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MANAGER R&D/Marketing/Technology

MANAGER R&D/Marketing/Technology

Work Experience

01/06/2003- current: Self Employed in Industrial Branch

01/01/2000- 01/06/2003: Marketing & Product Manager
ERICO, Tilburg, the Netherlands
Responsible for all (new)product management aspects for new and existing products in the global exothermic range
• Responsible for product line strategy with emphasis on new market penetration and sales in Europe, AustralAsia and N/S America (M€30)
• Implementation and control of product pricing, margins and availability. Responsible for forecasts and obsoletion handling, including new product introduction, training and promotion materials
• Determination of market strategies for existing and new exothermic products; product management co-ordination from design to customer use. Use of General Management skills to enforce progress.
• Quotation and design for niche industrial special products; close customer communication. Problem solving on commercial, technical and logistics aspects (Nexans, Norse-Hydro, Alcoa, Alcan, Brugg, Pirelli, etc)
• To maintain a strict control/modification of Marketing budget & expenses
• To generate new product ideas and concepts to sustain financial growth to a M€50 turnover within the next 5 years- maintain leadership role
• Manage a team of 2 regional PMs located in the USA and Australia

01/02/1998- 01/01/2000: Engineering R&D Manager
ERICO, Tilburg, the Netherlands
• To manage a team of 5 Engineers with focused on key exothermic products and pursuit of aggressive sales
• Function as lead product and process engineer with emphasis on project management, timeline and budget/account management control
• Coordinate, prioritise and progress new product concepts- feasibility, design & testing, manufacturability, sales & forecast. Datalogging.
• Responsible for departmental technical marketing, component sourcing and system integration to final product design.
• Responsible for costing control product testing, approvals and reports
• Provide on-going Sales and customer support
• Motivate team to respond to and provide flexible service and applications support as needed
• Develop departmental tools to improve output efficiencies
• Monthly reporting to Corporate Operations on the levels of project progress, challenges and time/money metrics
• Support Manufacturing, Logistics and Distribution and Sales as needed
• Participate in international seminars, exhibitions and customer training sessions to support and promote ERICO core product

01/12/1995-01/02/1998 Process Technologist & Marketeer
Mifa Aluminium, Venlo, the Netherlands
• Responsible for hard anodisation and extrusion plant operations with emphasis on efficiencies, new technologies and process control
• To implement and maintain a strict Quality Control process to ensure ISO conformance and lower non-conformance products
• Provide intensive Sales support on key European projects- complete projects based on delivered solutions leading to Sales
• Develop and sustain new processes/products
• Provide technical and project support to sister companies (GBP/BGT/Eurocast)
• Develop close relations with customers and suppliers
• Responsible for the role as head Laboratorium- responsible for QC, standards, testing and reporting including lab operations and equipment
• Responsible in the role as company Environmental Co-ordinator
• To function as Project Leader in European projects (BTS/Brite-Euram/Eureka- from concept to project management and execution
• Give support and lead to 3 direct staff members

01/07/1993-30/11/1995 Materials Design Engineer
Reynolds Aluminium, Harderwijk, the Netherlands
• General engineering on re-cycled Aluminium on the basis of metallurgy and surface treatment
• Designing materials aimed at automotive and aerospace applications

01/06/1986-01/03/1988 Technologist
ISCOTT/ISPATT, Trinidad, West Indies
• Recycling graphite for innovative applications
• Steel heat treatment and metallurgy – engineering and troubleshooting for USA/Brazilian/Mexican markets


1996 Completion Module Marketing Management, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Specialist in Marketing and Launch of New Products

1995 Post-doc Certificate Materials Designer, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Specialised in non-ferro metallurgy, processes and surface treatment.

1993 Course in Inter-cultural Management and Human Resources, Groningen

1989-1992 Ir. (M.Sc.) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands
Technical Physics: major in Materials Science
Enrolled by the KIVI (Dutch Royal Institute for Engineers)

1983-1987 B.Sc.(Hons) University of the West Indies, Trinidad, West Indies
Pure & Applied Physics: major in Materials Science & Medical Physics


• Marketeer; practioner of Marketing Management techniques and strategies (marketing plans and systems)
• Proven and competent leader/manager - General Management, Engineering, Marketing & Sales
• Materials designer and consultant with specialisation in non-ferro processes
• Skilled in industrial application technologies- from product/process design to commercialisation
• Practical and working knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel & Outlook.
• Accomplished manager and user of Data Management Systems
• Accomplished product designer for niches in energy, utility, telecommunication and rail sectors
• Excellent skills in time and project management- organising and streamlining projects
• Graduate at post-doc level with skills in technical physics and materials science-materials analysis, metallurgy and microscopy
• Technologist, innovator and entrepeneur

• Industrial Branches:
Steel processing (ISCOTT/ISPATT), Chemical plant (Royal Dutch Shell), Aluminium processors & Surface treatment(Reynolds/Alcoa, Mifa Aluminium), Industrial plant (ERICO), General Consultancy and Project Management

• Successful management and completion of a joint European project aimed to launch a new generation of exothermic welding products; initial spin-off Sales during project (personally driven):
• € 600,000. Projected Sales on basis of accomplished results: M€ 12
• Implementation of a Marketing strategy and plan for the launch of a new electronically driven welding system for the world market; launch date set at April 2003
• Development, testing and approval of a customised product for Electricite de France within a 2-year time frame; projected Sales French markets: € 800,000.
• Implementation of a project management system Europe with minimum budget and time frame of 1 year
• Establishment of a Market Intelligence system for industrial niche- resulted in re-think of Corporate strategic plans
• Development and successful completion of a thermal welding system to join aluminium to steel; system is patented and has re-opened new doors to energy inefficient primary metal smelters
• Considered to be one of the foremost experts in exothermic applications and markets with a global market of more than M€ 60; ERICO is the world leader in exothermic joining solutions
• Ability to sustain, support and manage an Engineering team in Europe to actively support internal operations and the Sales force; a resultant 20% in team efficiency within a 3 year period
• Design and implementation of a surface treatment line to serve German markets; resulted in merger technologies between Mifa (Netherlands) and AHC (Germany)- AHC acquired in middle term.
• Development and design of catalyst carriers used in petroleum refining; system efficiency increased by 12% with a resultant 5-fold increase in crushing strength; process implemented in refinery Gent (Royal Dutch Shell).




I do have all-round interests in sport (cricket/football) but equally enjoy cooking, the outdoors and gardening. I fancy myself as a writer (English literature). My mother tongue is English but do speak fluent Dutch (Dutch citizenship) after having lived in the Netherlands for 16 years. I am married with two kids.

I relish attacking problems of a multi-disciplinary nature as well as working with various people with different backgrounds. I have an eye for detail. Travel is no problem.


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