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Consultant Kwaliteits management en voedselveiligheid syste

Consultant  Kwaliteits management en voedselveiligheid syste

Work Experience

Country Period Position Description
Poland Jan 2002 - Present Management support/Silent Partner Privatization HACCP Centre
Lithuania Jan. 2004 - Present Teamleader, Senter PSA Feed
Latvia Jan. 2004 – Present Trainer Expert HACCP Senter PSA Feed
Poland June / July 2003 Consultant Auditor HACCP Sapard / Parp
Poland Sept 2000 - present Trainer consultant Auditing HACCP in food industry Commercial
Estonia April 2003 - present Trainer Expert HACCP Senter PSA Feed
Slovenia Jan-2001 – Mar. 2003 Team leader, Veterinairy inspection Meat and dairy production chains.
Senter PSO Meat
Turkey Jan 2002 – Jan. 2003 Exp. Quality and food safety issues Sentre PSO Food
Slovakia Jan 2002 – Jan. 2003 Exp. Quality and food safety issues Sentre PSO Food
Estonia June 2001 Training HACCP Audit skills Veterinairy and food board. Sentre PSO Meat
Estonia April June 2001 Consultant HACCP and EU inspection Commercial Poultry
Estonia Oct. 2000- Feb. 2001 Consultant trainer Senter PSO Poultry
Slovenia Jan. 2000 – Dec 2000 Expert Inspection services food safety Senter PSO Dairy
Estonia Aug. 2000 - Jan. 2001 Expert Quality management and food safety Senter PSO
Poland Nov. 1999 Expert Quality management and food safety Commercial: client, Masterfoods
Poland June 1999 Expert Quality management and food safety Seminar Foodsafety
Poland Jan 1998 – Dec.1999 Expert Quality management and food safety PHARE / FAPA
Poland Jan 1996 – Dec 1997 Team leader PHARE / FAPA
Turkey May – June 1995 Head of mission LNV bilateral
France 1993 – 1994 Expert Quality management and food safety EU PEA
Turkey Jan – Feb 1993 Head of mission LNV bilateral

15. Professional experience record (National): Overview

Company Period Position Description
AgrimacoJan 2004- present Contractant,
Senior consultant trainer • Institutional development, change management, Quality management and Food safety issues.
• (International) Food and feed industry, Governmental Bodies, and NGO’s
Green-Team Jan 2004- Present Senior consultant trainer • Member of Network organization,
• Active in Agri Bussiness market.
Stoas GreenWise (Agriment) Dec 1999 – Feb. 2004 Senior consultant trainer • Institutional development, change management, Quality management and Food safety issues.
• (International) Food and feed industry, Governmental Bodies, and NGO’s
State Inspection Service for Livestock and Meat (RVV)
1993 - 1999 Senior veterinary staff officer, Education, Organization development and Presentation
RVV 1987 - 1999 Official Veterinary Inspector Inspection sectors, Poultry, Veal, Pig, Ruminants and Fish
RVV 1989 - 1993 Lecturer,
Vet. inspectors Quality and Food safety,
Pathology, Microbiology and Hygiene

Dopharma 1986 - 1987 Pharmaceutical researcher Registration of Veterinary drugs and substances
Several veterinary practices 1985 - 1986 Practitioner Several Large and small animal clinics
Veterinary Faculty 1982-1984 Lecturer Practice workgroup leader special husbandry and Livestock genetics


Institution University of Utrecht, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Date 1986
Subject(s) All-round Veterinarian / Food hygiene
Degree/diploma obtained Doctor Veterinary Medicine

Institution University of Utrecht, Vet Faculty, dept. of the Science of Food of Animal Origin
Date 1988
Subject(s) Meat-technology – Process technology – Quality management
Degree/diploma obtained Certificate Post Academic Courses

Institution Stoas
Date June 2001 till Jan 2004
Subject(s) NOVO Process Consultants training program
Schooling program for Institutional development and Change management (IDP).
Degree/diploma obtained Certificate


Key qualifications:

• Process consultant and institutional development
• Consultant/trainer Food/feed safety and process control systems.
• Team leader in several (international projects)
• Account manager, project manager
• Experience in developing and executing training programs for the Dutch National Inspection service for Livestock and Meat and the meat industry.
• Responsible for budget on training organizational development and public relations for the Dutch National Inspection service for Livestock and Meat.
• Responsible for implementation of auditing system concerning food sanitary and food safety systems in the Dutch National Inspection Service.
• Experience in organization of seminars as well as lecturing on (international) seminars.


Process consultant. Institutional development. Management skills, Team leader skills, Financial and Budget -skills, Analytical skills, Problem solving skills.
Experience with computer programs: MS Office, MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, tracking and tracing systems, Quality online, Pro-Q- Food (HACCP, software)


LanguageReading Speaking Writing
Dutch Native Native Native
English 5 5 4
French 4 4 2
German 4 4 3
Polish 2 2 0


Miscelanious (social activities):

• 1974 - 1975 Chairman of the students’ board of the Dalton College Voorburg.
• 1973 - 1983 Participant and coordinator of a three week Youth-Holiday project of the municipality Voorburg.
• 1980 - 1983 Information officer, Executive committee member of the International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA).
• 1983 Co-founder of the Co-operation of Veterinary Students (CVS) Northwestern European Countries.
• 1987 - 1990 Secretary of the Veterinary work group “New Elan”, members are newly employed veterinary inspectors.
• Trainer parent youth soccer team

Membership of professional bodies:

• Royal Dutch Veterinary Chamber
• Working group Meat Science (Vet Faculty)
• HACCP society
• Network member of EU Flairflow programme
• Novo network process consultants


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