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Customs Specialist (Manager)

Customs Specialist (Manager)

Work Experience

1979 till 1991
Co-ordinator Customs Affairs with General Motors Continental N.V. (= Opel Belgium) in Antwerp
- Follow-up of the Customs legislation and translation of it into internal procedures applicable with General Motors Continental N.V.
- Negotiations with the Customs Authorities for applying specific licences related to simplified Customs procedures
- During my career with General Motors Continental, that at that time had a "fixed Customs station' (10 Customs officers continuously in the factory), I was confronted with the operational part of the following Customs procedures: Customs Warehousing, IPR (Inward Processing Relief) and OPR (Outward Processing Relief), 'globalisation' of import- and export movements, 'approved exporter' and 'approved consignee'.

1991 till 1994
Tax Adviser with Coopers & Lybrand (= Price Waterhouse Coopers)

- Advising several organizations and companies regarding Customs- and Excise legislation (Community Agricultural Policy included)
- Contributed to several seminars (as speaker) regarding the applicable Customs- and Excise legislation
- Co-operated to studies for the European Commission regarding indirect taxes
- With Coopers & Lybrand, who was the first Belgian 'Big Six' company that started within its department 'indirect taxes' a Customs practice, I improved my technical knowledge regarding Customs- and Excise legislation.

1994 till 1997
Supervisor with Fiduciaire Moores Rowland (= Deloitte & Touche)

- Advising several organizations and companies regarding Customs- and Excise legislation (Community Agricultural Policy included)
- Contributed to several seminars (as speaker) regarding the applicable Customs- and Excise legislation
- With Moores Rowland, who's clients belong to the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises, I have set up the Customs practice as part of the division 'indirect taxes'.

1998 till 2000
Partner with WP&B nv

- Advising several organizations and companies regarding Customs- and Excise legislation (Community Agricultural Policy included)
- Contributed to several seminars (as speaker) regarding the applicable Customs- and Excise legislation
- Within the company WP&B nv, that was formed in the second half of 1997 and is advising exclusively regarding indirect taxes (VAT- Customs- and Excises legislation), I leaded the Customs practice. In this period I was involved with the SAP implementation for the company BAT (British American Tobacco) where I, together with SAP-specialists from Andersen Consulting (Accenture), integrated the specific requirements regarding Customs & Excises in SAP.

2000 till 2001
Customs Specialist with Toyota Motor europe Marketing & Rngineering in Brussels

- Managing TMME's type E cross border customs warehouse (Belgium, France and Finland)
- Implementing simplified customs procedures ('approved exporter' and 'globalisation') for the export of Community vehicles out of France.


- Middle Degree (Latin-Mathematics)
- Several specialized courses regarding Customs & Excises


- very strong specialization regarding all Customs & Ecsise matter (international)
- strategic planning


- Dutch (mother tongue)
- English (good)
- French (adequate)
- German (basic)


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