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Consumer Marketing Manager with NPD and CRM Expertise

Consumer Marketing Manager with NPD and CRM Expertise

Work Experience

Feb ‘01 – Present - PARMALAT UK (Subsidiary of Italian Food Manufacturer)
Responsible for devising brand relaunch strategies for all Loseley Dairy and Canadian Cheese product lines, securing funding for them from international parent company and project managing all aspects of the plans with the objective of trebling turnover.
Conducting benchmark research, detailed analysis of costs and profitability and prioritising customers and products for growth or rationalisation.
Co-ordinating and project managing relaunch implementation through all Marketing, functions (advertising, PR and promotions) as well as with NPD, Production, Logistics and Sales.
Current results are 34% ahead of target with overall sales 57% up Y on Y in the face of massive spend from key competition and an overall increasingly competitive market

Aug ‘00 – Jan ‘01 - BRITISH AIRWAYS (Quicksilver Project)
Lead task force for defining the customer recruitment and CRM strategy for a new Internet portal, optimising the use of on-line tracking and personalisation technology and specifying the data reporting & analysis systems.
Using on-line and extracted information to run retention, up-sell and cross-sell campaigns. Briefing and managing direct marketing and interactive agencies.
Managing the implementation of CRM strategy through the registration process, ongoing loyalty scheme and e-newsletter.

(UK subsidiary of US owned Carlson Companies Inc.)
Established and led a Relationship Marketing consulting practice that built on Carlson’s experience as Europe’s leading provider of CRM programmes. Responsibilities spanned all business areas typical to a start-up, including:
Creating the business vision, strategy, planning, budgeting & forecasting. Recruitment and training of a network of internal and external consultants to work on specific assignments.
The business secured four major new assignments, including:
· British Airways: examining the value added at each journey Touchpoint and advising on the optimal use of customer data to maximise loyalty and returns.
· BP Amoco: new e-commerce web site, advice and implementation support was given on “sticky” content, web design and an on-line loyalty scheme.

Oct ‘98 – Jan ’99 GUINNESS UDV LTD (Drinks Subsidiary of Diageo plc)
Asked to establish whether and how UDV should enter the new “ready-to-drink” alcopops market. Built and sold-in the business case at all levels.
Created “Smirnoff Ice” concept and took it through all development and launch stages, resulting in a new product line that remains UDV’s most successful and profitable product introduction for 10 years

Apr 1996 – July 1998 BASS LEISURE RETAIL LTD
(Pub and restaurant division of Bass plc)
Director of Sales Development - Reporting to the Managing Director.
Head of a department of 20 people with direct responsibility for £40m pa advertising and marketing spend through Bass’ 2,700 managed branded and unbranded pub and restaurant estate. Optimised expenditure by devising a marketing and sales strategy that generated segmented marketing plans by brand and audience groupings producing tailored advertising, direct marketing, promotions, merchandising and staff incentives.
· Created centrally and won support for a number of ground breaking marketing initiatives that provided ROIs ranging from 50% - 500%. This success served to shift the balance in Bass towards brand-wide programmes over those derived locally.
· Redirected £3m pa of supplier promotional support towards driving new site traffic rather than solely switching between products already purchased within outlets.
· Lunched an innovative, cost effective electronic loyalty programme that increased sales at participating outlets by up to 32%.

1982 - Mar 1996 BP OIL UK LTD
(UK Refining and Marketing arm of British Petroleum plc)
‘93-‘96 Retail Marketing Manager - Reporting to Head of UK Retail.
Key member of the senior retail management team which, by growing volume and reducing overheads, increased annual profitability by £35m.
Specific role was Head of Retail Marketing Department consisting of 14 people and a budget of £15m, with responsibility for the development of BP’s retail brand, product, and customer service strategy. Role encompassed developing brand and product strategies and communicating these to consumers, distributors and staff and sustaining sales and customer loyalty through national and local sales promotions.
· Developed BP’s "Value For Money" brand positioning and associated TV and radio advertising, PR and point of sale. Research confirmed this as BP’s most successful brand development work to date, establishing BP as the lowest perceived priced major retail brand.
· Introduced a number of major (£3.5m each) national fuel promotions that improved customer retention from 40% to 80%.
· Transformed operating standards through the introduction of a new consumer focussed policy and incentive/rewards programme for all retail staff

‘92-‘93 Team Leader, Business Process Re-engineering
Led a multi-national consultancy team that achieved cost savings of $9m pa.
Role required leading the team’s examination of the marketing, sales and distribution businesses across Europe, aiming to deliver a radical improvement in operating performance through simplified and standardised business processes.
· Recommended and had approved a number of detailed productivity and customer service improvements, such as merging departments, outsourcing small customer sales, improving sales support IT, devolving authorities and rationalising product ranges.

‘89-‘92 Area Sales Manager
Bottom line responsibility for 180 retail outlets with a turnover of £450m pa, managed through 11 sales and administrative staff.
· Produced the highest fuel and goods sales performance in the company by re-evaluating outlet fuel pricing strategies, improving operating standards, introducing professional shop retailing techniques and maintaining high team morale
· Re-negotiated profitable contracts with all targeted independent dealers and converted significant new business (12 million litres pa) from competitors.

‘82-‘89 Strategy/Marketing Analyst/Project Manager

One of four responsible for developing the award winning "green" design now the heritage of the BP brand, and its subsequent worldwide implementation. Directly responsible for building the business case, which required an investment of $600m, and successfully presenting this to the Board.


· BSc.(Hons) Politics/International Relations, University of Southampton
· Institute of Marketing diploma


· Customer Relationship Management
· Promotional and Loyalty marketing
· Advertising (TV, Radio, Press & Poster)
· Public Relations
· Market research – briefing & interpreting
· Brand positioning
· Sales management
· Business Development
· Team Leadership / staff development
· Strategic and operational planning
· New product development
· Revenue development / cost optimisation
· Market and business analysis and planning
· Revenue budget management
· Dealer & Customer relations
· Project Management
· Board level presentation (verbal and written)
· Agency selection and management


Good spoken French


Married with twin girls aged 10


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