Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

In 25 years experience has been gained from sales to general management, focussing on a commercial approach in a technical environment.
Highlights last 10 years :
Business Development Manager UPS systems.
Interim Manager in former East Germany, reforming the commercial department of a large manufacturer of agricultural machinery ( harvesters) into a market oriented organisation.
Vice President Marketing and Sales for a Dutch company,(design and manufacturer of fans and dedusting equipment) with a strong focus on export.
Consultant and partner/shareholder in a consultancy firm
Last project : General Manager of a production plant (capital goods) in India.


BA Mechanical Engineering,
BSc. Business Administration
ISW Marketing Management ( NIMA-C)


Result oriented manager, creation of businessplan and implementation thereof, strong in creative solutions for the organisation, feeling for technology and commerce


Fluency in Dutch and English, above avarage command of French and German, basics in Spanish


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