Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

Two year process engineer in a fast expanding petrochemical plant. Worked during telf years for an American Muitinational manufacturing packaging material for the meat packing industry. Held during 12 years the position of Plant Manager for a plastics processing company. General Manager for a building and construction company in the UK.

Managing of : production-, logistic-, maintenance-,
QC-, R&D-and technical departments.
Introduction of ISO 9000 and QS 9000.
Project management: budgetting, planning, cost controle, realisation, ... of large projects up to 13.000.000 Euro.
Introduction of shopfloor data aquisition systems linked to an MRP system and the introduction of an MRP system.
Business Process reengineering of product to market ptocesses.
Tansistion from privately owned company to a company belonging to a multinational.


Chemical Engineer University of Leuven.
Management Cycle : MCE
HVAC Engineering : Univesity of Urbana, Il.
Sprinklers : Factory Mutual
Creative Management : Matco
Quality College : P. Crosby
Total Quality Management : ODI
MRP : Baan Ede.
Time Based Manufacturing : Erasmus University
Competitive Manufacturing : Hall Matter
Supply Chain Management : KPMG UAMS


Project management.
Production and technical management.
Change management with respect to substantial technological changes, managing the change within the organisation as well as to the comunity and customers.
Knowledge of the viscose process, plastics industry, electronic industry and automotive industry.


Dutch, English, French, German


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