Flex Manager
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Programme Manager

Programme Manager

Work Experience


Dec 07 – to Dec 08 – Programme Manager – BT at Credit-Suisse
 Programme Manager for BT network outsource enhancement programme deploying global MPLS projects, technology refresh, Dealer desks, Branch roll-outs, Voice and Data – in 22 countries. Introduced PM and ITIL processes and within 3 months turned-around a poor performing unit. Defined governance, reporting & PMO. Deployed 22 Branch infrastructure projects into the NOC, on-time and under budget. Delivered $5m savings to the customer.

June 07 -November 07 Programme Manager – Vodafone and Orange JV
 Programme Manager for a 100 man project to transfer all Vodafone and Orange Wireless RAN network services in the UK and consolidate into a single network. Established governance, set-up the Programme office and managed 26 Wireless Service delivery project workstreams including Engineering design, Procurement, , NOC, Installation, Network tools, Operations, Construction, Planning & Performance, Estates, Network Optimization, HR, Finance who were tasked to develop the new JV functional process.

Sept 05 – May 07 - Programme Manager–Capio Healthcare AB
 Hired to develop the Capio European IT Strategy and resolve the competing business demands IT investment. Developed a two tier strategy delivering strong central control for corporate systems and devolved, local business control for clinical systems impacting 220 hospitals throughout Europe. The $30m investment strategy was unanimously agreed by all countries and the board.
 Then appointed as Programme Director foe IT Strategy Implementation in UK, France, Spain, Sweden rolling-out new J D Edwards ERP, Outsourcing, BI, and Health specific Patient management, billing, Radiology and systems (PAS/ RIS / PACS / LIS) as well as internet CRM, B2B. Off-shore outsourcing of software development and IT operations.
 Established the Programme governance and developed detailed in-country project and implementation plans which rolled-up to the overall Programme Plan and reported monthly progress to the board. 16 workstreams were delivered on-time.
 Outsourced telecoms and mainframe operations activities to 3rd party suppliers.

2002 – July 2005 IT Director, Autologic Holdings PLC - a logistics company, and Europe’s largest distributor of Finished Vehicles, reporting to Chief Executive.

 IT Budget £10 m, 55 people ,6 IT Centres in UK, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland.
 Reduced IT spend by 20%.. Negotiated new telecom, hardware & outsource.
 Developed web-based GPS / GPRS vehicle tracking system- integrated hardware.
 Project Managed €1million replacement of French GEAC billing, accounting and CRM package, with team of 12 people– completed in 4 months.
 Successfully achieved Sarbanes Oxley audit clearance of London data centre.
 Managed on-shore and off-shore outsourcing.
 Board member for a €20m BPR, ERP and off-shore outsourcing programme.

1998 – 2002 Established Troy Associates LLC in USA – set –up a small Consultancy

 Programme Manager for AT&T enterprise Work Architecture re-engineering.
 Manager of Lucent Technology Business Architecture Unit – 10 staff, budget of $4 m.
 Led a team of 10 VPs to redesign Lucent’s 15,000 US Services organisation.
 Delivered new SAP business process to reduce Order fulfilment delivery dates by 35%.
 Designed and implemented Global Project & Programme Management processes.
 American Tower Inc – Wireless Project Manager for Oracle Financials. Led the company transition, new business process design, set-up, training and implementation.
 Guardian Life Insurance Delivered a $1.5 m programme to train 200 Wall Street, NY supervisory staff in best practice project management.
 Connex – Romania’s largest Wireless Telco. Designed and delivered an Entrepreneurs training programme for 300 managers.

1994 - 1998. OASiS Consulting Ltd - Programme Manager - AT&T
 Project managed $20 million business re-engineering and ERP project, with a team of 30 staff, which delivered improved on-time delivery of Fibre Optic cables from 69% to 95% and improved accounts receivables by $100m.
 Programme Manager for the design and roll-out of re-engineered Global Contract Management processes; leading a team of 5 staff and a budget of $5m. Training was delivered worldwide to 300 contract and project management staff. The programme delivered $150m improvements from increased 5ESS / OSS revenues.

1992 to 1993 OASiS Consulting Ltd – Project Manager – HM Treasury
 Managed a team to document HMG’s Procurement process and systems specification.

1989 to 1992 OASiS Consulting Ltd – Programme Manager – British Coal
 Programme Manager for £10 m development and roll-out of new Payroll, Personnel, Safety, Time & Attendance systems in Dept. for Energy, British Coal. Project team of 50 staff. Developed business case, programme plan, business processes and project work packages. Assessed and engaged 3rd party h/w and s/w suppliers and managed an internal team of client programmers. The project was delivered on-time and to budget with a Payroll for 30,000 staff. Delivered £100 million savings.
 Developed and implemented British Coal’s IT Strategy. Established PMO governance.

1987 - 1992 OASiS Consulting Ltd – Project Manager – Financial Services
 Project Manager of IT Business Improvement at Woolwich Building Society, with a team of 9 staff. I delivered £5m p.a. in cost savings.
 Led a project team of 10 staff to roll-out the installation of 602, Reuters trading-desk. systems in Union Bank of Switzerland.
 Developed the IT Strategy for Gallup Inc. in USA.

1977 - 1986 International Computers, Ltd -
1984 - 1986 - ICL Director, Application Development Systems
 Annual Budget of £8 million, 300 programming and marketing staff and responsible for all ICL software tools / compilers – COBOL, Quickbuild.
 Implemented BS 8950 (ISO quality across the organization).
1980 - 1983 - ICL Project Manager
 Led 4 software and hardware development project teams to create ICL DRS 8000 word processor, ICL PC, ICL eMail and Viewdata.
1979 - 1980 - ICL Development Programme Manager
 Manager of ICL Programme Office – reviewing 50 major projects
1977 - 1979 - ICL Data Centre - Operations team leader

Systems Experience
Oracle Financials, SAP R3 & Siebel CRM / ERP systems – Excel, MSP, P3, Word, PowerPoint
IDEF design methods- Meta Modeller & Animation, Casewise design tools.
AS400, Citrix, J D Edwards, Cisco Routers, Avaya & Witness Voice systems

Training & Education
Member of the EU Workflow Management PLANET project – 1995 - 2001
Prince 2 Practitioner (UK) & PMI (USA) Training. OGC – Phase Review, E-Gov, ITIL
SSADM – ICL training, BPR and Enterprise Work Architecture™ training – OASiS
MOC® - Managing Organizational Change (ODR)
BS8950 Quality training


Degree Level

3 A Levels
13 O Levels


Experienced IT Director
Project Management
Change management
Prodecc Design and Implementation


Small amount of French


What I am really good at is:

- Making IT departments contribute real (bottom line) value to business operations
- Translating business needs (business requirements) into a form that the IT community understands (process) – to make sure the business gets what it needs, rather than what IT thinks it wants, or should have
- Designing and implementing Logistics / Supply Chain Management business processes
- Being accountable for what I do and say (I think that here we see some sign of the Jesuit influence)
- Implementing – managing projects – making stuff happen
- Advising senior managers / boards on what works and what does not


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