Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Sales Director

Sales Director

Work Experience

April 2000 - September 2000
Sales Director - GSPK Circuits Ltd
Commodity and specialist PCB manufacture

April 1998 - February 2000
Sales/Commercial Director - CTP Silleck Ltd
Technical injection mouldings manufacturer

April 1989 - April 1998
Sales & Technical Manager - Bonar Rotaform Ltd
Leading UK plastics manufacturer employing rotational moulding technology

1988 - 1989
Bray Technologies - Gas Burner technology

1985 - 1988
British Aerospace Dynamics - Defence


Newcastle Polytechnic 1981-1985
2:1 Mechanical Engineering


(New) Business Development
Recruitment and managenment of salesforce
Industrial marketing specialist
Maximising top line sales and bottom line profitability




Sales force motivation, target setting and measurement
Identification of profitable and sustainable business opportunities


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