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Managing Director / Change Manager

Managing Director / Change Manager

Work Experience

Worked most of his career in the ICT markets in Europe.Successful in multinational companies and as well in medium sized national companies. Experience in building up companies from scratch as well in realigning underperforming companies. Extensive knowledge of direct and indirect sales –and marketing channels. Excellent skills in defining and executing strategies. The last 4 years experienced in transformation management, restructuring and integration processes, Experienced in negotiations with trade unions and workers councils. Specific experience in managing joint ventures and merging companies. Seasoned Business Developer. Used to work in a statutory setting , reporting to Supervisory Boards and Shareholders. A stable and experienced General Manager with a strong background in Sales and Marketing


2004/5 - 2004/9 Interim COO ICT Solution Provider Executive Interim Management)
- to manage the operation units ( 4 ) FTE's: 220.
- define and execute turn around plan

2000/10 – 2004/2 Pluz B.V. : CEO Pluz ( statutory director)

Pluz is the result of the merge of Codis and Datelcom. Two ICT distribution companies of Hagemeyer and Getronics. I was asked to manage this new combination in october 2000. After the approval of the EMA ,the official start was in April 2001.

Presently Pluz is the leading Value Added ICT distributor in the Netherlands. Distributing all A-brands. ( IBM, HP, Acer, Cisco etc ) . Next to that Pluz is offering a great range of software products ( Microsoft, Citrix, IBM and HP software. Oracle ) and services related with the implementation of ICT equipment.
( consultancy, support and installation )

Revenue: 300 Mio Euro , 175 FTE’s.

Major accomplishments:
· Profitability up, gross margin stable , cost down 35%
· FTE’s downsized from 325 to 150 ( in 3 steps )
· Better product mix achieved ( high end products & software 15 % )
· ICT systems integrated
· Solid financial position ( credit management, working capital improved, stock level optimized, cost level are down with 35 % ) )
· Pluz Culture ( transformation ) is implemented
· New distribution strategy pays off ( more value , more web generated revenue , more services revenue and “ less box pushing “
· Revenue participation via the internet , 67 % in 2 years time
· Development major Software Portfolio ( Citrix, IBM Software, and related complementary products ( VMWare, AppSense etc )
· Strong visibility in the market by using active PR and Relation Management Programs
· Many awards and nominations have been achieved in the last 3 years ( in all disciplines; S&M , Finance etc )

Reporting to Supervisory Board ( 4 )
Management team : 3 ( Finance, Operations, HR )

Objective from the start was to set a straight financial record in order to attract 3rd party investors or to sell the company in 4 years time.
Recently the company has been acquired by SCH Ltd. ( January 2004 )

2000/4 AECIS B.V. Managing Director

Aecis is a medium sized ICT Solution Provider in the Netherlands. Aecis was part of the Computerij Group, Hagemeyer’s ICT division. Aecis provided ICT solutions based upon platforms of IBM, Compaq, CISCO, Avaya, Toshiba, Microsoft and Lotus.

Employees : 225 , Revenue: 40 Mio Euro’s.

Major accomplishment;
Aecis became , after 5 months , part of a divestment program. The whole Computerij group was divested by Hagemeyer in august 2000. The di-vestment of Aecis was achieved within budget and timeframe. Mainly by selling parts of the company to external investors, initiate an MBO of the consultancy division.

After this divestment I was asked to merge Hagemeyer’s distribution opco ( Codis ) with the Getronic’s distribution opco Datelcom. This company was renamed into PLUZ .

1998/1- 2000/4 Fenestrae B.V. / Director Europe, Middle East and Africa

Fenestrae is an independent software developer of state of the art standard communication software. Mainly products with a focus towards messaging solutions like Fax, E-mail, EDI and Mobile Data Communication. Ca. 65 % of the revenue is generated in Europe. Fenestrae has own subsidiaries in the USA, Hong Kong, Australia, U.K. and Germany. Customers are the Fortune 500 customers as well the SME market in the countries itself, Fenestrae has strategic partnerships with Microsoft, HP, Compaq , Nokia, Intel and SAP.

Major accomplishments:
· EMEA organization implementation was finished in 1999.
· Distribution Channel redesigned / realigned .
· Services Strategy defined and implemented
· Major Alliance contract were signed HP, ICL Compaq in 1999
· Established : -Fenestrae Ltd., established in October 1998
-Fenestrae GmbH, established in July 1999

1996/6 – 1998/1 Royal KPN Telecom ,
General Manager Telecomregio Haarlem

The General Manager is P& L responsible for his region. The Telecom regio consists of 3 divisions ;
B2B market - Large accounts, SMB, Business Centers
Residential market - Sales via Call centers, Retail shops
Service / Engineering - After Sales support, Engineering, Helpdesk

Day to day management
Strategy and operations
Financial affairs
Human Resources
Acquisition new customers and relation management

FTE’s ; 420, Revenue: 220 Mio Euro’s.

Specific accomplishments:

Highest growth rate in voice and data communication traffic
2 consecutive years within top 3 best performing Telecom regio’s
Telecomregio Haarlem was winner of the KPN Sales Contest , Sales in Motion , in 1997 and 1998 ( B2B market ).

1994/6 -1996/6 Royal KPN Telecom
Unisource Business Networks / Distributor Manager
Unisource is a joint venture with Telia, Swisscom, KPN Telecom focusing to supply international voice- and data communication to the top 100 multinational, internationals and the high end middle market customers. In the last stage AT&T joined the venture.
Distributor Manager
P & L responsible for all sales passing thru the distribution channels via KPN Telecom.
Distributor Management (DM) consists of 3 units. Total 30 employees

1. Corporate Account Management
2. Area Management
3. Value Added Reseller Management

Major Accomplishments :
To develop / implement and monitor the distribution agreement with the shareholders ( KPN Telecom, Telia, Swisscom, Telefonica )
Implementation of a commercialized measurement and control system in the company
Achieve the highest order intake ever in the companies history.

Member of various comites at KPN Telecom and Unisource:
· Marketing Board
· International Sales Board

1984 – 1994/4 IBM Nederland N.V.

In 10 years time I became familiar with the way a US multinational is creating business. Measurement and control systems, sales and forecasting and people management. I fulfilled several managerial jobs in most branches in IBM . Large account management , new business, selling software and services and especially in the networking arena. Always (over)achieved sales targets.
In the first 3 years I worked in the Information Network Division. Selling all kinds of value added network applications. Nowadays known as so called Application Service Provider Applications. In these years I was the first to sell and install a electronic banking application. ( Chase Manhattan Bank , Direct Bank ) In 1987 I was awarded with the European Award for Outstanding Sales Achievement .After this assignment I worked several years in the SMB market. Selling IBM Products and Services to competitive users. In 1988 a career assignment at HQ in Amsterdam. First managerial assignment was in the PC divisions, Responsible for the Software sales ( applications, network software, OEM etc ) The last 3 years at IBM I worked as Managing Director for INSISO., a joint venture with Getronics. A short description of this last assignment at IBM is enclosed.

INSISO , Managing Director
Information Systems Solutions B.V. ( INSISO B.V.)
Objective : start up of a systemhouse from ‘scratch’

Activities : software development and consultancy.

Customer set : top 200 companies and SME.

Strategy and operational affairs,
Business Development,
Sales and Marketing,
Human Resources,
P & L Responsible

Major Accomplishments:
December 1993 : 110 FTE’s, Revenue 5 Mio Euro, Profit 22 %

1993 : winner IBM Marketing Excellence Award


Master Degree in Business Administration ( MBA) Major : International Business, Schiller International University London and Paris.
Higher Education in Economics and Management (HEAO), Groningen


Sales & Marketing , Changemanagement, Turn Around Management,Procesmanagement,Business Development, Green Field operations,




Specific experience in ICT and related markets. Warehousing & Distribution, Software and Services


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