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Marketing Director

Marketing Director

Work Experience

July 03 to date Retail Strategy Consultant ICI Paints

Responsibilities Act as independent facilitator assisting ICI key accounts teams to work with those accounts to develop mutually beneficial, consumer driven strategic plans.

Achievements/Results Three-year plan agreed to main board level with Homebase. Commitment to significant category investment by both parties.
ICI short-listed for decorating Category Captain role with Focus.

March 03 – June 03 New Concept Development Consultant Thresher Group

Responsibilities Develop menu of consumer-focused commercial opportunities ranging from enhancement of current offer to blue sky original retail concepts appropriate for the Thresher estate of 2200 outlets.

Achievements/Results Thresher extricated from existing but inappropriate commitments at minimal cost. Retail development programme, inclusive of commercial potential evaluation, approved for implementation by Thresher Board.

June 02 – Feb 03 Director of Marketing Alldays Stores Ltd

Responsibilities Brand development. Macro and micro space. New store development. Marketing Communications programme. Range. Pricing. Promotions. PR. Team of 17. Budget of £2.7m.

Achievements/Results Store segmentation introduced. Promotional programme rationalised.
Customer segmentation introduced. Customer focused range review process introduced. New store format launched. First Marketing plan for 8 years approved. 70% increase in marketing budget approved. New departmental structure approved. Range rationalisation. Customer proposition created.

Jan 02 – May 02 Commercial Manager (Interim) Argos e-commerce

Responsibilities Achievement of e-commerce sales and margin budget. On-line promotional activity. Virtual merchandising. Team of seven. All on-line price and product information.

Achievements/Results E-commerce sales for the year ending March 2002 exceeded budget by in excess of 100%. Department created. Relationship and method of working with Argos commercial team established. Category plans approved for all areas. New on-line customer driven product hierarchy introduced. Website design development.

July 00 – Dec 01 Head of Customer Marketing (Interim) ICI Paints

Responsibilities Manage Customer Marketing Team of 9, providing strategic marketing support to Customer Business Teams in order to deliver £35m profit.

Achievement/Results Profit target achieved 2000. Customer relationships significantly improved. Account specific plans for 2001 approved pre-Christmas. Range Reviews introduced to drive NPD and improved product profitability. Contract extended from initial six months to implement re-structure and develop ICI’s Category Management capability.

January 00 – June 00 Research Consultant (Interim) Action In Marketing

Responsibilities Integration strategy for Kingsway and Westminster Colleges.

Achievements/Results Managed all internal and external research. Recommendations, including branding, adopted by newly appointed Board of Governors. Project put forward for a research industry award by its sponsors.

May 98 – October 99 Group Marketing Director/MD (Interim) Impress Group Ltd

Responsibilities Integrate and re-focus marketing department. Re-structure consumer products division to amalgamate three companies and deliver turnover of £15m and operating profit of £500k.

Achievements/Results Companies integrated and re-located to one site in Telford within 12 months without adverse impact on sales or customers. Programme of manufacturing outsourcing implemented. Sales on track to achieve year-end plan. Range rationalised from 4000 to 1200 profitable lines. First Marketing Plan written and implemented.

April 94 – April 98 Managing Director M&K (Birkdale Group plc)

Responsibilities Setting and achieving annual profit plan. Recruitment and development of personnel. New Business. Team of 15.

Achievements/Results Operating profit increased from £250k to £350k. Highest profit in the company’s seven-year history. Brought in Tesco as a client delivering £140k GP. Brought in and managed Kodak account delivering ££250k GP. Largest Group profit contributor.

April 92 – April 94 Head of Marketing Kodak Consumer Imaging Division

Responsibilities All consumer Marketing and Marketing Communications activity including R&D. £9m budget. Involvement in pan-European activity. Agency appointments and negotiations. Involvement in Key Account plans and negotiations.

Achievements/Results CID achieved its plan for the first time in three years. All Marketing expenditure brought within budget. Marketing Department re-structured at no additional cost. Agency roster reviewed and retainers replaced by performance related payment.

September 90 – April 92 Marketing Manager Peter Dominic (GrandMet Retail)

Responsibilities Consumer Marketing including research. Store Communications. Management of supplier funding. Strategic range development.

Achievement/Results Increased wine GP through launch of Wine Discovery. Increased supplier funding by 20 %. Reduced range by 6 % without loss of profit through introduction of range review process.

October 89 – September 90 Senior Consultant Management Horizons

Responsibilities Project management. New Business.

Achievements/Results Led projects for Dollond & Aitchison, Makro Spain and EMEB.

Sept. 86 – Sept. 89 Marketing Manager/Buying Controller Tesco Stores Ltd.

Responsibilities NPD/Own Label development. Strategic ranging. Supplier funding/promotions management.

Achievements/Results Withdrawal from T for Toys. Re-positioning of DIY to increase profit per foot from < £1 per week to > £8 per week. Introduction of cosmetics and fine fragrance despite supplier resistance. Exceeded sales budgets for all areas worked on.

Sept. 84 – Sept. 86. Brands Manager Pre-school/Girls Toys Hasbro

Responsibilities Range. Retail pricing. Volume forecasting. NPD. A/L and B/L.

Achievements/Results Re-launch of Playskool. My Little Pony – top selling girls’ toy 1985.

Sept. 83 – Sept. 84 Assistant Product Manager Palitoy (General Mills)

Responsibilities Pan-European packaging. Budgetary control for B/L activity. Trade Marketing. Forecasting.

Achievements/Results Production of multilingual packaging for 8 video games across 5 formats on time and within budget. Management of Parker Video stand at Home Entertainment exhibition. Parker Video 80% yoy growth

Sept. 82 – Sept. 83 International Marketing Assistant Cussons International

Responsibilities Liaison with Scandinavian Agents and Distributors. Quotations. Adaptation of UK marketing material.

Achievements/Results Hit Imperial Leather export sales budget. NPD for Scandinavia in line with stringent local legislation. Simultaneous launch of products across all countries in four languages.


Walton High School Stafford 1969-1976 9 O levels 3 A levels
Lanchester Polytechnic Coventry 1976-1980 BA(Hons) Mod. Langs. (II:ii)
North Staffs Polytechnic Stoke 1981-1982 Post Graduate Diploma in
International Marketing (Distinction)
Central London Polytechnic London 1988-1990 MBA


Marketing Director with over twenty years experience of all aspects of marketing management and marketing communications in branded, retail and agency environments. Additional General Management experience adds rigorously commercial perspective to specialist marketing skills.

Experience of a broad range of consumer markets and varied company cultures including some of Britain’s best known brand names has helped to develop a highly flexible marketing professional with a track record of delivering results by effectively managing people and change in challenging circumstances


French (degree)
German (degree)
Italian (basic)
Spanish (rudimentary)


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