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software developer

software developer

Work Experience

Employer : ICT Embedded B.V., Eindhoven Netherlands

Client : Assembléon B.V., (Formerly Philips - EMT) Eindhoven Netherlands

Product : FCM-3
Period : April 2001 to present
Function : Consultant Technical Designer

Job Description
Assembléon is an industry leader in electronic manufacturing technology. Its broad portfolio includes pick and place machinery and manufacturing support software for applications ranging from ultra-high volume continuous production, to high volume, highly complex applications, to applications which require versatile production at high speeds, to applications which demand speed in the placement of any size components. Amongst many of its products, one is the Fast Component Mounter (FCM). FCM is a pick and place machine (placing electronic components on a PCB).
The FCM-3 product development was started with the intension of improving the performance and providing flexibility in the types of components that can be placed, as compared to the existing FCM-2. It was also decided to use the state of art development tools and environment to assist in achieving the goal.
The FCM-3 control software is purely object-oriented and component based, and developed in accordance with the Rational Unified Process (RUP). Rational tools have been used to capture the requirements, analysis and design, and Visual C++ for the implementation. The entire development process is a multi-disciplinary involving software, mechanical, electrical and control engineers. A total of 60 members are currently associated with the product development.

As technical designer I am the process owner for the Pick and Place module of the FCM-3 control software and my responsibilities include
Reviewing Use cases created by the system analyst
Assisting the system architect in use case realization (analysis and design)
Implementing use cases that involve use of COM/DCOM technology
Assisting test engineers in defining the environment for testing the use case implementation
Trouble shooting and code review
Issuing defects on Use cases

Equipment : IBM PC
Programming language : Visual C++
Operating system : Windows NT, Windows NT Embedded
Tools : Rational Tools(Requisite Pro, Rose, Clear Quest), Code-99, Continuus
(Configuration Management System), VC++ 6.0(ATL, COM/DCOM)

Employer : ICT Embedded B.V., Eindhoven Netherlands

Client : Assembléon B.V., (Formerly Philips - EMT) Eindhoven Netherlands

Product : Remote Control ACM
Period : August 2000 to April 2001
Function : Consultant Technical Designer

Job Description
Assembléon is an industry leader in electronic manufacturing technology, and amongst many of its products, one is the Advanced Component Mounter (ACM). ACM is a pick and place machine (placing electronic components on a PCB) with the unique ability to place components from three separate categories (advanced packages – flip chips, bare die; conventional fine pitch components – AFPs, BGAs; odd form components – RF shields, transformers, connectors) using the same machine.
To extend the functionality of the ACM it was decided to implement a SECS GEM (Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standard, Generic Equipment Model) protocol interface for the ACM control software. The implementation of the SECS GEM interface was the scope of this project. With this new interface it is now possible to perform some basic operations on the ACM from a remote location. The development team consisted of 8 members who put in an estimated 10000 man-hours to design, implement and test the product.

As technical designer I was the process owner of the Human interface process and the system kernel process with responsibilities including
Study of existing ACM system and the requirements for the new system
Analyzing the design of the new system
Implementing changes to the
Human interface process
System kernel process
Interface to external systems
(Philips XKB080-94192/XKB080-95075 coding standard for C language was used.)
Trouble shooting and code review
Documentation – design documents for human interface and system kernel, and software test specification
Issuing, solving and tracking open ends, problem reports and change requests

Equipment : IBM PC
Programming language : C
Operating system : Windows NT, OS/2 Warp
Tools : OS/2 Presentation Manager, PVCS (Version Manager, Tracker)

Employer : Dynacs Engineering Company (India) Ltd., Bangalore India

Client : Hyderabad Bar Association, Hyderabad India

Product : Advocate Kit
Period : January 2000 to May 2000
Function : System Designer and Project Leader

Job Description
The Hyderabad Bar Association is the association of advocates/lawyers associated with the High Court of Andhra Pradesh in India. Until recently members were exchanging information mainly by taking notes or via general discussion. Further discussion was restricted to close associates. With 1500 members and expertise in different areas, there was a lot of information that if structured and made available to every one would be beneficial. Advocate Kit is a software package that assists in collecting, assimilating and presenting legal information in varied areas. It is an Intranet based database application that assists members to exchange legal information. A part of the project functions as a single user application enabling members to maintain individual case information, judgment details and other legal and personal information. This information can then be put on to the Intranet for other members to view. The development team consisted of 4 members who put in estimated 2500 man-hours to design, code, test and implement the project. The Intranet application runs on IIS 4.0 using MS SQL Server ver7.0 as the backend, with ASP, HTML and Java Script used to create the front end. The single user system uses MS Access as the backend and the user interface developed using VC++ 6.0.

As system designer and project leader for the development of the product I was responsible for
Creating the user requirement document
Analysis of user requirements
Analysis and design of the system
Trouble shooting and code review
Documentation – technical, functional, user manuals
Overall project management

Since the legal domain was new to the development team, I had to spend a majority of the time interacting with the association, learning about the various aspects of the legal system and then training other members of the development team. I used an object oriented design approach for the project emphasizing on quick response time. I also developed critical modules of the project that included database design, web server configuration and creating ASP components. The design and development phase of the project was completed in time and the package handed over to the test and implementation team. Minor problems with the interface were reported that were taken care of and the package deployed. As of the last information 600 members of the association were accessing the Intranet on a regular basis and 400 members using the stand-alone application.

Equipment : IBM PC
Programming language : Visual C++
Operating system : Windows NT Server, Windows 95
Tools : VC++ 6.0(MFC, ActiveX, COM/DCOM), ASP, HTML, Java Script, SQL Server
7.0, MS Access, UML

Employer : Dynacs Engineering Company (India) Ltd., Bangalore India

Client : HMC Inc., Clearwater Florida USA

Product : Mimir – a, business case development software
Period : June 1999 - September 1999
Function : Project Leader

Job Description
HMC Inc. started out as a software coaching and training company serving customers like SAP, EDS, General Motors, Ericsson and Earnest and Young. Based on their interactions with their clients and inputs from professionals HMC developed a Business Case Development software (Mimir) that provides the ability to input and analyze decision criteria, costs, benefits and value thereby delivering a sound business case for important decisions. The original software developed in Visual Basic was based on very rigid business rules with little scope of flexibility and expandability. The new application developed using Visual C++ 6.0 allows for flexibility by defining personalized templates for each major decision category, e.g. capital, projects, operational programs, IT initiatives, acquisitions, proposals etc. The templates can be stored on stand-alone computer (flat files) or the corporate network (COM/DCOM). Use has also been made of third party controls such as First Impression (a high performance component for charting data) and Formula One (a high performance component for manipulating chart data). The application can be installed on a stand-alone system or as a client server application. The development team consisted of 3 members who put in estimated 2000 man-hours to design, code, test and implement the product.

As project leader of the development process for this project I was responsible for
Ensuring development deadlines were met
Ensuring Client specified coding standards are conformed to
Implementing the COM/DCOM components
Trouble shooting and code review

Since the design was prepared by HMC, I first got a thorough understanding of the design and the coding standards specified by the client, and then explained the same to the development team to ensure smooth development. The design was object oriented. To ensure that the coding standards were met, I did periodic code reviews and assessment. On occasions technical people from HMC were also involved in the code review to make the process more effective.

HMC was impressed by our ability to deliver a quality product in a short time frame. Currently Mimir is being marketed as a commercial product.


Equipment : IBM PC
Programming language : Visual C++
Operating system : Windows NT, 95/98
Tools : VC++ 6.0 (MFC, COM/DCOM)First Impression, Formula One

Employer : Dynacs Engineering Company (India) Ltd., Bangalore India

Client : Dynacs Digital Studios, Hollywood California USA

Product : Digital Ink and Paint Software (Animation software)
Period : January 1999 – May 2000
Function : Project Leader

Job Description
Dynacs Digital Studios (DDS) provides advanced digital media services including its patented digital remastering, digital ink and paint, color effects, 3D animation, digital media archiving, custom software/hardware development, restoration, HDTV conversion, Web hosting and the development and delivery of original programming. DDS has state-of-the-art “virtual studio” production facilities with over 250 computer workstations and 500+ trained staff.
Digital Ink and Paint is software that will assist animation production companies in bringing the traditional animation techniques to the digital environment. The software can be used to develop feature length movies, cartoon series, advertisement etc. Modules of the software include scanning, X-sheeting, image processing, color modeling, inking and painting, composting and editing. All scanning operations can be directly controlled via the software using the Twain scanner control. A library has been created that takes care of image file format conversions. An Excel grid component has been used to create the X-sheet where each cell contains information regarding an image. The image-processing module makes use of Dilation, Erosion and Line thinning algorithms to help clean the image. The development team consists of 6 members who put in an estimated 17500 man-hours to design, implement, and test the product.

As project leader for the design and development of this software package I was responsible for
Formulating and analyzing client requirements
Analysis and design of the system
Trouble shooting and code review
Implementing quality control measures
Ensuring that the design and development schedule were met

Initially along with the development team I spent time with an animation director to learn about the process of how animation features were traditionally made and some software currently used to create animation features. During this period I came up with the draft user requirement document that was later formalized with further discussions with the animation director and the technical group on the client side. I also worked with the client to come up with the design of the system, which was based on object-oriented concepts. I was personally involved with the implementation of the image processing algorithms and composting module. I also conducted periodic code reviews to ensure coding standards were met and that different members of the development team were working in cohesion.
The alpha version of the software is with the client for testing.

Equipment : IBM PC
Programming language : Visual C++
Operating system : Windows NT/95
Tools : VC++ 5.0 (MFC), ActiveX, Spy, Bounds Checker

Employer : Dynacs Engineering Company (India) Ltd., Bangalore India

Client : Dynacs Engineering Co. Inc., Palm Harbor Florida USA

Product : Internet based resume database application
Period : January 1998 – March 1999
Function : System designer and Project Leader

Job Description
Dynacs Engineering Co Inc., is a global presence in the area of aerospace and software engineering. They have offices within and outside the United States, each with its own recruitment process disassociated with other offices. Most of the contracts are large (250 to 300 developers), making recruitment very difficult. To overcome this difficulty Dynacs decided to go in for an Internet based resume database system that would help integrate the recruitment processes of individual offices and also constantly be in a position to collect resumes from candidates. This product involved the development of an Internet based database system that facilitates on line submission and retrieval of resumes. Other features include scanner interface (to scan hard copies of resumes), personalized display; push technology (web channel subscription to enable recruiters to automatically be informed of candidates matching their requirements), remote administration, a natural language interface (NLP) to construct queries, and use of mail protocols (SMTP). The development team of 5 members put in an estimated 10000 man-hours to design, implement, test and deploy the product.

As system designer and project leader for the product development I was responsible for
Formulating and analyzing client requirements, software and hardware requirements
Analysis and design of the system
Managing the implementation, testing and deployment of the product
Creating documentation templates for technical, functional and user manuals
Implementing quality control measures

Initially I talked to the HRD departments at various Dynacs offices to define user requirements. I was also involved in formulating the software (operating system, development tools, web server and Internet security) and hardware (PCs and scanners) requirements for the software. After client approval, I worked on the design of the system. A user centric design methodology was used. I coded the data validation scripts, database design and implementation, generating the NLP logic and algorithm. I conducted periodic code reviews to ensure coding standards were met and that different members of the development team were working in cohesion. The development team did the unit and functional testing. To simulate real-time multiple users access and web server statistics, Microsoft web capacity analysis tool was used.

The application was implemented at the main office in Palm Harbor and actively being used by various departments.

Equipment : IBM PC, HP Scanner
Programming language : Java, Perl, SQL
Operating system : Window NT/95
Tools : ASP, CGI, Scripts (Java and VB), Data Access Objects (DAO),
ActiveX Database Objects (ADO), SMTP, MS SQL Server, IIS 4.0, Microsoft Web Capacity Analysis Tool (WCAT)

Employer : Dynacs Engineering Company (India) Ltd., Bangalore India

Client : European Space Agency, Turin Italy

Product : Dycom
Period : July 1997 - October 1997
Function : System Designer and Software programmer

Job Description
ESA, the European Space Agency, provides a vision of Europe’s future in space, and of the benefits for people on the ground that satellites can supply. It also develops the strategies needed to fulfill the vision, through collaborative projects in space and science technology. Dycom was one of the collaborative projects undertake by Dynacs Engineering Co., Dynacs also provides ESA with technical expertise and solutions in the area of 3D modeling, animation and simulation.
Dycom is a collection of programs that assist in performing the analysis of complex, multi-body, flexible structures and mechanisms and their associated control systems. The Dycom model consists of the following four parts: structural dynamics, controls systems, system environment and graphical models. Structural dynamics supports equations of motions that are based on multi-body formalisms where each body may be rigid or flexible. The control system part offers a connection to user supplied subroutines of arbitrary complexity. System environment allows the user to specify factors that may affect the model (e.g. gravity, aerodynamic drag, magnetic field etc). Graphical model provides a visualization of the motion via 3D modeling and animation. The software was developed on the X-windows environment. Motif, X-Toolkit was used for the GUI while C, FORTRAN and MATLAB were used for the core computations. The development team consisted of 1 member who put in an estimated 500 man-hours to code and test.

As system designer and software programmer I was responsible for
Designing and implementing the user interface and data storage models
Unit testing
Documentation – technical, functional

I worked on the design and implementation of the user interface. To add flexibility in terms of specifying elements affecting a structure (not part of the original design but approved later based on my suggestion) I created a data/element definition file. This file lists out the elements to be specified and also the layout parameters on the screen. The data from the user interface modules is formatted and written to flat files for further processing by C, Fortran and MATLAB modules. For the testing, I ensured that the processing modules correctly read the data files generated from the user interface inputs. Once a week I communicated my development progress to the technical lead in Turin and incorporated relevant suggestions that were made.

My part of the development effort has been integrated into the main application and actively being used by ESA.

Equipment : IBM PC, SGI Work station
Programming language : C, Fortran
Operating system : SGI Irix, Linux
Tools : Motif, X-Toolkit, MATLAB

Employer : Dynacs Engineering Company (India) Ltd., Bangalore India

Client : Dynacs Digital Studios, Hollywood California USA

Product : Dycolor (Picture restoration and coloring software)
Period : June 1996 – June 1997
Function : System designer and Project Leader

Job Description
Initially the client was using an X-Windows based software application for restoring and coloring black & white movies. The client found it difficult to maintain and upgrade the application and the operating costs were also high. This prompted for a switch to a more cost-effective software application (Dycolor). Dycolor was developed for the Microsoft Windows environment and with enhanced features. Modules were developed to grab images from video and film, digitize and process them for clarity and finally color the images using reference color models. An integrated production management systems was also developed to keep track of the entire production process. The original image grab and digitizing module developed on a SGI system using Motif, X-Toolkit and C++ was retained, while the coloring module and the management system were developed using VC++ 5.0. The digitized images are stored in the yuv file format and a function fn. (y, cr, cb) (luminance, chroma red chroma blue) used to color the image. The colored image is stored in the rgb file format before being put back onto video or film. The development team consisted of 5 members who put in an estimated 10000 man-hours to design, code, test and implement the project.

As system designer and project leader for the product development, I was responsible for
Formulating and analyzing client requirements
Formulating software and hardware requirements
Analysis and design of the system
Managing the coding, testing and installation phases of the development
Creating documentation templates for technical, functional and user manuals

Initially I spent time with the users of the old system (Color-Toon) to understand how it worked, its pros and cons and training on using the system. During this period I came up with the user requirement document for Dycolor. I was also involved in formulating the software (operating system and development tools) and hardware (PCs and networking) requirements for the software. I worked with the client to come up with the design of the system for which an object-oriented approach was used. I coded the image processing and coloring algorithms. I conducted periodic code reviews to ensure coding standards were met and that different members of the development team were working in cohesion. The development team did the unit testing whereas for the functional test we involved users of the existing system. The main concerns during the test were that of memory management and utilization of system resources. Tools like Spy and Bounds Checker were used to eliminate these problems.

Dycolor is currently being used at the virtual studios and users have come back with positive feedback mainly on its ease of use and faster response time.

Equipment : IBM PC, SGI Workstation, DDR (digital disk recorder)
Programming language : Visual C++ , SQL
Operating system : Windows NT/95, SGI Irix
Tools : Motif, MS Access, VC++ 5.0 (DAO, MFC), Spy, Bounds Checker

Employer/Client : Physical Plant, University of South Florida Tampa USA (part-time)

Product : Fiscal management system
Period : April 1995 - November 1995
Product : Energy control system
Period : January 1995 - March 1995
Function : Software programmer

Employer/Client : Facilities Planning and Construction Dept. University of
South Florida Tampa USA

Product : Contracts management system
Period : November 1993 - November 1994
Function : Software programmer

Job Description
The Physical Plant at the University of South Florida is responsible for maintaining all the buildings and civic amenities within the university campus. Any repair work or maintenance work to be done is first requested as a work order that then translates into a purchase order on which an invoice is raised when the work is completed and the final payment made. Much of this process was done manually involving a lot of paper work, which in turn made the process slow. To automate and speed up the process it was decided that a software application (fiscal management system) substitute the manual process. The energy management system was developed to monitor and control the air-conditioning and heating plants in the university campus.
The fiscal management system was developed for a LAN environment. Modules were developed to take care of the purchase orders and invoices, and also a payroll system. The front end (GUI) was developed using Visual BASIC while Microsoft SQL database formed the backend. The purchase order module had a validation system, which made sure that a purchase order was approved by all the concerned departments before being released. The payroll module was integrated with the time sheet and punch card data systems to generate an accurate salary statement. The energy management system was a programmable logic control (PLC) based energy system controller. Visual BASIC was used as front end, and socket programming to retrieve and send data to the PLC. This system was used to control the air-conditioning and water heating plants for the entire university campus.
The Facilities Planning and Construction Dept. at the University of South Florida is responsible for planning and constructing new buildings within the university campus. Each construction activity is termed as a contract, and the contracts management system was developed to automate the manual process being followed.
The system was developed to monitor all the construction work being carried out on the University campus. There were different modules for costing and work schedule. The system was developed for a LAN environment using Visual BASIC and MS Access.

As a software programmer I was responsible for
System analysis and design
Developing the user interface GUI
Coding data validation rules
Backend database design
Testing and installation of software
Systems and network administration

I was first oriented with the existing manual work process and informed of the shortcomings. Having understood the problem, I discussed with a spectrum of users on the kind of features they would like in an automated system. The discussions lead to the user requirement specification. This was followed by a generic design document concentrating mainly on the UI screens and database design. Once the users were satisfied, I worked on the UI coding and database design implementation. The end users mainly did the testing and I analyzed the feedback to make appropriate changes. Apart from the development work I also worked as system and network administrator attending to user problems.

Equipment : IBM PC
Programming language : Visual Basic, SQL
Operating system : Windows 3.1
Tools : Visual Basic, MS Access, MS SQL

Employer : Frontier Information Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Secundrabad, India

Client : Andhra Pradesh State Education Board, Hyderabad

Product : Mathematics tutorial
Period : January 1993 - May 1993
Function : Software programmer

Employer/Client : Frontier Information Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Secundrabad, India

Product : GUI composer
Period : March 1992 - December 1992
Function : Software programmer

Employer : Frontier Information Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Secundrabad, India

Client : Tilaknagar Hospitals, Hyderabad

Product : Database management systems
Period : October 1991 - March 1992
Function : Software programmer

Job Description
The mathematics tutorial was created for 3D geometry problems. The graphical user interface (GUI composer developed at Frontier) was developed using Windows 3.1 API/SDK while Turbo C++ was used for the core mathematical computations.
The GUI composer involved creating DLLs that assisted in creating GUI objects such as frame windows, menus, selection buttons, list boxes etc., that could be used with a standard C++ applications. The DLLs were created using Windows 3.1 API/SDK and tested with Turbo C++ applications.
The database management systems resulted in the development of database systems for Hospital and Hotel management. The system was initially developed for Hospital management, and restricted to data on consultation, treatment/operation, and room charges for a patient. The system was then modified to develop a Hotel management system, which computed the boarding and lodging charges. The systems were developed using FoxPro.

As a developer for these projects I was responsible for:
Coding and testing assigned modules
Training new recruits

Equipment : IBM PC
Programming language : C++
Operating system : DOS, Windows 3.1
Tools : Windows API/SDK, FoxPro


Masters Degree (Computer Engineering) University of South
Florida, Tampa, USA
Bachelors Degree (Computer Technology) Nagpur University,


Computers : IBM PC, Macintosh, SunSparc and SGI workstation

Operating systems : DOS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0, UNIX and derivatives
(Linux, IRIX), IBM 0S/2

Programming languages : C, C++, Visual BASIC, Visual C++, FORTRAN, Java, Perl,
Assembly, MS SQL, Verilog, VHDL

Methods/techniques : Object oriented analysis and design(UML), COM/DCOM, RUP

Tools : Rational Tools(ClearQuest, Rose, RequisitePro), Motif, X-Toolkit,
DirectX, ActiveX, MFC, ATL, ColdFusion, ASP, OS/2 Presentation Manager, PVCS Version Manager, PVCS Tracker, Continuus Configuration Management System, Spy,
Bounds Checker, Scripts, Cadence, CADAT,

Courses : MS SQL DBA




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