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CTO/VP Technology/IT Manager

CTO/VP Technology/IT Manager

Work Experience

June 2002 – Present
Mike freelances as an Interim Manager. He specializes in assisting companies’ to ensure that their IT organization (and their use of technology) is in line with their business goals and, ideally, a source of competitive advantage. Mike has developed a framework (Technovate) that he tailors to an organization so that the above can be accommodated as efficiently as possible.

June 2000 – May 2002
Mike was the Vice President, Technology at Agency.com in Amsterdam where he was responsible for leading a team of Technical Consultants who’s task it was to deliver the complex technical solutions that made up the backbone of Agency.coms’ “Multiple Digital Channel” strategy. (Customers included: Heineken, Sony, DSM, Proximus, One2One, KPN, Microsoft, etc.)

Mike was responsible for ensuring that the right technological solutions were recommended to the customers of Agency.com In addition, Mike ensured that the solutions were implemented in the most efficient manner possible.

In addition, Mike defined and implemented a program that resulted in the Technology Team, itself, being a source of competitive advantage. This was achieved by aligning the Technology Department with “the business” and then ensuring that each person understood the context of the task at hand.

1989 – 2000
As a committed individual, Mike was active within the same multi-national group for 10 years. In this time Mike was exposed to many cultures while he managed the rollout and deployment of technological solutions as part of the global expansion of Nethold.

While Nethold (later MIH) was expanding in the early ‘90s, Mike was responsible for the planning and deployment of the Office Automation infrastructure in Western Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean. Strategically, for Nethold to compete globally, the successful implementation of an effective Office Automation environment was a key component in an effort to realize an Intelligent Enterprise.

Mike has consulted, internally, on the deployment of business systems in complex environments, managed a small team that was responsible for benchmarking mission critical software and communicated with customers in Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and the Americas.

Mike has also been part of a U.S. based think-tank that investigated consumer-based developments in the Internet space.
2002 –Present Technovate
Freelances as an Interim Manager specializing the alignment of business and IT goals. Helps companies ensure that their use of technology is done as innovatively and as efficiently as possible.

2000 –2002 Vice President, Technology
Lead a team of technical consultants for a leading eServices organization.

1997 – 2000 Senior Technical Analyst/Technical Evangelist
Technological advisor, manage benchmark projects, write and present reports, research emerging technology

1995 – 1997 Manager, Projects Department
Responsible for heading up a team that researches, defines and applies the group technology strategy.

1993 – 1995 Group Office Automation Manager
Responsible for the evaluation and the implementation of Office Automation and related technologies on an international level with Nethold/MIH.

1991 – 1992 LAN Manager
Responsible for the evaluation and implementation of Office Automation and related technologies on a national level.

1989 – 1991 LAN Supervisor
Implement Office Automation at MNET, a large PayTV station in South Africa

1985 – 1989 Senior Technician
As a team member at the national NOC, use HP 1000E’s to maintain and monitor the national microwave network.


1967-1979: Completed senior certificate

1982-1985: Completed National Diploma in Telecommunications Theory
* Logic Systems
* Microwave Technology
* Switching Systems

In addition: Mike has attended numerous conferences, courses and workshops.

These include the following:

* Media Training (Text100)
* Rational Unified Process
* Predictive Index
* Microsoft Solutions Framework
* Software Testing in the Real World
* Project Management

* Various InterOp conferences (Dallas, Paris)
* Various COMDEX conferences (Las Vegas)
* Various VBITS (London, Amsterdam)
* Various Microsoft conferences (Paris, Amsterdam, London, San Francisco)
* Forrester (Amsterdam)
* Western Cable Show (Los Angeles)

* Team Building
* Management
* Self directed work groups
* Various Microsoft


· Formulated, communicated and implemented a sound technology strategy at Agency.com: Amsterdam
· Managed a multi-disciplinary team of technical consultants during the analysis, design and construction phases of Agency.com’s technological solutions.
· Managed complex benchmark operations both at client sites as well as at the Sun benchmarking center in Palo Alto, at IBM in Milan and internally at Mindport-IBS.
· Managed the deployment of a complex Office Automation platform in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean as well as Africa.
· Managed a team whose responsibility is the strategic implementation of technology in a multi-national organization.
Technology deployment
· Architected and deployed a complex Office Automation infrastructure in a multinational organization, globally, successfully.
· Instrumental in deploying a complex Customer Care and Billing system in numerous countries, in complex environments and in operational multinational organizations.
· Chief architect of an intranet based publishing aid that assisted in the efficient preparation of a monthly magazine with a circulation of hundreds of thousands.
· At Agency.com it was necessary to stay up-to-date on application server technologies, content management systems, Internet based standards, portal technology, etc.
· Responsible for keeping the management of a multinational organization up-to-date with the latest technological developments in the field of PayTV, personal productivity tools and the Internet.
· Responsible for identifying emerging technologies, for evaluating them and for making a case for their implementation in the product suite of Mindport-IBS
· Researching new office automation software, operating systems, development tools as well as automated testing tools.
· Part of a team of three people who did a world tour presenting a new Customer Care and Billing system. Mike was responsible for presenting and communicating the technical infrastructure, scalability, fault tolerance, reliability and openness of an n-tiered Customer Care and Billing system. (Japan, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Western Europe, Africa, North America, Panama)
· Responsible for communicating complex technologies in a simple and understandable manner to the senior management of large organizations by means of presentations.
· Responsible for presenting the results of benchmark projects and stress tests to customers who requested that these be performed on their platforms.
· Formulation and implementation of a “Rapid Site Construction” methodology.
· Write various white papers describing the operation of technologies utilized in the Customer Care and Billing system
· Document the results of various benchmark projects as well as stress tests, done for large organizations.
· Write detailed reports on various technological aspects of the Windows and UNIX based platforms utilized by the Customer Care and Billing system developed and sold by Mindport-IBS.


English, Dutch


As a team player Mike has consistently succeeded in setting and meeting predefined objectives. He does this by defining deliverable goals, by leading people and by using technology effectively. Mike has outstanding presentation and documentation skills. He also has the ability to communicate technologies and technology strategies in a simple and effective manner. Mike is able to convey the benefits of the use of specific technologies in organizations, allowing them to implement to improve their productivity and/or competitive advantage.


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