Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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engineer with financial experience and management skills

engineer with financial experience and management skills

Work Experience

Working Experience
Ø SPAR; gebroeders Groot en Groot v.o.f. (1987-1990)

Ø SUPER- De Boer; Gebroeders Sitek BV; (1990-1993)

Ø Voedingsdienst Boven-IJ ziekenhuis; (1993-2000)
Mainly management-supported businesses

Ø Van Hecke Institutioneel; (1998-2000)
Part-time job as Interim Manager in Facility Management.

Ø Techno Rep BV; (1998-2000)
Complete development (from scratch) of a new process for technical chromitisation.

Ø Intrum Justitia Incassobureau BV; (2000- 2001)
Credit Management Services, on a commercial base for all different kind of clients. Production Coordination and Procedure Development.

Ø Site manager with ICT- company Add Is Multiply Services BV; (2000-2001)
Client relation management. The enormous internet-hype was just at the end in this period. Great learning experience.

Ø Chairman of Foundation: Stichting de Wartburg (2001- now)
Board Chairman on an Interim Basis, main tasks: develop a sustainable strategy and vision to guarantee continuation of the volunteer work in Amsterdam in the future. Finished in December 2003.

Ø eurAllumina S.p.A.; Alumina production plant in Portoscuso on Sardinia; (2001)
The complete development and engineering calculations of doubling the production capacity. This project remained in the paper stadium, because of political reasons.

Ø The Hague town hall; (2001-2002)
Insert a complete automated administrative system and train people to use this system. Before the system almost nothing was digital.

Ø ING-Barings, Fiditon BV in Amsterdam (2002)
Temporary replacement of the team leader of the department preventive credit management.

Ø Various stages abroad during study (Cement mine in Carboneras in Spain in 1997, Uranium- Copper mine in Reno USofA in 1998, Alusaf Hillside Aluminium Smelter in Richardsbay (South Africa) in 1999, Alcoa Aluminium Smelter in Portovesme on Sardinia in 2000.


Atheneum-B in Amsterdam (diploma 1993)

Stichting Vakopleidingen Horeca
Cafébedrijf (diploma 1998)
Sociale Hygiene (diploma 1998)

Delft, University of Technology
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering;
Section of Mining and Extractive Metallurgy (1993- recent)

Relevant courses:
Ø Pyro- and hydrometallurgy; Recycling; Physical Chemistry; Mining and Petroleum Chemistry; Elementary Accounting Economics; Decision Making and Policy Management; Presentational- and Writing Techniques; Organisation and Management; Financial Economic Management; Commercial Economics; Cost Determination and Stock Formation; Extractive Metallurgy; Data-analysis; Operations Research; Mining Technology (Underground, Open-pit and Solution); Engineering Mechanics; Electricity and Magnetism; Physical Transport Phenomena; Heat and Mass Transfer in Metallurgy; Engineering Mechanics; Mineralogy and Microscopic Analysis; Thermodynamics; Raw Material Analysis; Jurisdiction for Engineers; Ethics for Engineers


see my experience


Ø Languages: Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. For the first three: speaking and writing is perfect. For the other languages: speaking and writing intermediate


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