Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

1. HSL Zuid / Infraspeed
Erection of high speed rail road (substructure)
Profession: Site Safety Officer Accompany and coordination of site safety management; troubleshooter for safety issues
Duration: app. 1,5 year
Period: April 2004 till august 2005

2. HSL-Zuid/ ProRail
Management of new high speed track
Profession: Coach (trainer on the job)Re-education from railway safety officers till occupational health and safety officers
Duration: app. half an year Period: January 2003 till may 2003

3. ProRail
Expansion of railroad Utrecht / Amsterdam
Profession: Safety consultant/advisor
Investigation, reporting and advising related to construction process safety (Safety plans design and construction phase, coordination obligations etc.)
Duration: 160 hours
Period: May 2003 till august 2003

4. Exxon Rotterdam Botlek
Erection of a new aromatics plant
Profession: Safety supervisor Subcontractor supervision Duration: 10 weeks
Period: July till September 1995

5.Air Products
Rebuild of Nitrogen plant till hydrogen plant (Rotterdam-Pernis)
Profession: Safety supervisor Subcontractor supervision (replacement for active safety manager during holiday)Duration: 4 weeks
Period: July 1995

6. Nuclear power station Doel (Belgium)
Replacement condensors Doel 4
Profession: Safety manager/ supervisor
Advising management main contractor and supervision subcontractors outside.
Duration 2 months
Period: September till October 1994

7. Stork Wescon Maintenance and revision Cat cracker and gas plant Shell Pernis
Profession: Safety supervisor/Subcontractor supervision. Duration: 7 weeks
Period: July en August 1994

8. Biothane Repair of anaerobe water treatment basin Haagen-Dasz (France)
Profession: gas detection professional Responsible for detection of flammable or explosive gasses and vapors coming out of the basin (methane)
Duration: 2 weeks Period: June 1994

9. HAK
Hook up satellite station K5C/ K5C (Elf Petroland)Profession: Safety supervisor/Subcontractor supervision and coordination
Duration: 4 weeks Period: June and July 1993

10. DNS Shut down and extension of generator capacity offshore platform (Amoco) Profession: Safety supervisor Subcontractor supervision.
Duration: 28 days
Period: July and august 1993

10. Gist Brocades Shut down of divers chemical plants Profession: gas detection professional Responsible for all kind of gas measurements (related to permits or daily safety checks)
Duration: 3 weeks Period: May 1993
11. Water authorities Amsterdam
Erection of a third phase water treatment plant (osmose process)
Profession: Safety manager/ supervisor
Advising construction management and supervision main- and subcontractors
Duration: 1½ year (part time)
Period: October 1992 – November 1993

12. De Twaalf Provinciën
National Arbodienst (headquarter Den Haag)
Profession: Health and Safety Consultant
Execution of risk inventories and risk evaluation, including advising afterwards
Profession: Safety Consultant (HVK)
Duration: 1995 – 2000 (average of 3 clients per week)

13. Arboned NV
National Arbodienst (annex Goes)
Profession: Safety consultant
Execution of risk inventories and risk evaluation, including advising afterwards; advising over and implementing of safety management systems
Duration: 1 year (part time)
Period: August 1995 till August 1996

14. BVQI
Independent certification body for quality and safety systems
Profession: Lead auditor
Execution of SCC and Quality audits
Duration: average of 2-3 audits per week
Period: 1998 till 2004

15. SGS
Independent certification body for quality and safety systems
Profession: Lead auditor
Execution of SCC audits
Duration: average of 1-2 audits per month
Period: 1997 till 1998

16. Divers contractors (app. 30 contractors)
Implementing VCA-system (VCA* en VCA**)
Profession: consultant
Period: 1994 - 2005

17. Divers contractors (app. 10)
Implementing ISO 9001:1994 and ISO 9001:2000
Profession: consultant
Period: 1998 - 2005

18. Divers contractors (2)
Implementing OHSAS 18001
Profession consultant
Period: 2004 - 2005

Branch: Energy supplier
Task risk analyses for the benefit of the maintenance organization

20. Hercules
Branch: Chemical plant
Task risk analyses “Work at height”

21. General Electric EuropeBranch: Chemical Industry
Paid employment for 3 years as a safety technician
1987 – 1990

22. General Electric Europe
Branch: Chemical Industry
Paid employment for 3 years as a chemical analyst
1990 – 1992

23. Risk Fire and Safety
Branch: Safety consultancy
Paid employment for 1 year as a safety consultant.
1992 – 1993

24 Training experience
24a. SCC- basic trainingMore then 5000 students between 1993 and 2005
24b. SCC- supervisor training
More then 500 students between 1993 and 2005
24c Quality basic training
App. 100 students (in house training)
24d.Internal audit training
App. 100 students
24e Training ergonomic use of computers
App. 50 students
24f Gas measurement training
App. 25 students


1997 Lead assessor VCA and ISO 9001
1993 - 1995 HVK
1993 Instructor training
1992 - 1994 HTS Chemical process techn. (general part)
1988 - 1991 HTS Chemical Process PBNA
1990 - 1990 MVK
1980 - 1985 Chemical analyst
1975 - 1980 MAVO-4


Advising, training, knowledge of management systems, chemical and technical background.


English, Dutch, German (partly), Norwegian (starting)


availability (4 days a week, 10 hours a day)


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