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Vice President Business Planning & Strategic Development

Vice President Business Planning & Strategic Development

Work Experience

Last role
Chief Commercial Officer
NV KEMA, Arnhem The netherlands
Utility Engineering & consulting firm

Before becomming officer 2 years managing director of kema Consulting, a consulting engineering firm with 200 employees

Executive Vice President Marketing & Sales
KTL Holdings Ltd. Hull, UK

Main tasks
· Business Planning, set and review the worldwide budgets and forecasts in close at hand with the local General managers and Group finance;
· Define worldwide Sales & Marketing Strategy and implement it in the operational organizations;
· Business Development, continuously searching for new opportunities for KTL Worldwide and her subsidiaries;
· Large Account management especially on the larger ADSL operators in UK and US.

· Implemented a global sales strategy with local adjustments;
· Set up a successful sales operation in China, KTL Shang Hai (Greenfield operation);
· Creation of a development group to support operators and manufactures with initial design jobs. Forecast for the next three years is > Bpo 6 million;
· Established a ‘Joint venture’ with SBC, Bell South, Bell Atlantic and AT&T in regard to full interoperability - and performance testing for ADSL equipment (DSLAM, BBRAS and CPE’s).

Marketing & Sales Director KTL Europe
KTL Hull Ltd & KTL Arnhem bv Hull, UK

Main Tasks
· Monitor the Sales & Marketing activities in Europe;
· Adjust and implement sales strategies;
· Development of New business.

· Re-structure the two sales teams and make them more flexible and market focused. Increased the revenue with 25%;
· Implemented region / lines of business with the sales organization, account managers and sales managers. Successfully implemented and still operating in that way;
· Developed a strong relationship with Sun Microsystems to set up a test - and interoperability center for 100% Java software testing;
· Setup a test and research center for TETRA, the GSM network for emergency services.

Senior Sales Executive BU Verzekeringen
RAET IT Services Nieuwegein, NL

Main tasks
· Manage and monitoring the sales activities.

Algemeen Directeur
System Plus Groep bv Hengelo, NL

Main tasks
· General management of System Plus Group in close cooperation with Management Team.

Commercieel Directeur
System Plus Hengelo bv Hengelo, NL
Main Tasks
· Develop, implement and monitoring all commercial activities within the company.

· Grown the company from 2,5 Million to 11 million;
· Created a nice profitable and established company.

Account Manager Productie Software
System Plus Hengelo bv Hengelo, NL


HEAO Enschede, Bestuurskunde

HAVO Raalte


People manager




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