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Management consultant

Management consultant

Work Experience

2000 – 2001 INNODEVOTION, Moordrecht, The Netherlands.
Management consultancy.
10/01 - 11/01 An inventory project for a branche organisation in the dutch maritime industry.
10/01 - 12/01 Developement of a business plan for an technologically innovative company in the gear industry to help them through the next financing round.
08/01 - 10/01 Developement of a business plan for an internet initiative on procurement in the new constructed housing market.
01/01 – 07/01 IHC Holland NV, Kinderdijk, The Netherlands. Conducted a market research on the
world market for foundation equipment.
11/00 Analysis of and recommendations on the strategy of Not A Number.
10/00 – 11/00 Developed a business plan for the foundation Pup in Nood.
07/00 – 09/00 IHC Holland NV, Kinderdijk, The Netherlands. Conducted a business unit analysis and
developed a strategic plan for IHC Holland Engineering.
06/00 Winner of entrepreneurship contest.
05/00 Research on the influence of globalisation en technological development on the Damen Shipyard Group.
05/00 Developed an E-commerce plan for Kluwer-Legal.
02/00 Research on the influence of the economy and trends of the macro environment on ASML.
11/99 Political risk analysis on investing in Costa Rica.
1995– 1996 Yacht transport.
1997 – 1999 WOODWARD GOVERNOR NEDERLAND B.V., Hoofddorp, The Netherlands.
Application Engineer
- Developing customised governing and monitoring systems.
- Responsible for production and testing of these systems.
- Responsible for the documentation and the manuals for production, commissioning and endusers.
- Designing and giving technical training to customers and own personnel.
- Providing technical support to the sales department, the service department and customers.
International Service and Commissioning Engineer
- Solving problems on site.
- Commissioning systems.
- Providing technical support to customers
1996 – 1997 SHIPPING COMPANY MASTER, Lemmer, The Netherlands
Second Engineer
- Responsible for maintenance, repairs, safety and maintaining the supply of spareparts and bunkers.


1999 - 2000 UNIVERSITEIT NYENRODE – Breukelen, The Netherlands.
International Master in Business Administration.
Master of Science in Management.
1994 – 1995 HOGESCHOOL VAN AMSTERDAM – Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1991 – 1994 HOGESCHOOL ZEELAND – Vlissingen, The Netherlands.
Bachelor of Science. Ship Officer Navigation.
Bachelor of Science. Ship Officer Mechanical Engineer.


1995 Thesis on digital governors for marine engines.
1993 – 1994 Student Ship Officer, Shell Tankers B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
1991 – 1993 Lifeboat rowing contest organisation committee.


Dutch (Native), English (Fluent), German (Basic), French (Basic), Spanish (Basic).


Interests Aquatic sports, Maritime world, Technological development, People.

Prof. Interests Strategic and General Management, Organizational Dynamics.

Raised in an building construction family and company.


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