Flex Manager
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Work Experience

1969-2001 with Royal Packaging Industries Van leer

1998-2001 Van Leer Europe
Managing Director, member Group Council
Head Office Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Operating companies (20 in total) in Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, France and Morocco.
Steel, plastic and fiber containers in the range of 20 to 1000 liter.
Annual proceeds: Eur. 350 million. Total number of employees: 1550.

1995-1998 Van Leer Latin America.
Managing Director/ member Group Council.
Headoffice Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Operating companies (24 in total) in Mexico, Jamaica, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay, Brasil, Argentina and Chili.
Steel, plastic and fiber containers. Moulded fiber (recycled waste paper) trays and cartons, plastic cups etc.
Annual proceeds: Eur. 180 million. Total number of employees: 1800.

1992-1995 Tri Sure Closure Systems
Managing director/ member Group Council
Head Office Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Operating companies and sales offices (12 in total) in The Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, USA, India, Singapore, Japan and Australie.
Steel and plastic closures for industrial containers.
Annual proceeds: Eur. 70 million. Total number of employees: 800

1989-1992 Europe South Industrial Containers
Operations manager.
Operating companies in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Egypt.
Annual proceeds: Eur. 80 million. Total number of employees: 400

1985-1989 Industrial Containers Europe
Manufacturing director

1980-1985 Van Leer Portugal
General manager

1974-1980 Van Leer Brasil
Manufacturing Director


University of Technology Delft.
1961-1967 Mechanical Engineering

1967-1969 Royal Dutch Navy, LTZT 2jc


General Management


Dutch (U), English (F), Portuguese (F), German (C), Spanish (C), French (B)


Married, two children

Date of birth: September 1943


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