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Marketing Director/new business start-up/change manager

Marketing Director/new business start-up/change manager

Work Experience

A Sales and Marketing professional with a strong track record of delivering growth in 2 major start-ups and 2 business improvement programmes
Wide market sector experience covering new media, telecommunications, financial services and manufacturing.

Career History and Achievements

RobertsAssociatesLtd May 2001 to Date
(own interim management company)

· Yorkshire Forward, one of 11 UK regional development organisations, managed the specification of a £multi-million regional internet portal and gained buy-in to the project from government and commercial organisations across the region.

Kingston Interactive Television Jan 1999 to Feb 2001
(part of Kingston Communications plc)

The world’s first interactive television service using ADSL technology.

Head of Marketing
Recruited to set up the marketing and sales functions of 2 new subsidiaries (Kingston Interactive Television and Kingston Vision) and to develop and deliver the marketing plan. The objective of the company is to launch a new interactive television business including multi-channel tv, video on demand, internet access, e-mail and on-line shopping through the television set via existing telephone lines. Revenue streams also include advertising sales and revenue from e-commerce. Responsible for marketing, product and content development, e-commerce and public relations

* Developed marketing plan
* Defined packaging, pricing and marketing proposition
* Set up distribution contracts with television broadcasters and Video-on-Demand suppliers
* Recruited marketing and sales team
* Developed interactive advertising and e-commerce businesses
* Managed the marketing launch of the service
* Set up distribution through high street retailers

Leeds and Holbeck Building Society Jan 1997-Sep 1998
A top 10 financial services Society; £3bn assets; 750 employees.

General Manager Sales & Marketing
* Heading the marketing, sales (including 68 strong branch network and telesales) and PR functions. Around 400 staff. Recruited to implement a strong marketing and sales culture.
* Developed from scratch marketing and customer communications strategy, gaining agreement and commencing implementation within 4 months.
* Introduced fast-track product launch process, delivering 60 new products in one year.
* Restructured branch network, refocusing sales effort through skills, targets and rewards.
* Established new sales channels, including telesales unit, which achieved 10% of all mortgage business within 6 months of start.
* Improved overall sales performance to record levels (40% growth in mortgage business in 1997).

Bell Cablemedia plc Nov 1993-Dec 1996
UK’s 3rd largest cable television and telecommunications company (now part of NTL).

Sales and Marketing Director
Responsible for creating and developing the marketing, sales, telesales and PR functions from a standing start; 6 major franchise areas serving 750,000 homes and 45,000 businesses.
* Defined organisation requirements and recruited key personnel (staff built to around 200).
* Initiated whole marketing and sales programme in all franchise areas, achieving a connection rate for households of one in three, in excess of industry norm.
* Developed sales and customer loyalty programmes resulting in Leeds franchise achieving operational break even in 18 months.
* Concluded major business telecomms contracts including a groundbreaking 5-year £20m deal to supply network services to all NHS operational activities in Leeds.

Alcan 1977-1993
16 years in sales and marketing positions with the Alcan group of companies.

Alcan Speciality & Aerospace 1991-1993
Division of British Alcan; Specialist material manufacturers (sales £90m) for engineering, aerospace and defence markets with 50% sales in exports.
Divisional Marketing Manager
Responsible for development and implementation of marketing strategy, product and business development programmes.

* Formulated strategic marketing plan and commenced implementation in anticipation of major changes in the market.
* Established product development programme achieving export growth of 40% in one business in a year.
* Set up overseas distributors for high-margin branded products growing turnover from £2m to £5m pa.

Alcan Speciality Extrusions 1988-1991
Specialist aluminium extrusion manufacturers (sales £30m) for engineering, aerospace and defence; two factories; 460 people.

Sales Director
Responsible for all sales and marketing activities; marketing and sales team of 24 people operating UK and overseas.

* Transformed organisation from ‘order takers’ to ‘order winners’.
* Established commercialism - market pricing replaced cost plus pricing.
* Grew exports by 30% every year for 3 years.
* Negotiated a number of £ multimillion contracts with BNFL, BAe, Royal Ordnance.

Earlier Career
Alcan Aerospace Marketing Manager 1987-1988
Alcan Plate Ltd Sales Manager 1984-1987
Alcan Plate Ltd Marketing Manager 980-1984
British Alcan Aluminium Plc Analysis & Forecasting Manager 1977-1980
Pye Unicam (Philips) Marketing Executive 1972-1977
Steetley Co. Ltd Marketing Officer 1970-1972


Newcastle University, BSc Hons (Chemistry)
Joint Development Programme IMD Lausanne 1990
Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (MCIM)
Wide range of communications, commercial and management courses
Visiting lecturer at MBA courses at Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and Keele


Marketing, Sales, Project Management, Contract Negotioation, Business Start-up, Business Change Management




Managed 2 major start-ups for UK plc's and 2 business change programmes


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