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Interim HR Director/Project Manager

Interim HR Director/Project Manager

Work Experience

I have worked in the HR and change management area for 18 years. My area of expertise lies in project management, start up situations, change management and coaching (see also information below). In these projects, other disciplines came across my work field as well, providing me with a broad, analytical and conceptual view and expertise.

• • Start-ups of – mostly international – organisations in the Netherlands
Supporting international companies in the broadest respect during the start-up. More specifically with regard to HR-issues, structuring of the internal organisation, legal issues, (inter)national, regional and local grant opportunities.
References: 3T Logistics, Herbalife, Nationaal Spaarfonds, IDS Infotech

• Change management
Supporting change processes such as outsourcing, re-structuring, mergers, etc.
References: DSM NeoResins, Philips Electronics Nederland, Nationaal Spaarfonds, Medtronic

• Project and interim management
Executing several projects, mainly HR related. Specifically projects the organisation does not have the time and/or expertise for itself. Temporarily replacing an all-round HR professional at managerial level.
References: MEE Nederland, Federatie van Ouderverenigingen, EIPA, Stichting Perspectief, MEE Utrecht, FEI Company, Q-Park N.V., Nationaal Spaarfonds, NCR-ELC, Philips Electronics, Medtronic

• SME advice
Giving broad business advise to MD's of SME's as an accredited associate of the Institute for Independent Business (IIB) regarding all aspects of entrepreneurship, using knowledge, experience, skills and competences from all industries and disciplines through the IIB network (5.000+ associates)

Concrete projects:
09-11/09-12 Medtronic
Interim Sr. HR Business Partner & Facilitator Sr. Management Team
03-11/12-11 IDS Infotech Ltd.
Project Manager start-up Europe
01-10/12/10 Philips Electronics Nederland
Project Manager Central Works Council and Trade Unions TFM
05-08/05-09 Philips Electronics Nederland
Project Manager HR TFM EMEA
03-08/04-08 Nationaal Spaarfonds
Consultant Business Case relocation
11-07/03-08 Nationaal Spaarfonds
Interim HR Business Partner
04-07/02-08 DSM NeoResins
Interim HR Manager
05-06/01-07 FEI Company
Project Manager International HR
07-05/02-06 3T Logistics Ltd.
Consultant Start-up Netherlands
04-05/07-05 MEE Utrecht
Project Manager Performance appraisal
04-05/06-05 Nationaal Spaarfonds
Project Manager New organisation
01-05/03-06 Q-Park N.V.
Interim Corporate Director HR
11-04/03-05 Nationaal Spaarfonds
Interim Head of Human Resources
07-04/08-04 MEE Utrecht
Project Manager structuring Information Provision Team
01-04/06-04 MEE Utrecht
Interim Manager Human Resources
09-03/04-05 MEE Nederland
Project Manager Competency management
06-02/12-03 MEE Nederland
Consultant Job-salary system Welfare
04-03/09-03 MEE Nederland
Project Manager Mission and Strategy
03-03/07-03 Federatie van Ouderverenignigen
Consultant CLA Welfare
12-02/06-03 EIPA
Project Manager Job evaluation and rating
12-02/04-03 NCR-ELC
Interim HR Consultant Logistics
02-02/06-03 MEE Nederland
Project Manager Job descriptions and Career Planning
01-02/09-02 Federatie van Ouderverenigingen
Project Manager Job descriptions and rating
01-02/02-02 Federatie van Ouderverenigingen
Project Manager Recruitment Profiles
11-01/02-02 Stichting Perspectief
Project Manager Human Resources

Experience before that in fulltime employment:
1998-2001 Herbalife Int. of Europe
Manager Human Resources
- Managerial responsibilities
- member of the management team
- Number of staff: over 150
- managing 4 staff

1997-1998 Rockwool Benelux
Human Resources Manager
- Member of the management teams of 2 divisions
- Number of staff: over 200

1995-1997 Smith´s Chewing Sweets
Manager Human Resources
- Managerial responsibilities
- member of the management team
- Number of staff: over 300
- managing 3 staff

1994-1995 Smith´s Chewing Sweets
Payroll administrator / HR Officer


1999-2003 Master of Business Administration
Henley School of Management

1992-1994 Science of Policy and Organisation
Catholic University Brabant

1988-1992 Human Resources Management
Hogeschool Eindhoven

1982-1988 Pre-university education (VWO)
Philips van Horne SG

1994-heden Several trainings, specifically on management and personal effectiveness
e.g. strategic influencing, leadership for women, working across boarders, increasing personal strength, job evaluation and grading (Hay), management training Krauthammer


As an enthusiastic and passionate person, I strive to fulfil business and personal goals in harmony. Doing this, I navigate between different cultures in an international environment and I use a combination of an analytical, conceptual and a more personal and intuitive approach.
In this respect I always review cases respecting (the background of) the assignment and with a view that reaches beyond the boundaries of departments and disciplines. This guarantees my contribution to all aspects of the organisation.
With an open way of communicating and a good sense of humour I always strive to create a pleasant working environment and atmosphere.

For the last couple of years, I’ve found that my line of work has been moving more in the direction of managing processes and dynamics between people and groups. With that, I’ve developed more change management, coaching and facilitation skills.

In shorter assignments with great diversity, I perform best, as the variation in content, work and environment triggers me, keeps me ‘on edge’ and ensures I get the best out of myself, for myself as well as my client. I have experience with start-ups of new organisations, change management, coaching and the full scope of HR in profit as well as non-profit enterprises, especially in international environments.


Dutch: mothertongue
English: fluent
German: reasonable understanding, moderate speaking and writing


Chairman of the works and parent council of primary school de Kameleon
Business coach SME


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