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Interim Manager in Scandinavia,

Interim Manager in Scandinavia,

Work Experience

My interest is to do turn-around project or other project when companies have run into problems of different arts and I am interested in doing jobs in Denmark, Norway or Sweden

I do speak Danish, Swedish, English and German and I am interested in doing jobs, as an interim manager, for English- and Germ-spoken companies.

Theoretical and Practical Education

June 1961 Graduated from lower secondary school at Läroverket, Jönköping.

June 1961 - May 1963 Stenoträ AB, Bottnaryd – importing firm of hard wood from suppliers in Sweden.,
Ended this job in order to do military services.

May 1963 - August l964 Plutonchefskola I 12 Eksjö. Finished military services as a sergeant.

August 1964 - March 1965 Reemployment with Stenoträ AB Bottnaryd.

March 1965 - February 1966 Clark at the export department of Munksjö Pappersbruk, in charge of invoicing for the special paper factory of the concern in Jönköping to customers worldwide.

February 1966 - March 1972 Sales manager/product manager of Nordland Import Export AB, Örebro. Building and
construction materials. Suppliers in Norway, Poland, Eastern and Western Germany.
I was in charge of buying and selling.

March 1972 - August 1976 Headhunted as sales manager for the chipboard division of Personinvest AB, Östersund. Area Manager for Western Sweden and Denmark.

August 1976 - October 1978 Headhunted to Statens Skogsindustrier as sales manager for "division skiver" for Sweden and Denmark. I was responsible for a new chipboard plant and 2 hardboard factories (Masonite) – total volume approx. 225.000 cbm.

October 1978 – May 1982 Headhunted as project manager and later managing director of a new furniture plant, Tiplan Component AB, Tibro; Statens Skogsindustrier being the principal shareholder. Furniture plant with a staff of approx. 100 persons. Suppliers in Sweden, Japan, Western Germany and customers in Sweden, England, U.S.A. and Hong Kong, among others.

May 1982 – May 1987 Market manager/product manager of MIO AB, Tibro. The largest voluntary furniture
chain of Sweden.

Maj 1987 – August 1988 Headhunted as market manager to Svenska Sonett AB/Wimo AB, which had been
bought by Scanagent A/S, Århus. Markets: Western Europe and U.S.A.

August 1988 – April 1990 Managing director of B.O.Trading AB, Tibro, Sweden. Owners: Bodilsen Holding A/S, Glyngøre and Gunnar. The assignment was to market the products of the Bodilsen Corporation in Sweden and to be a consultant on various projects to among others manufacturers of laminate wood in Sweden.

April 1990 – February 1992 Consulting managing director to Bodilsen Component A/S, Skive and
Bodilsens System A/S, Nykøbing, having suppliers in Denmark, Sweden, Western Germany and customers in Sweden, Denmark, UK and U.S.A.

February 1992 – May 1996 Employment as marketing manager of Bodilsen Holding A/S / Bodilsen International A/S. Customers in Europe, U.S.A. and Asia and member of the managing group of the corporation. Project Manager of the corporate introduction to the stock exchange.

May 1996 -- Independent company consultant to customers in Sweden and Denmark, where I
carried out various assignments for the following companies among others:

Samhall AB, Sweden – division ”furniture” with 44 factories (Samhall AB is owned by the Swedish State), the majority being manufacturers of pinewood furniture.

Novawood, Östersund (SCA and Jämtlamell being principal shareholders)

For Moland Byggevarer A/S, Skive – reviewing complaints and organising a system for dealing with complaints. Organisation of purchasing functions, assessment of suppliers and searching for new suppliers.

Temporarily purchasing manager of Moland Byggevarer A/S

Logistics manager for Kvik Køkkenet A/S – performance of a new factory layout and structural changes in connection with the amalgamation of two allied companies. A turn-around project

Held several seminars on strategic planning for among others Plato Sweden (EU-project).

I have given several lectures.

Board Assignments Fabriks AB Anders Gustavsson , Tibro, Sweden
Institutionsinredningar AB, Stockholm
Member of the board of Bröderna W. Hansen, Thisted

Other Board Assignments Chairman of the board of Svenske Naturskyddsföreningen, Vårgårda.
Member of the board of Tibro Icehockey Club, Tibro
Chairman of Klitmøller Kraftvarmeværk (Power Plant), Klitmøller.

In short terms I can describe myself in the following terms:

I am a most extraverted, social and positive person, good at creating and motivating my surroundings. I am very stubborn and persistent, when it comes to carrying out an assignment and may in such situations appear as irritating and tough to others, but in spite of this I am good at keeping others motivated.

My strength is to analyse problems, work out proposals for solutions and work routines to make an organisation function at an optimum. It is my weakness that I am not good at working according to regular routines for a longer period of time. This is one of the reasons why I want assignments of short duration, so that once the routines have been incorporated, others will take over.

I look for assignments that demand a great deal from me, both from a personal and a work performance point of view. One might say that the more impossible the assignment appears to be, the more exciting it is to me.

Update 130104


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Swedish, Danish, German, English


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