Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Work Experience


2001 ¡V present
Management Consultancy Company UK & Benelux
Logistics Management Consultant
Project management, in logistics, as an external advisory consultant.
Assess problems and identify solutions to optimise operational performance.
Secured contracts with international companies.
Financial responsibility for projects and proposals.
Acquisition and account management.
Projects include coaching and development as integral parts of the service delivery.
Reason for leaving:
I have been fortunate to gain a wide spectrum of experience in my field. I want to continue my career, sharing my knowledge and experience with one company. Thus creating a long term relationship and growing with the organisation to the benefit of all parties.

1998 - 2001
Danzas Logistics Worldwide
Business Manager, Belgium
Member of the Benelux management team ¡V 6 people
Reporting to General Manager, Benelux.
Full budget control and responsibility ¡V turnover 5 million GBP
Lead management team of 5 managers.
Responsible for 90 ¡V 160 personnel ( seasonal factors)
Responsible for Sales, Finance &C ontrol, HRM and Operations. VAS (Value Added Service) and PUD (Pick Up and Delivery) activities.
Managed all aspects of day to day operations ¡V 3000 clients
Responsible for strategic business plans
Implemented training course for new recruits ¡X speeding profitability.
Made a ¡§turnaround¡¨ business plan.
- Total transfer of the business as a result of division integration.
- Introduced cost management and divolved budgets.
- Expanded core business and achieved profitability.
- Established Value Added Service and Pick up and Delivery activities.
- Acquisition of new "accounts" by developing tailor make solutions in VAS projects and inventarise profitability of existing accounts.
Reason for leaving:
Head hunted by Europe Ltd, offering a ¡§drop in and run¡¨ challenge in a variety of companies in Europe.

1997 - 1998
Van Melle Weert, The Netherlands.
Interim Logistic & Production Manager
Member of the management team
Totally responsible for supply chain management.
Direct/indirect responsiblilty for more than 120 employees.
Introduction and implementation of organisational change project.
Inventorisation of ¡¨training needs analyses¡¨.
Projectleader "logistic optimalisation".
Planning, organisation and en coordination of internal and external supply chain..
Investigated, planned and implemented relocation of a production unit to Poland.
Reason for leaving:
Initial project was for 3 months, however new projects were allocated to me and finally were completed.

1995 - 1996
Carnaud Metalbox( Producer of tinplateproducts) Antwerp, Belgium
Logistics Manager
Report to General Manager.
Responsible for a business engineering project to establish cost effective and profitable production units.
Personally investigate and propose strategic plan.
Manage the operational aspects of moving production equipment and personnel to recommence production.
Develop and implement, in an inter-national business environment, a logistic policy concept regarding World Class Manufactoring Standards.
Act as "single point of contact" for international accounts regarding orders, delivery performance etc., customer service-and complaints.
Implement the concept of "inter company supplier".
Visit regularly logistic managers of the European, including UK, factories to discuss the logistic policy and internal customer needs.
Develop and implement an integral planning model.
Project leader regarding the project of ¡§ongoing logistic performance improvenments¡¨.
Train and coach ¡§self stearing production teams¡¨.
Implement different logistic concepts (smed, 5's program).
Reason for leaving:
Take-over by Crown Cork, USA. brought about the cut of this multi-million dollar project.

1986 - 1995
Decostone b.v.(Plastic compounds) Brunssum, The Netherlands Logistics Manager
I commenced in 1986 with this company as production leader and was promoted to logistics manager in 1988.
Reported to Operations Director
Commenced as the manager in a pilot plant.
Managed, planned, and monitored the newly formed logistics department.
Responsible for personnel - 1 purchase manager, I planner 4 Admin, 5 stock controllers.
Responsible for the material management and distribution logistics
Planning, budgeting and monitoring the achievement of KPI¡¦s.
Reason for leaving:
Achieved all targets and goals and looked for new challenges with an International company

1984 ¡V 1986
Naval Officer / Navigator Royal Dutch Navy
Navigator Orion airplanes; development of and training regarding safety issues.

1978 ¡V 1984
Dredging VO2 en several Merchant Companies.
Maritime Officer ¡V assistant project leader
Responsible for logistic activities budget,
Responsible for International harbour projects ¡V Mexico, Borneo, Nicaragua
Liaised with local government contacts.
Responsible for hands on navigation.
Responsible for the loading and unloading of merchant ships.




1974 ¡V 1978
Nautical&Technical University
Flushing, The Netherlands
Degree course resulting in graduation as a Nautical Officer

1990 - 1992
University of South Limburg Heerlen, The Netherlands


Training and Courses

1992 - 2002

* Financial Business Management
„X Effective communication skills
„X Project management
„X Focus management
„X Constraint Management
„X World class manufacturing standards ( WCMS)
„X MRP, SAP, Marc-cs, Disys
„X NLP - ongoing


„X Kick off logistic projects in an International environment.
„X Wide experience in international management as a Management team member.Business experience in the Europe including the UK.
„X Wide scope and know how of the total business package.
„X Change management, such as division integrations, reorganisations etc.
„X Wide international project experience in the fields of logistics, production and training.
„X Set up business plans (Qualitative,Quantative policy goals and budgets)
„X Manage inventories, co-ordination, development and implementation of logistic processes.
„X Set up TNA (training need analyses)
„X Negotiator with Local governments and labour organisations and representatives.
„X Strategical and tactical strong and operationally hands on.
„X Operate as inter communicator in a multi-cultural, changing environment.

Personal Attributes:
I present myself in a professional manner, assertive and confident. I have a positive thinking, inspiring personality. A teambuilder with a pioneer mentality. My empathy and flexibility are above average. I have a wide experience with intercontinental projects In multicultural environment in the field of logistics, change management, training and production.

My social contacts and communication skills are excellent. Work goal orientated, differentiate from a helicopter view, priorities and have a wide span of control.
Keywords describing my personality and character are: Intelligent, amiable, empathetic, diplomatic, tactical, strategic, creative, teamplayer, coach, trainer, initiator, communicator, leader.


Native Dutch
„X English ¡V native speaking level ¡V verbal and written
„X German ¡V fluent verbally, written requires practise.
„X French ¡V basic knowledge verbal and written
„X Italian / Spanish basic knowledge


I am a dynamic business manager. I have an extrovert personality, however I am comfortable in all management styles.
I am seeking a senior management post, in the field of logistics and production.I want to work for a dynamic, growth orientated company that can offer interim/project management, site management and general management positions in a challaging and changing environment.


2001 ¡V present Europe Ltd
Management Consultancy Company UK & Benelux
Logistics Management Consultant
Please note due to a confidentiality clause no external client name can be used.

„X Established a new service for Europe ltd, that of logistics solutions.
„X Increased company turnover by 50% in the Benelux.
„X Project - Managed a chocolate factory to establish a turnaround scenario for investors.
„X Project ¡V Pallet management system study ¡V petrochemical industry.
„X Project ¡V Write policies and procedures for international site management for the construction industry.
„X Project - Advised on policy handbook and training for Rijksdienst.
„X Advised companies such as Hewlett Packard on logistics solutions.
„X Designed and delivered a Focus Management training course to boost the performance of existing managers in external companies.

1998 ¡V 2001
Danzas Logistics Worlwide
Business Manager, Belgium
„X Made and achieved a ¡§turnaround¡¨ business plan.
„X Responsible for the total transfer of the business as a result of division
„X integration.
„X Negotiated redundancies with unions, to reduced workforce.
„X Centralised administration. (accounts dept - sales and purchase ledgers etc)
„X Introduced cost management and divolved budgets. Achieved 100,000 euro in first year.
„X Established alternative business in low season quarters to increase income. - alternative products, suitable for available transport, to optimise loads. Eg carpets, shoes, curtain fabrics, bicycles and toys. ( Clean, lightweight goods)
„X Recouped 47% outstanding debts ¡V 597,000 euro in first year.
„X Reduced debter days from 100 to 44.
„X Successfully introduced a new warehouse management system ¡V Marc-cs
„X Successfully renegotiated unprofitable contracts with existing clients.eg Cricket & Co, Patagonia, Conquest etc
„X Achieved new contracts eg Belgian Post ¡V 700,000 units. VAS & PUD contract
„X Achieved 2nd place Trademart Agents Quality Award in first year (Previously not recognised as a candidate)
„X Negotiated sale of warehouse property to Excel Logistics.
„X Established goal orientated management with individual KPI¡¦s.
„X Successfully retained existing customers due to improved service level and quality standards.

1997 - 1998
Van Melle Weert, The Netherlands.
Interim Logistic & Production Manager
„X Introduction and implementation of organisational change project.- reduced management level from three production leaders to one, saving 120,000 euro.
„X Investigated, planned and implemented relocation of a production unit to Poland.
„X Planned reorganisation and managed the reorganisiation. Negotiated with unions, negotiated alternative plans for redundant staff. Relocation etc.

1995 - 1996
Carnaud Metalbox producer of tinplate products Antwerp, Belgium
Logistics Manager
* reduced store and stocks, reduced handling time, reduced planning processes, to achieve the necessary cut in bottom line logistics costs from 8% to 5% by:
a) reducing range of tinplate stocked.
b) established standardised products.
c) established working partnerships within the industry to optimise stock availability.
d) reduced production time by reducing the number of different sizes manufactured.
„X Reduced transport costs
„X Developed and implemented, in an inter-national business environment, a logistic policy concept regarding World Class Manufactoring Standards.
„X Implemented different logistic concepts (smed, 5's program).
„X Developed and implemented an integral planning model.
„X Established self stearing production teams

Marshal Arts, hill walking, Feng Shui, reading, DIY


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