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Interim General Manager/CEO

Interim General Manager/CEO

Work Experience

Highly successful, hands-on and approachable CEO, with broad sector experience, who can change and improve your business through
·Building revenue generating strategies
·Restructuring, resulting from downsizing or high rates of growth
·Pulling together under-performing teams
·Acquisition and integration, and sale

Background as CEO/MD/GM of 4 businesses from start-ups to £250m turnover. Has undertaken interim roles for 5 years. General management, sales and operations expertise in manufacturing and service companies. Considerable experience of utilising knowledge of business processes in manufacturing within the service sector. A convincing implementer renowned for the results achieved. Uses his leadership and project management skills to manage change, and create efficiency savings and cost reductions.
·Non-Executive Director of two Venture Capital-backed technology and manufacturing businesses


AEA TECHNOLOGY PLC. 2001 – 4 month assignment
Marketing & Sales Director of the Battery Systems business.
AEAT, a group skilled in scientific development and project management, were consolidating various Lithium-ion battery operations from 3 sites to form an £11m turnover manufacturing business, based in Thurso, Caithness.
· Built a sales strategy, by defining the business, and identifying the market (mainly portable equipment for defence and industrial sectors).
· Cleansed the prospect database, and established reliable sales forecasting and enquiry handling processes. Set sales targets.
· Recruited Sales Managers.
· Devised and introduced an incentive scheme for Sales Managers.
· Introduced the MD and management team to the MRP concept of management.
· Identified a permanent M&S Director as successor.
The business subsequently won a £47m order for the supply of military batteries.

ORANGE PCS. 2000/1 – 16 month assignment.
Now number 2 mobile phone Telecoms provider in Europe. Growth of 100% per annum had created challenges across the UK supply chain. Helped Sales Director with 3 projects to improve efficiencies in Orange, and rescue a customer’s mobile phone mail order company.

1. The Orange Group Sales Support operation (150 staff)
· processed orders for phones and pre-pay vouchers, and
· operated call centres handling queries from mobile phone retailers and Orange sales teams.
The department’s structure had grown in a fragmented manner on 3 sites, with duplication of effort. Some processes were time consuming and inefficient, because several managers were unable to handle the growth.
· Rationalised the Sales Support activity, improving efficiency and effectiveness.
· Streamlined operations from 3 sites down to 2, and restructured management team.
· Reduced staffing numbers whilst handling a doubling of phone volumes sold from 500,000 to 1,000,000 per month, and call centre volumes growing to 1 million calls per annum.
· Improved delivery lead-times of phones to customers, reduced from 2 weeks in some channels to next-day delivery, by identifying SAP solutions.
· Significantly improved customer service by merging call centres and then setting higher service targets, adopting new technology, and optimising responsiveness.
· Assessed and mentored managers, removing and recruiting where necessary.
· Took line responsibility for the department when the department head was off sick for several weeks.

2. Working with the Orange Business Channel Sales Teams: -
· Coached and supported senior sales managers
· Advised on plans for addressing the market for business users.
· Drove a series of cross-functional improvement projects to maximise the company’s service to the sales team and its customers e.g. the set-up and implementation of new accounts, customer billing, order management, and pricing procedures.

3. Celltalk plc, a mobile phone mail order house in Manchester, and a major seller of Orange products and airtime, was in financial difficulty.
· Contributed to turnaround by carrying out operational review.
· Identified process to massively reduce the lead-time from receiving a customer order in their call centre to despatch of phones, from 8 - 24 hours to 1 hour.
· Business subsequently returned to good profit levels.

LONDON GENERAL HOLDINGS - AON GROUP. 1999 – 3 month assignment.
A leading provider of extended warranty insurance products for domestic appliances, motor vehicles and creditor protection, expanding rapidly; £250m turnover, 3m policyholders, 400 employees. LGH had acquired a similar business from GE Capital. Helped the Managing Director with integration of the acquisition: -
· Identified strategies to integrate the Direct Marketing, Mail Production and Call Centre operations of each business. The combined Mail Production volume was 8 million letters per annum.
· Implemented the preferred option to close down the existing Mail Production facilities and outsource that service, whilst merging the other operations.
· Saved 20% of the mailing costs.
· Reduced mailing lead-times times by typically 7 days.
· Reduced Managing Director’s load.

NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. 1998/9 – 8 month assignment.
A leading provider of pension, insurance and investment products to IFAs (Independent Financial Advisors). Helped the Deputy CEO address the failure to meet half-year sales targets for new business. The Directors were heavily involved in takeover discussions with AMP etc, and needed a senior person to turnaround the developing shortfall.
· Achieved year-end sales 8% ahead of 1997 at £158.4m (AP+SP/10) or £1.lbn new business premium intake.
· Established a working team of senior sales, marketing and customer service managers to set priorities and maximise revenues.
· Generated co-ordinated sales plans, product development plans, & product launch plans and successfully drove progress against those.
· Launched 8 new propositions to the market.
1997/8 – 11 month assignment
Turnaround of Underground and Mainline Train manufacturer. A major face-saving assignment of national significance.

As Director & General Manager, responsible for 1000 employees, I turned around the 2 largest train design-and-manufacturing contracts in the UK, for new fleets for Jubilee and Northern lines on London Underground. Valued at £642m for 165 trains. When I arrived, 17 trains had been delivered and none were acceptable to the customer. The contracts were overspent. Deliveries were 1 year late, facing Alsthom with potentially £100m of penalties for late delivery. Late delivery of the trains threatened the opening of the Millennium Dome at Greenwich, because the planned Jubilee Line extension was the only means of getting the public to the venue.
· By the end of the assignment 70 trains had been delivered and a regular production rate of 2½ trains/week was established, a record for the plant. Jubilee Line trains entered passenger service in January 1998, followed later by Northern Line.
· GEC Alsthom\'s reputation with London Underground improved enormously.
· No penalties were paid.
· Froze designs, set up assembly lines, tutored staff, & re-motivated suppliers.
· Reduced assembly costs from 28,000 man-hours per train to 8,000.
· Resolved a huge problem for the client.


RCV ENGINES Ltd – exploiting novel patented 4-stroke engine designs to the motorcycle, forest & gardens, and US military markets, through out-sourced manufacture and licencing.

EX-PRESS PLASTICS GROUP Ltd – manufacturer of large components in composite materials for the automobile, train and aviation markets, and associated nickel tooling.
Appointed to Board by Venture Capital company.

Have undertaken 20+ acquisition studies with Venture Capital companies, and carried out acquisition due-diligence for 1st and 2nd stage funding for MBO/MBIs.


1991 - 1996 HUNTING PLC - Aviation, defence and oil group
Chief Executive Officer - Airline Interiors Division
The Airline Interiors Division designed, manufactured and installed complete interiors for airliners and VIP/executive jets. Tier-One supplier to most aircraft builders and airlines in Europe and North America. Involved interior panels, galleys, lavatories, overhead bins, electrics, sound attenuation systems etc. 600 employees. Full P/L responsibility for strategy, business development, sales, design & engineering, project management, manufacturing, installation and product support.
· Doubled turnover to £38m, multiplied customer base 6-fold.
· Closed factory and moved business to new site.
· Took business through recession following Gulf War, downsized it through 3 redundancies, and then
· Devised growth strategy as airline orders picked up.
· Established strategic partners; won major contracts.
· Extensive selling experience to Boeing, Bombardier, Gulfstream, Saab, B.Ae, British Airways, American Airlines, Aviastar (Russia).
· Implemented major change and efficiency programmes as business grew.

1987 - 1991 MEGGITT PLC - diversified engineering group
Managing Director of 2 business start-ups concurrently: -
Meggitt Composites – created a business which designed and manufactured products in composite materials, e.g. body armour and sheet armour, aircraft seating, and cable strain members for aerospace & defence customers, and oil well tubing for North Sea markets.
· Developed to £5.5m t/o in 3 years, with 70% exports, 100 employees.
· Made acquisition of similar business from BP Chemicals.
· Did turnaround of acquisition.
· Closed original business and integrated into acquisition.
· Restructured the management and the production processes
BAJ Coatings – created a service business applying high technology surface coatings on components for the aerospace and oil industries. Heavy emphasis on R&D of own coatings, and exploitation of that IPR by licencing coatings technology to aero engine companies e.g. GE, Rolls Royce, and Pratt & Witney.
· Highly profitable. The service returned 16% on Sales of £4m, and licences each added $1m as down payments, plus royalties. Employees numbered about 60.

1985 - 1987 BAJ VICKERS Ltd - Management Buy Out
AQAP 1 Designer and manufacturer of rocket motors and other defence equipment for military & aerospace markets e.g. pressure vessels, naval equipment. Backed by 7 Venture Capital institutions.
Executive Director/MBO team member
· Acquired the business from Vickers plc
· Responsible for the core rocket motor business.
· Extensive experience selling to US DOD and MOD markets.
· Generated spin-off businesses from strong R&D base.
· Sold business to Meggitt plc for a significant profit.
· Stayed with Meggitt to develop new businesses, see above.

1977 - 1985 VICKERS PLC - diversified engineering group
Various Sales Management and Marketing roles in defence, aerospace and heavy engineering sectors.

1969 - 1976 KODAK Ltd - Photographic Film Manufacturer
Manufacturing and Project Engineering roles developing machinery and processes for production of photographic film, in the dark!

Founding Member of the Society of Turnaround Professionals
Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Member of the Chartered Management Institute


ASHRIDGE MANAGEMENT COLLEGE – Strategic Management Programme
IMPERIAL COLLEGE of Science and Technology, London University - B.Sc Eng.Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering


Particularly interested in growing and improving businesses, with success in
· Building revenue generating strategies
· Acquisition and integration, and sale of businesses
· Turnaround
· Restructuring resulting from downsizing, and high rates of growth
· Pulling together under-performing teams

Strongest in sales, product development, manufacturing/operations, project management and performance improvement activities.
· Non-Executive Director of two Venture Capital-backed technology and manufacturing businesses.


English. Elementary French


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