Flex Manager
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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

To obtain a position which best utilises my extensive management, interpersonal, communications, and creative skills and experience


February 1999 – September 2001 Tulip Mental Health Group London
Executive Director
Small-Med Voluntary Sector registered Charity, Company Limited by Guarantee. Client Group: Adults with severe and enduring mental health diagnosis’s, inclusive of dual diagnosis (substance misuse and mental health, forensic and some learning disabilities)
Achievements and duties included:
· Worked with staff to manage continuous change and to cope with previous directors departure: to this end, ensured that appropriate support and communication systems remained or were enhanced, undertook personal training to understand organisation and its methods – e.g. psychodynamic understanding of organisations.
· Developed and implemented five-year plan, annual plan, new budgeting planning process, which was more inclusive. Secured funding for Assertive Outreach Services with Primary Care Trusts in Haringey and Enfield
· Oversaw fundraising efforts, fundraised and applied for medium sized grants for specific projects, successfully secured monies from Tudor Trust after difficulties with originally funded programme.
· Represented Voluntary Sector at borough wide and city wide meetings (Joint Planning, Health and Social Care Executives, Community Voluntary Service Groups, London Wide Mental Health Statistics Steering Group)
· Successful Tender for Health Action Zone programme in East London (Programme unable to be implemented when Central Government took funds for another initiative). Secured expansion of Assertive Outreach Service across Enfield
· Increased client participation at Board Level and introduced client participation to tender processes with successful results.
· Conference speaking engagement. Spoke to local council scrutiny panels.
· Negotiated reserves funding with Board of Trustees for upgraded IT system across entire organisation, including intranet and Internet access. Negotiated use of reserves for marketing programme. Redesigned annual report to be used as marketing tool.
· Lead on or participated in all contract negotiating and monitoring activities in organisation. Approved new business
· Initiated risk-mapping programme. Oversaw policy development and contributed to or revised policies: such as Code of Conduct and Disciplinary. Ensured Personnel services covered by a consultant, since there was no internal expertise at the time I became E.D.
January 1994 - February 1999 Threshold Tennant Trust London
Principal Care Manager
Senior Management position in Med.-Large Housing Association in South London – client group: Adults with Learning disabilities, dual diagnosis (learning disabilities and mental health), and autism
Achievements and duties included:
· First fulltime Principal Care Manager after initial transfer of residential and community support services from Local Authority. Oversaw the rapid growth and development of the section from three care homes to ten, and the expansion of the support service to 25 clients. Advocated and negotiated with directors for programmes to improve staff morale and support, and skill development. Influenced organisation with regard to management development and training
· Line manager for 10 care project managers (supervision, appraisals, annual objectives). Performed all Person in Control visits as per Registration and Inspection requirements under the Registered Homes Act. Designed and developed internal systems for monitoring, quality assurance, petty cash returns, policy and procedures, brochures for marketing
· Participated in all internal working groups, including risk mapping, organisational change, capability mapping and operational annual planning. Participated in contract negotiations in three boroughs where care section provided services. Dealt directly with commissioners on any issues directly
· Spoke at AGM to introduce the Direct Care Section to stakeholders
· Member of registration advisory panels in two of three boroughs
· Reputation as a participative and enabling manager.
· Ahead of budget four of five years running section.
· Carr Gomm London Regional Management Committee Member 1996 -98

1990 – 1993 Hillhaven Corporation D/B/A Presentation Manor Boston, Massachusetts
Administrator (Director, Care Home Manager, or Warden in UK)
Multilevel, skilled sub acute rehabilitation facility providing short and long-term care for adults over 50.
· Managed total internal operations of 122 bed, multi-level, skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility.
· Worked with management team to stabilise and improve morale of staff, improve reputation of facility both externally and internally within the parent organisation, managed changing demands on income stream mix, staff skill mix requirements, and a pay freeze. Improved staff’s ability to embark on new career paths with in house educational programmes, increased on site management presence and communication.
· Eliminated use of Agency workers within first three months of hire, resulted in labour savings of $100,000. Collected $170,000 plus of old accounts receivable in first year. Three consecutive years ahead of budget
· Oversaw start up of rehabilitation unit with over 200 hours of staff time. Implementation of Hospice and IV Therapy programmes.
· Three consecutive years of Massachusetts Department of Public Health Surveys (equivalent of Registration and Inspection monitoring visits) with zero care deficiencies, including a Hillhaven Gold Award for zero deficiencies of any kind.
· Member of working groups: Massachusetts Federation of Nursing Homes Lobbying Group, Working group on the improvement of emergency services in Greater Boston
1988-1989 Recuperative Centre. Boston, MA
Skilled short-term rehabilitation service for adults requiring post operative/ post hospital care; some long term residents.
Executive Director
· Ultimate Decision Making responsibility for all aspects of $3.5million budget and operations. Reported to Board of Directors.
· Worked with staff to cope with departure of long standing Executive Director and change in client mix due to income stream requirements.
· Stabilised financial situation and increased occupancy levels. Successfully co-ordinated appeals process for State and Federal funding. Served as facility representative at all fundraising activities – fundraising programme targets of $600,000 per annum. Programme included targeted giving (e.g. tree of life, equipment for Rehabilitation programme, plaques for donations related to repair and redecoration for rooms in original building, major donations from “night at the Boston Pops” - $60k plus, etc.)
· Testified before Massachusetts commission on Nursing Pool Regulations (Agency staff)
1986–1988 Beverly Enterprises, Various sites, Massachusetts
Administrator (see Hillhaven)
Care for adults over 50, including short-term rehabilitation and long-term care
· Managed all aspects of budget and operations in three different facilities, moved as required by organisation. Including 160 bed multi-level rehabilitation and skilled nursing facility, with a 40 place Adult Day Care Centre.
· See above for other duties.
1982-1986 Consultant Administrator to multiple nursing facilities under 65 beds. Boston, MA
Care services for adults over 50 requiring short or long-term care.

1980-1983 Consulting Public Relations Officer
· Three small nursing homes in Boston, MA and suburbs.
Developed and implemented complete public relations programme, including internal and external publications and co-ordinated special events.
· Publicity Co-ordinator for Sing into Spring Folk Music Festival Boston Press releases, publications, working with Director to ensure artists had all necessary resources and all services at festival were operating properly.

Theatre, Film and Concert Design and Production: (paid and voluntary)
1978 – 1988:
· Set, Costume and Lighting Design and implementation for local theatre, dance and concert productions
· Art production work on two independent films
· Co-producer of one-time only concert by traditional Scottish music group, Ossian
Other Voluntary experience:
· Volunteer at Boston Children’s Hospital for 6 months in 1993. (Friday evenings went on ward rounds with “Art Cart”)
· 1991 –1993 Appalachian Mountain Club (Massachusetts) : Conservation Trail work in State Parks.
· 1986 Boston by Foot Tour Guide (Architectural walking tours of neighbourhoods in Boston, USA)

Visa Status: Permanent As Spouse of British Citizen
National Insurance Number: JZ094069B


1973 – 1977 Boston University Boston, MA
· B.S. Journalism, School of Public Communications, Deans List

1998 – 2002 Kings College London (University Medical and Dental School at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London)
· MSc Mental Health Studies
· Concentration in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Distinction) and Community Mental Health

Various courses, conferences and seminars in management and health care including: (taken since coming to London)
2002 – Brief Solution Therapy – Introduction (July 2002) and Working With Children And Adolescents (Oct. 2002)
2000 – Cassell Hospital: Management and Leadership Certificate
1996 – Financing the future in Mental Health Services
· Sainsbury Centre Oxford Summer School
1995- Crisis Intervention Conference
· Group work for managers (internally provided by Threshold)
· Mental Health Act
· Care Management
1994- Designing services for people with challenging behaviour
· Excellence and empowerment in Community Care
· Commissioning Effective Services
November 1993 -User Empowerment conference
· Details of courses taken in the United States (up to September 1993) available on request.
· Includes Certificated Management Training programmes with Hillhaven and Beverly Enterprises.


Management and Leadership: Business Planning and Strategy, position analysis, Budgeting, Policy and Procedure development, Supervision and personnel management, Change management, creative or lateral thinking, contract negotiation, relationship building and liaison, Development and implementation of innovative and morale boosting practice.
IT: Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet literate


English Fluent.
Can understand and speak some Italian (Quite limited)


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