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Work Experience

2006 - current
Hexion Specialty Chemicals BV,Rotterdam (approx. sales US$ 5bn)
Interim Cash manager
Setting up and integrating cash management- policies, procedures and systems of newly acquired businesses in Germany, France and the Netherlands.

1996 – 2005
EQUANT N.V. Holding, Amsterdam
Head of Treasury Operations
Equant N.V., (revenues 3 billion US$) is a major provider of Telecommunications network services that operates the world’s largest international data network with presence in more than 220 countries.

The start-up years dominated by building a robust Treasury infrastructure supported by EB and TMS systems and big names in banking like Citibank, Chase and HSBC. Enhancing Cash- and FX management by implementing Web based electronic banking and FX dealing tools. Negotiating and arranging credit facilities. Seeking to implement Tax efficient financing structures. Main contact of corporate- Tax manager, Auditor and Accountant. Knowledge of (hedge) accounting (FAS133/IAS 39). P&L responsibility for FX results and Interest. Responsible for Sarbanes &Oxley compliance reporting on Treasury processes, risks and controls.


-Arranging and managing a 275 million US$ Interest rate risk (CAP)option hedge.
-Supervision of a RFP and implementation process of a Treasury Management System. (Odyssey from Richmond Software, London)
-Optimisation of Cash management by setting up cash pool structures in Europe and the US.
-Centralize, control and monitor the global LC/Bank guarantee issuance process.
-Collaborated with Sales, A/R and A/P to improve working capital.
-Wrote the Equant Group Treasury manual.

Main business contacts:
JPMorgan Chase London, HSBC London, BNP PariBas, Rabobank International, Citibank London, France Telecom Paris, Deloitte & Touche London.

1993 – 1996
Unisource Business Networks (UBN), Hoofddorp
Cash & Credit manager

UBN which started as a joint venture between KPN and Telia Sweden, later joined by Swiss Telecom and Spanish Telefonica, was offering international voice and data telecommunication services to corporate customers. Reporting to the CFO, my main task was setting up a professional cash- and FX management operation. A hands-on job trying to preserve the cash and manage both FX- and credit risk. Conducting daily FX and Money market dealing operations. Provide risk- and cash management advice to Unisource group companies. Implementation of a Pan European bank structure.

1990 - 1993
KPN (formerly known as PTT Telecom), The Hague
Cash manager
During the first years of KPN’s transition from a state owned to a public company I was hired to help shaping the company’s foreign exchange risk management (exposure up to 350 million EUR). I became member of the Foreign Exchange committee, the decision-making body on foreign exchange hedging policy. Implementation of a Treasury management system (BOA-IT) and improving cash forecasting process were among the priorities.

1988 – 1990
Credit Lyonnais/Oyens&van Eeghen, Amsterdam
Assistant Cash Management services
Preparing equity research reports on small caps. Daily management of a yield enhancement tool offering above market returns to customers through a mix of securities investments, foreign exchange (forwards and ‘over the counter’ options), as well as money market instruments. Positions up to 50 million EUR.


1988- Chase Manhattan Bank
Management development program.

1987-University of Amsterdam /Economics
Masters degree in Business Administration. Majoring in Corporate Finance. Master’s thesis on interest rate- and currency swaps.


Treasury manager
Head of Treasury operations
Cash manager




Ik ben een all round bedrijseconoom met meer dan 15 jaar Treasury ervaring by multinationale (beursgenoteerde) corporates. Sedert Mei 2006 als interim Treasurer actief. Kennis van corporate Treasury in de breedste zin van het woord: leiding geven aan, uitvoering, opbouw en professionalisering van Treasury Operations. Visie en sturing maar zeker ook hands on. Tax en International Accounting know how. All round en flexibel. Assignment in het buitenland ook welkom.

Sinds Mei 2006 werkzaam als interim cash manager bij Hexion Specialty Chemicals BV, Hoogvliet.


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