Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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general manager, CEO (temporary executive management)

general manager, CEO (temporary executive management)

Work Experience

14 years in temporary executive management
assignments a.o.:

2003 - CEO of major Dutch public broadcasting company (restructuring finance, business planning)

2001-3 - CEO Central Dutch Organisation for Labourprovision & Reintegration (split sale of the company; termination of activities)

2001-2 - Management of sale of Dutch firm in industrial services to major multinational player

2000-1 - CEO Dutch market leading company in marketing education & e-business training (restructureing finance and turn around)

2000 - Area Manager Markets of the major Dutch telecom company (post merger issues and transition to new international company concept)

1999 - Civil Service Director for city-development of a large Dutch city (restructuring of reorganisation ground to a halt)

1998-2000 - Chairman of official Dutch professional organisation for interim managers (repositioning and new incentives)

1998-9 - Project Director for the development of a self-regulating authority for the audiovisual/games industry, the broadcasting companies and the government

1997-8 - CEO of leading Dutch technical company ( two MBO's and termination of activities)

1997-9 - Project Director development& implementation of brand new concept for higher eduction for the rock & pop business and the entertainment industry

1997 - Head of Civil Service large Dutch city (proces redesign and performance improvement civil service)

1996 - Director of Cardiology major Dutch hospital (restructurering of professional team & protocols; development of Hart Centre Rotterdam)

1995-6 - Project director leading Dutch company in people's transportation (post merger issues, restructuring management)

1994 - International Project Manager for GAZPROM, RUSSIA (planning scenarios and westernbound roll-out of Russian gaz monopoly-company, together with Britisch and American executive consultants)

1993-4 - Executive Manager consultancy firm (one of Big Five, development and staffing of interim management branche)


1979 - University of Leiden, degree in History (plus Political Anthropology)
1987 - University of Leiden - Ph.D. in Historical Egytpology: "Managment, Government and Civil Service in Ancient Egypt"
1993 - Ernst&Young various corporate trainings
1998 - Masterclass Interim Management, Rotterdam School of Management/RSM


people manager with a strong strategic orientation and a focus on results; visionary, creative, humorous, enthousiastic, committed and tenacious


Dutch, English (fluent), French & German (good), Arabic (coloquial)


hobbies: blues (own band), Indian and Harley-Davidson motorcycles, log home living, travel and lecture


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