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Senior interim manager

Senior interim manager

Work Experience

Company : Teldata Network Support, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba
Function : Managing Director
Period : April 1999 until December 2000

Facilitated 17 employees of which Bu-managers, project managers, project leaders and technical specialist in the field of ICT (projects, maintenance and detachment),
Uphold financial responsibility to the stakeholders of Teldata,
Acted as knowledge feed and personal contact for employees on there own area of expertise,
Lead the company to ISO 9001 certification,
Steered the marketing and sales department, and guarded customer satisfaction,
Acted as business consultant and project manager in customer’s projects.

Company : Telematica Facilities Management, Curaçao
Function : Adjunct Director
Period : April 1998 until April 1999

Introduced a new financial system to generate management overviews, bill handling and loss of hours from the time sheets,
Developed procedures for business processes and ISO 9002 certification,
Planned training need and training’s programs,
Reorganized KPMG NA Network Support department as interim manager into a service-oriented organization.

Company : Telematica Facilities Management, Curaçao
Function : Senior Network Manager
Period : August 1996 until April 1998

Created stable networks as network manager at the federal receivers,
Introduced electronic payments as project manager at SETEL, the local telephone company, by restructuring the payment process,
Acted as adjunct integration manager of Telematica Facilities Management and Carib TeleConsult into Teldata Network Support.

Company : University of Amsterdam
Function : Project manager IC department
Period : December 1991 until August 1996

Designed a total of 20 network infrastructures for faculties, sub-faculties and administrative organizations,
Designed as member of the IT bureau an infrastructure of 12.000 network connections in the city of Amsterdam,
Managed the project to realize connectivity for 15 faculty libraries to the new library system,
Designed and introduced as project leader the new computer system for the new library system.

Company : University of Amsterdam
Function : Project leader TDC
Period : October 1990 until December 1991

Build as Project leader of ICT infrastructure projects various networks of faculties and organizations of the university,
Initiated the Computer Emergency Response Team,
Acted as the coordinator and liaison between the university and SURFnet,
Acted as the naming authority of the different domains of the University,
Acted as partner in negotiations between the university and ICT suppliers where he advised maintenance contracts for the university and ICT suppliers.

Company : University of Amsterdam
Function : System manager (40%) / research assistant (60%),
Period : November 1986 until October 1990

Build and maintained the computer system for the sub-faculty SWI, with 50 users and 200 students,
Did research in user friendliness of computer systems with the aim to develop user-friendly AI systems,
Joined the management board of the sub-faculty SWI.


General education
L.T.S. Metal 1977
M.T.S Electronics 1982
H.I.O. Networking, OS, Mathematics and AI 1986
B.U. (USA) Mathematics /Nat, AI 1985

Management education
Pink Elephant ITIL Service Management 1996
KPMG (CUR) Business Process Redesign 1997
Schouten & Nelissen Coaching 1998

IT related education
Unix, IDMS, Novell (4.1), Microsoft (MSP), Cisco, 3Com.


Dutch, English and German.


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