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Management Consultant

Management Consultant

Work Experience

May 2002–Present Elan IT Resource (Manpower Group), Barcelona, Spain
Business Development Spain
Elan IT is one of Europe’s leading IT contracting and recruiting companies
- Managed regional key accounts through Elan’s European Strategy Team
- Opened key local accounts (i.e. Gedas, Gas Natural (GNI), Celsa)
- Managed the translation, marketing and launch of www.elanit.es and www.smartforce.com , providing (4) free on-line courses to candidates, and unlimited (1800) courses to contractors

May 1998 – December 2001 MAST AMERICAS + JOBSHARK.COM, Latin American region (www.mastamericas.com + www.jobshark.com)

Country Manager of Jobshark Argentina and Jobshark Uruguay since July 2000 (MaST Americas became a shareholder of Jobshark in December 1999).
- Successful alliance with 2 leading selection companies in Argentina and Uruguay
- Annual turnover of $US 500.000 and $US 200.000 respectively.
- Joint venture with Argentina’s second selling newspaper (Metro) and Uruguay’s top selling newspaper (El País) .
- Alliances with several chambers and associations.
- Management of sales and business development cycle, marketing campaign and the recruiting processes.
- Presentation and publication of articles relating to Recruitment and Human Resources.

Management Consultant, MaST Americas
- Project leader for several HR programmes in the leading local and international companies, such as Shell, Telefónica, Banco Crédito, Almacenes París, Wong, Norbank, etc…
- Training of middle and senior management in key skills and processes
- Diagnostics (climate, culture, performance, etc…) and benchmarking based on worldwide standards (Business Excellence Model and Investors in People)

May 1997 - 1998 CONSULTANT, Lima, Peru
Consulting for:
Dutch Chamber of Commerce- CBI in The Netherlands (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries)
Drafting of 2 European Commission proposals with the British and Dutch Peruvian Chambers of Commerce (for the promotion of joint ventures between EU and Peruvian companies)
Advising 70 Peruvian SME’s looking to export to the EU
GTZ: 2-month procurement project with main international development organisations

June 1996 – February 1997
RIVERLAND, Brussels, Belgium (www.riv.be, www.starlab.org )
European Business Development Manager
European leader in the area of new and emerging technologies, associated with the MIT Media Lab.
Achievements included:
Appointment of Riverland on the EU’s committee of the Fifth Framework Programme
(Research & Development programmes), listing Riverland as a service provider to the different EU institutions, submitting and managing calls for proposals launched by the European Commission; identifying partners for participation in the EU’s R&D programmes; promoting Riverland by offering talks at seminars/conferences; maintaining regular contact with the various media.

July 1995 – June 1996 EAST OF SCOTLAND EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM (ESEC), Brussels, Belgium (www.esec.org.uk )
Principal European Officer
ESEC is a representation of 4 Regional Councils in Scotland (Central, Fife, Lothian and Tayside). My role was to launch and manage the Brussels office, which was the hub for all EU activity of ESEC. Activities included monitoring and lobbying the European Parliament and the European Commission, liaising with the Scottish office and networking with other regional offices based in Brussels.

April 1994 – July 1995
FORUM EUROPE – Conference Organisers, Brussels, Belgium
Active in drafting conference proposals and answering calls for tender and calls for proposals launched by the European Commission. Also conducted feasibility studies and market research for major clients (e.g. Philip Morris Policy Institute) related to European Policy issues.

1989 - 1993 SQUASH MANAGEMENT, Spain
Squash Consultant for clubs in Madrid, Vigo, Mallorca & Valencia
Activities included:
-Organising world-ranking tournaments (Sponsors, Public Relations, Press, TV and Radio coverage)
-Organising club competitions, leagues and coaching (Technique and Refereeing)
Personally sponsored by Dunlop Slazenger International for the promotion and selling of its sports products, through exhibitions, tournaments and clinics.


1985-1989 UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING, Stirling, Scotland
Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies & Spanish

1972-1985 EUROPEAN SCHOOL OF BRUSSELS I, Brussels, Belgium
European Baccalaureate in Economics & Modern Languages


English, Spanish, French & Dutch - fluent
German & Portuguese - basic


*Member of Scottish National Squash Team since 1991 (silver and bronze medal at 94 and 96 European Championships)
*Awarded the "Full Blue" for squash at Stirling University in 1988
*Awarded the "Airthrey Trophy" as best sportsman at Stirling University in 1987
*Holder of Life Saving Award and First Aid
*Top juggler


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