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Financial director

Financial director

Work Experience

Working experience :

April. ’05:

Van Wijnen Holding NV (Via InterMaat BV):
Position: Projectmanager, Advisor of the CFO of Van Wijnen Holding NV.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Execution of a socalled Quickscan with regard to the consequences of IFRS for the financial and organisational state of the company.

Company: Van Wijnen is a construction/building company, which has no quotation on the Amsterdam Exchange, with approx. 1.300 employees and a revenue of approx. 400 mln €. It is a midsize construcion/building company with a good financial- and marketposition. The company is already more than 100 years succesfull in this market.

Aug. ‘04 – Dec. ‘04:

Telegraaf Media Groep (NV Holdingmaatschappij De Telegraaf) (Via Jonk Interim BV):
Position: Advisor of the Board of Directors of Telegraaf Media Groep (NV Holdingmaatschappij De Telegraaf).

Main activities and responsibilities:
- To advice the Board of Directors with respect to the implementation of a pricing system to be used between the subsidiairies based on an arms’ length basis. It was the idea to have this system implemented within the budgetting proces of the year 2005.
- To implement this system with the subsidiairies of De Telegraaf based on a sponsorship of the Board of Directors.

Company: See below.

Febr. ‘04 – Mei ‘04:

Brouwer Groep BV (a Participation of De Telegraaf) (Via Jonk Interim BV):
Position: Financial Director (CFO) of the Brouwer Groep BV (on behalf of De Telegraaf).
Main activities and responsibilities:

- Projectleader of a restructuring operation of the Brouwer Groep BV as per 12 February 2004;
- Fully responsible for the renewed orientation of the Brouwer Groep in strategical and financial sense. This means that companies had to be closed down, sold and that parts of business units needed to merge;
- Financial reengineering, including finding financial parties to finance the restructured organisation, as well as for equity capital and for debt capital;
- Next to these tasks the normal tasks connected with the responsibilities of a Financial Director.

Company: The “Brouwer Groep” was a 43% participation of “NV Holdingmaatschappij De Telegraaf”. It has approx. 1.650 employees divided over approx. 20 daughtercompanies. Over 2003 the Company had a turnover of 277 mln. € and realised a net loss 35 mln. €. The Company was divided in 4 business units which needed to be reorganised. Eventually the investment and management company “Trimoteur” has taken over the majority of shares and has introduced their own managementteam.

Juli ’03 – Febr. ‘04:

Telegraaf Media Groep (NV Holdingmaatschappij De Telegraaf) (Via Jonk Interim BV)
Position: Group controller Telegraaf Drukkerij Groep BV.
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Projectleader for the formation of the “Telegraaf Drukkerij Groep BV” as per 1 January 2004:
- Demerging the printingactivities from the publishing companies en making one business combination of printing activities;
- Planning and starting up of a costprice structure and transferpricing for pringinactivities with the publishers, based on “activity based costing”;
- Planning and starting up the budgetting proces for the year 2004. (Was their first time);
- Planning and starting up the administrative organisation with all elements of management information as per 1 January 2004 in order to be able follow the actual results, to compare the budgets and to propose and to implement measures for improving the organisation;
- Implementing profitability ratios;
- Implementing the necessary soft- and hardware in order to be able to report on a periodical basis with analyses;
- Member of the IFRS-committee to assess the consequences of IFRS for “De Telegraaf”.

Company: “De Telegraaf” is a highly successfull printing- and publishing company with approx. 5.000 employees publishing in total approx. 85 titles, of which “De Telegraaf” and “Prive” are the most successfull. The Company works with almost no debt capital. The printingcompanies have approx. 800 employees with branches in Alkmaar, Heerlen and Amsterdam.

Juli '02 - Jan. '03 Fulltime
Febr. ’03 – Present

On a Parttime basis : Tentler & Co B.V (Daughtercompany of Standard Commercial Corporation in the US within the Business Unit Standard Wool) (Via InterMaat, Daughter company of Boer & Croon)

Position: trustee, liquidator.

Main activities and responsibilities:
Winding up the company with all responsibilities for:
- Personnel. Organising their redundancy;
- Settlement of all financial and fiscal affairs with debtors, creditors, tax, mothercompany, Chamber of Commerce;
- Realizing the sale of the remaining assets. Sale of the remaining stocks of hair, real estate, office equipment, en closing down the factory in Northern China including some visits (Approx. 200 employees);
- Advising the management of Standard Wool in connenction to the above.

Company: Standard Commercial Corporation is a tradecompany and is selling tabacco and wool. The group has a turnover of approx. 1 billion US$ and is employing some 4.500 employees. Tentler & Co B.V was operating in the market for special kinds of wool with a turnover of 12 mln. US$ with aprox. 15 employees and a factory in Northern China with +/- 200 employess.

March '02 - June '02

Bungalowpark "It Wiid", Friesland. (Via KPMG Interim Management.
Position: Advisor and general director of the "Exploitatiemaatschappij It Wiid BV"

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Advisor of the Steering Committee (Supposed board of Directors) of the "Vereniging van Eigenaren" for the takeover of the "Exploitatiemaatschappij It Wiid BV". This could be split as follows:
- A valuation of the BV during various periods in time:
- A businessplan to prepare the company after the takeoever
- After the takeover general director to reorganise this BV and get it in a profitable position. This takeover is (still) ongoing, since parties are still negotiating. Therefore we have agreed to stop this assignment.

Company: The BV has around 150 employees who are taking care of the rent of bungalows (314 bungalows) and are hosting the guests which are renting bungalows. It is an independent bungalowpark which is not connected to one of the large parkchains.

March '01 - Febr. '02

Telfort Mobiel BV, Amsterdam
Position: Manager Reporting & Management Accounting (From March 2001 to June 2001) and Manager General Accounting (From July 2001 to February 2002).

Main activities and responsibilities:
As Manager Reporting & Management Accounting:
- Introduction and reorganization of the reportingcycle within Telfort for both the internal and external reporting. As per April 1st 2001 the Company was split. (See below);
- This new set up had to be executed for the Board of Telfort and for Britsh Telecom (BT), meaning reducing the few different types of reporting to one standard to an acceptible level for all users.
- Training on the job for the new employees in this new structure;

As Manager General Accounting:
- Reorganization of the reliability of the financial statements of Telfort Mobiel BV. This reliability was under pressure with an internal auditors' opinion being critical and external auditors' opinion which was, initiately, negative;
- started several projects to improve the reliability of the basic recording within several departments. This recording was connected with improving several processes within Telfort;
- giving advise to improve the efficiency of several financial administrations. When I started approx. 75 employees were working within the administrative departments which will be reduced to approx. 40 employees.
- advising in projectmanagement to set up and introduce a "New set of Books" using Oracle Financials. This is realized as per December 1, 2001, which was the originally planned date;
- Organizing the introducing the reportingtool Hyperion.
Because of the high level of satisfaction of the work performed I was requested to continue with the reorganization of several financial departments and to be involved in the introduction of the new set of books within Oracle financial software.

Company: Telfort Mobiel BV started as per April 1st, 2001 after a split of Telfort NV in Telfort Mobiel BV (Mobile network) and BT Ignite Nederland NV (fixed network). The total company had approx. 2.000 employees with approx. 600 consultants. After the split Telfort Mobiel BV has approx. 1.000 employess and 200 consultants. The company is one of the five suppliers on the Dutch market of mobile telephony. Since July 1st, 2000 it is fully owned by British Telecom. As per October 1st, 2001 Telfort Mobiel BV will be demerged as BT Wireless from British Telecom under the name MMO2.

Aug. '00 - Jan. '01
Sonera zed Ltd, Düsseldorf, Germany and Manila, Philippines.
Position: Financial Manager with activities which were not related to the financial function.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Set up of the financial function and reviewing the
countryorganizations with an expected size of 20 - 50 employees per country;
- Introduction of a financial software package (CODA via
internet) and reporting systems for local and corporate usage;
- Making contacts with and agreeing with the headquarters about the financial needs of the company in the coming years and businessmodelling. (Budgeting process);
- Making contacts and agreeing with auditors, banks, taxadvisors, outsourcing of bookkeeping;
- Finding and introducing a tax and financial optimal balancesheet structure;
- Introducing several procedures to prepare the organization for a fast growth in the near future;
- Advising headquarters about the expected results and which investments will be profitable in the countries;
- Review of the contracts which were made with the telecomorganizations and renegotiate when necessary, possible;
- Organizing billingactivities.
Company: Zed Ltd with its headquarters in London, UK, has 500 employees as per the end of 2000 with hardly any revenues yet in the market for Mobile Value Added Services (MVAS). It is starting up activities in the most important countries. The organization started in January 2000. In 2001 it is expecting doubling its number of employees. Sonera zed Ltd. is a subsidiairy of Sonera Oy, the Finish Telecomorganization.

Dec. '99 - July '00
Coöperatie PC, Amsterdam
Position: Financial Director with activities which were not related to the financial function.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Manage the financial administration with 18 employees, 6 interimmanagers and manage the IT department with 4 employees;
- (Re)introduction of its ERP softwarepackage with an external company and 3 employees;
- Closing the year 1999 with 6 interimmanagers;
- Centralising financial administration to a kind of shared servicecentre unit;
- This centralization included an improvement of the quality of the department and people. (More with less people). Meaning: training on the job, efficiency improvements with new software tools, reducing backlogs, introduction of procedures, reducing redundancies;
- New budgetting for the year 2000 in connection with new requirements which were set up with the new softwarepossibilities;
- Introduction of these new reportingrequirements;
- Improvement of cashmanagement;
- These tasks had to be started up as if it was a new company, although the company is 70 years old. Years of negligence was built up;
- Start up a joint venture with an insurance company;
- To deal with a privatizationproject;
- Sparring partner to the interim managing director.

Company: 225 employees with 40 mio NLG of revenues in the market of undertaking, funerals, cremations and the sales of funeralinsurances and deposits.

Nov. '99

Amvest BV, Amsterdam
Position: Controller for real estate - and company administration.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Manage real estate administration with 15 employees and company administration with 10 employees;
- The most important task would have been to improve the administrative processes in order to get ready for an IPO;
- Because my successor could start in an earlier stage than anticipated he had to continue the implementation of the accepted proposals.

Company: 125 employees managing 5 billion NLG in the real estate market. Subsidiairy of Aegon NV having approx. 50.000 employees.

Aug. '99 - Oct. '99

AB-Dick-Itek Ltd, Maarssen
Position: Finance Director with activities which were not related to the financial function.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- (financial) management of six employees in the finance department;
- improve the structure of reporting to comply with corporate requirements and thus US GAAP;
- Improve the structure of financial processes and improve the discipline of maintaining these structures;
- We had to decide to start with a new balance sheet;
- To judge the systemsoftware and the usage of it. (AS-400 and JBA softeware);
- To judge the quality of personnel and to propose measures for improvement and implement them;
- Because my successor could start in an earlier stage than anticipated he had to continue the implemtation of the accepted proposals.

Company: 125 employees in the Benelux in the market of graphical equipment. Sibsidiairy of AB-Dick-Itek Inc. based in the UK having approx. 1.200 employees.

March’99 - Aug’99
Hill-Rom, Vianen
Position: Finance Manager with activities which were not related to the financial function.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- (Financial) management of two employees with the finance department and eight employees with the customer support department;
- Improving the structure of the company. With the main focus on sales and service;
- Delivering monthly reporting of financial statements for internal use and European headquarters in Paris;
- Adressing issues like: taxes, invoicing and US GAAP regarding reporting to the parent company, which is based in the US;
- Giving employees training on the job and in doing so achieve a better quality of work;
- Take away the delays in taxdeclarations for several companies within the holding;
- To improve the usage of the software program and the introduction of new softwaretools.

Company: 55 employees in the market of medical equipment for intensive care treatment. Sibsidiairy of Hillenbrand Industries Inc. US having approx. 15.000 employees worldwide.

Jan’95 - Jan’99
Océ Poland, Warsaw, Poland
Position: Financial Director with activities which were not related to the financial function.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Starting up operations from scratch including all necessary steps to have the legal-, tax-, financial- etc. issues in a fairly unclear environment. (Green-
- Managing the financial department (15 persons);
- Managing the logistics department (10 persons);
- Starting up a salesdepartment (5 persons);
- Reporting financial statements to headquarters in The
- Initiating new projects, like set up and introduction of leasing in Poland. Being first in the market;
- Implementing software systems (like Exact);
- Sparring partner for the managing director and replacing him;
- Participating in hiring employees (growth from 20 people to 155 people);
- Doubling the turnover every year.

Company: 155 employees in the market of copying-, printing and graphical equipment. Subsidiairy of Océ NV having approx. 20.000 employees worldwide.

Oct’94 - Dec’94

Océ NV, Venlo
Position: trainee. To get introduced within Océ and preparation of the new subsidiairy in Poland

Dec’93 - Sept’94

KPMG, Berlin, Germany
Position: Auditor and consultant as a manager
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Managing audits;
- Involved in privatisation projects as executed by the Treuhandanstalt. We worked together with Roland Berger, the German counterpart from McKinsey.
- Preparing businessplans and reviewing them together with Roland Berger;
- Managing the expansion of the number of Dutch clients.

June’93 - Nov’93

KPMG, Amsterdam
Position: Auditor and consultant

June’91 - May’93

KPMG, Warsaw, Poland
Position: Auditor and consultant. Final position was manager.

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Managing audits with reporting in GAAP of UK, US, Canada, Germany and The Netherlands;
- Managing review, due dilligence and valuation
projects for western companies which were buying Polish companies;
- Advisor in taxation, computerisation, organisation,
budgetting, planning and in the development and
implementation of Western reporting packages, mainly in trade and industrial companies.

Sept’88 - May’91
KPMG, Amsterdam
Position: Auditor

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Auditing various medium sized companies;
- Internal control projects;
- Prepare financial statements;
- Consolidation projects.

April’88 - July’88

Deutsche Shell Hamburg, Germany (Work study period gained through IASEC)

Main activities and responsibilities:
- Generate financial decision proposals for investments in Italy;
- Developed a method to measure the success of currency transactions.


1983 : HEAO (bachelor degree in business administration);
1988 : Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (master degree in Business Administration);
1993 : Post doctoral accountancy (CPA) (All exams done, no certificate).


Change management, culture changes, Introduction of result oriented working based on management by objectives


Dutch, English, German and Polish


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