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General Management

General Management

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1999 ESBC Network expertise between Europe, Asia & the Americas.
Associate Director
Mission : Feasibility Studies, Partners search & recruitment .Create new Business development built on a “one stop shop concept”: Unique interlocutor of high-technology SMEs for a substainable growth strategy.
Achievements : Led or assisted in obtaining various government grants (A.R.C.; ARITT, ARIMEX, ANVAR, Fonds Social Européen). Coaching of Start-ups' Entrepreneurs for business development & fund-raising. Creation of seminars supported by a leading insurance company & the European Web Trust organization to inform SME on key management issues : Strategy, HR & security inc intellectual property.

1995-1998 ADVANS INTERNATIONAL a subsidiary of EDF (French Utility company).
VP Europe. Senior Consultant Strategy Consulting group
Mission : International development of Small and Medium size technology based businesses between Europe, Asia and the Americas.
Achievements : Sprint & Copernicus consulting practices European network leader. Implementation of an innovative program together with the local authorities over 4 departments in the Ile de France area. 80% Success in Negotiation of International Marketing Contracts, Signature of Joint Marketing Agreements. 60% of companies coached are to-day regular exporters.

1994 Free lance Consultant
Mission : Assisting US companies in investing in Europe : identifying market opportunities, carrying out evaluation, seeking partners/investors, establishing JV or start up activities, networking.
Achievements : Misc studies ie CEO Need for informations, personal coach or training, Insurances companies merge towards single market. Market penetration : ie US Call center company in Europe.

1991-1993 RAINBOW TECHNOLOGIES WW leader in software and data protection devices
France Managing Director & European Marketing Director; Member of the European & Corporate Management Team
Mission : Business Highlights / Pipeline creation
Achievements as Country Director: Formation of the French subsidiary; P& L management ; Setting up& development of indirect channel ; Change in corporate strategy & implementation of Strategic moves; Research of Strategic Partnership alliances : acquisition of the major European competitor; Management of transition : co-evaluation of human assets; Mergers & Acquisitions - Study and valuation initial review and due diligence; Transition assistance. Developed Group Strategy Plan with profit, growth and product range as key objectives.
Achievements as European Marketing Director: Marketing plan and Communication Strategy to position Rainbow as key player in the protection devices market ; relationships with press area .

Gaêlle Protasov 2/2

1985 - 89 SUN MICROSYSTEMS FRANCE S.A. Leading international Workstation Manufacturer
1985-88 : Finance & Administration Manager – Corporate Controller.
Six departments reported to me representing 50 people in all.
Mission : Subsidiary Start-Up ; Strategic planning and business development ; Whole administrative & financial responsibilities including : legal, risk management planning & implementing corporate tax issues; accounting ; financial reporting, treasury, order processing; human resources management , in particular played the role of providing a cultural interface between the French management and European/American colleagues.
Achievements : From the start up of the French subsidiary to a turnover of Million FF600, representing the second largest European entity; built a local financial organization to become a truly managed US subsidiary; Support to IPO; Improved financial reporting and information system,Established guidelines & procedures for major business issues and senior business operation reports; hired, motivated and retained a team highly recognized individuals. Respected cross-functional management position.
1988-89 : Organization Director
Mission : Creation of the structure to review the management concept practices & be more effective. It included Order Operation : incl. local pricing management & sales incentives ; Business Management : focus on designing marketing channels ie customers driven distribution strategies ; Legal liaison ; Management Information Systems incl. Security & support to Audit ; Administration support ; facilities responsabilities incl. cars, property plant and equipment.
Achievements : Put in place with aid of counsel the company contracts ( confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements, stock option plan ); indirect distribution channel contracts as "OEM", VAR contracts, including licensing agreement; Developed MAP program on an European level; Create the pull to increase the revenues through a P/L control; Acquired and maintained profitable services contracts; Established business operations as the most efficient and effectively managed. Information Systems Reorganization.
1980 - 84 COBE LABORATORIES S.A. Top medical Manufacturer in Haemodialysis &Cardiovascular
Finance & Administration Manager . Financial Controller & Acting Country Director reporting to the European Vice President
Mission : All finance responsabilities including the procurement, the management and the inventory control of a plant with 300 references (peremption date ).
Achievements : Performed internal audits to compare plant activities with policies on inventory and accounting. Introduction of Financial Reporting and Budgeting . Implementation of a reporting system flexible enough to deal with an environment in constant flux and sufficiently complex to report differences in French and US GAAP, the past, current estimates, budgets, and projections.

1978 - 80 DATA GENERAL France North American Computer manufacturer
Mission: 1978- 1979 Credit management & Control
Achievements : Treasury Management Program Introduced - negotiated improved terms and conditions of bank lines and services; introduced foreign exchange forecasting techniques, and; revised local cash management. Coordinated choice and implementation of financing for subsidiary working capital.
Mission: 1979- 1980 Cost Accounting Supervisor
Achievements : Income Taxation Optimization And Risk Management - Optimization of intercompany transfer pricing; strategy implemented to absorb subsidiary loss carry-forwards; successful defenses of French income taxation controls. Initiated a new budgetary system that enabled managers to increase profit margins

1974 - 1978 Other positions held in accounting, with management of small teams : - 77-78 : NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR France ; - 75-77 : EAI Electronic Associates France ; - 73-74 : INTERMEDIA TRAVEL Pty Ltd - Sydney (Australia).


- MBA; MASTERE SPECIALISE (MS) en Commerce International , Diplôme accrédité par la conférence des Grandes Ecoles.- University degree of Technology in Business Management (Finance & Accounting) - PARIS SUD.- Diploma, School of Economics (Economics, English for business) SYDNEY - Australia.- Selected top Management classes & various development & training programs.


Ø Significant experience in international business with multi-national corporations :
- General executive capabilities, ie. Management/strategy Adviser.
- Experienced negotiator : ie setting-up strategic alliances
- Extensive domestic and international hands-on experience with full P & L responsibility;
- Operation management skills : ability to “make it happen”
Ø Strong leadership skills managing across cultures and organizations:
- Team builder with experience at hiring and motivating people
- Strength in managing changes : Excel in challenging environments; Successful experience in restructuring, merger-acquisition and integration situations.
Ø Excellent verbal and written capabilities : proven interpersonal skills with Customers and all management levels . Customer and company advocate.
Ø Fluent in English & French

Personal Values: Honesty & Integrity, Strong work ethic, Management by Objectives and Team Spirit
Professional Values: Market-driven, ‘Think Global, Act Local’ and Win/


NATIVE FRENCH, ENGLISH fluent, ITALIAN & Spanish understood


Member of a club of Economical Studies. Teaching at ESCP “Technology SME’s on foreign markets ”. Administrator of the French American Chamber of Commerce (Paris-Chapter).President of Innovative enterprises commission of the French American Chamber of Commerce In charge of the SUNSET-Partners public relations , the Former SUN France Employees’ Association


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