Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Programme Manager

Programme Manager

Work Experience


Programme Manager.
Customer Focus Programme. Atos Origin.
Led an organisational change programme to improve the quality of service delivery to one of Atos Origin's main customers of Managed Services ($400M per annum)

Services manager.
IT Outsourcing. Lucent Technologies EMEA.
Led the services track in the successful bid-and-win team for an international outsourcing deal; collaborating closely with experts on HR, F&A, legal and commercial aspects of the deal. ($150M per annum)

Programme Support Office Manager.
Millennium compliance programme. Philips Corporate IT worldwide IT Infrastructure ($40M).

Project Support.
Millennium Update Factory. Winterthur Insurance Company in Barcelona, Spain.
Set up a profit and financial risk prediction and tracking system for a millennium upgrade factory. The project made record profits for Origin and the customer was very satisfied ($7M).

Project Manager.
Contract Management Process. Origin Netherlands
Introduction of a new contract management system, "Rainbow", for projects and applications management in the Netherlands.

Project manager.
IBM International Operations, Uithoorn, NL.
Managed development of a global sales support software for dealerships across EMEA. Facilitated co-operation between the various development departments (NL, Denmark and USA) to improve the quality, and decrease development time of the systems.

Project manager.
Schiphol Amsterdam International Airport. Runway Light control.
Management of the installation and commissioning of a new runway-light control system. Caught up on a 2 month delay the delivery of a system crucial to the Airport's strategy of becoming a leading European gateway.

Interim Application Support Manager.
Nedlloyd (an international shipping company based in Rotterdam, NL).
Continuity of operation of applications vital to international container shipping operations.

Application management processs consultant.
Post Office Counters Ltd. (UK), Farnborough, England.
Helped set up the organisation of one of the first centres in the UK for on-line financial transactions in the high street.


Southampton University (Physics), Mid-Essex Polytechnic (Electronics), Brighton/ Kingston Polytechnics (Mathematics)


Innovation and Change Programme Management
Rescuing "problem" programmes


English, Dutch, German, Spanish, (French)


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