English : Fluent
French : Reasonable
Italian : Reasonable
German : Average



After at least 15 years working experience and fast knowledge within the (International) Corporate fields, I would like to further develop in a new setting, Further developing and setting out the marketing and communication, according to the Companies strategies and goals would be a challenging new experience.


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