Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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System Manager

System Manager

Work Experience

Over 20 years I.T. experience. Man-management,IT policy/strategy are particular strong areas. Have worked in companies large and small,in the USA and UK, as well as in the public sector(Dept of Health and NHS).Responsibilities for Help Desk, IT service level agreement adherence and development,budget control,third party supplier liasion.


Academic Diploma(\"A\" level equivalent in English & Math)
Diploma - Computer Application and Systems Design (Columbia
Univ.-New York,USA).
Diploma - Digital Computer Operations -Mid-range and Mainframe- Control Data Institute, New York,USA.
Certified AIX/Unix Administrator
Certified Windows NT Network Administrator
Certified Software Licensing Manager (F.A.S.T)


As above: Man management, strategy and policy developement,
Windows NT network administration, AIX/Unix administration,
budget management, help desk management.




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