Flex Manager
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Work Experience

December 2000-now
Interim manager for Debitel the Netherlands (#3 in the Dutch mobile market) at the Department Product Marketing. Responsible for structuring the department and the development of (PrePaid) wireless products and Mobile Internet
March 2000-May 2001
The preparation and start-up of an Internet Shopping Portal with a brand new marketing formula for European (and later worldwide) performance.
October 1999-March 2000
Consultancy for an American Internet company to organize expansion to Europe
March 1999-August 1999
Consultancy for Transnet Communications Amsterdam. To set-up the Department Product Development. Especially Telecommunication post and prepaid with content products; the enhancement of the marketing
September 1999-June 2001
Professor (part time) at 2 private Business Schools: marketing, management (skills) and business organization
October 1997-January 1999
The set-up and start up of a marketing organization for telecommunication products (especially prepaid phone cards). This formula sold in December 1998
1994-July 1997
For an American company (Destiny Telecom, Oakland CA) The set-up and start of a marketing organization in Europe for PrePaid phone cards (direct sales). In 6 month number One in Europe and over 45 million minutes per month total usage.
Interim-manager at an advertisement agency responsible for the enhancement of the efficiency and profibillity.
Owner of a production company for shop fitting systems. In 7 years the turnover increased 500%. Sold in 1992.
Sales person for several companies
Human Resource Manager in a hospital in Groningen


High school (mathematics), finished in 1971
Economics at the University of Groningen 1971-1974
Business Economics, Management and Marketing (NIMA A en NIMA B)
(NIMA means the Dutch Institute for Marketing; number One in Holland)


the best social skills
public motivational speaker
Entrepreneur and entrepreneur skills


Dutch, English (American) and German


From 1994 I often was invited as a motivational speaker for seminars through Europe and th USA. I wrote material for training in sales, communication, marketing and personal development. I did trainings in Europe in the Dutch, German and English language and in the USA.

In Oakland (California) I was responsible for company trainings to teach the employees (dealing with Europe) in European culture, mentality and ‘business behavior’


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