Flex Manager
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Project Manager

Project Manager

Work Experience


2004 - Present
Consultant/Project Manager/Interim Manager Interim Project Assignments:
1) Organizational development & start-ups (not for profit & commercial organizations) using tools like EFQM/INK, six sigma, BPM, COSO & competence management :
- Business Process Management;
- Organisational development;
- Assisting with implementation Corporate Social Responsibility;

2 Feasibility study, business plans and SWOT Analysis, examples:
- Assist “Invest in Guatemala” to prepare feasibility studies and SWOT Analysis;
- Identification market opportunities European companies in Central America;
- Investigating introduction of ACN Mobile in Spain, Italy and Portugal;
- Sales, seminars & projects development organisational change hospitals in The Netherlands together with Het Adviesnetwerk;

3) Interim Management, Project Management, Coaching & Training, examples:
- Managing/coaching project managers of TNT Express (Worldwide);
- Developing dairy improvement/production project (from farm to dairy producers) together with SEMEX (a Pfizer company) in Guatemala;
- Developing opportunities for the Guatemalan sugar processing industry;
- Developing production tropical plants/vegetables/fruit in Central America;
- Train entrepreneurs to start up a business (Central America);
- Manage projects at ISIT (clients hospitals, Stork-Fokker, NATO, etcetera);
- Managing mobile operations of ACN Mobile Telecom (Europe);
- Managing projects to restructure ACN Mobile Telecom (Europe).

2000 – 2003
Senior Consultant/Project Manager/Interim Manager Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
1) Technical & Financial feasibility studies (e.g. with NOB and BCN);
2) Organisational change/interim management (e.g. Orange, Dragados/HBG);
3) Managing large projects like OT2000 & outsourcing project DaimlerChrysler;
4)Solve crisis situations at clients ( DaimlerChrysler and Telfort);
5) Develop HR outsourcing projects (e.g. with Dutch Ministry of Defence and HP);
6) Sales, marketing and communication projects (internal CGEY and KPN/Ericsson).

1999 – 2000
International Account Manager Holland Railconsult
1) Develop and manage projects funded by International Finance Institutes (IFI) like EEC Phare/Tacis, Senter PSO & PSOM, EBRD and Worldbank;
2) Develop and introduce Holland Railconsult in Germany, UK & Spain.

1997 – 1999
Manager International Operations/Director/Project Manager Tebodin
1) Manage the department International Operations dealing with Tebodin’s sales and project activities (IFI and privately funded) in Central & Eastern Europe and Asia;
2) Consultant in various projects in Central & Eastern Europe;
3) Start-up Tebodin Bulgaria, assist in start-up of Tebodin in Azerbaijan;
4) Project manager of Tebodin’s projects and consultancy assignments in Bulgaria funded by IFI’s and private companies like Shell and Philips Electronics2;
5) Manage the roll-out of the T-Mobile telecommunication network in the Netherlands.

1993 – 1996
Consultant PAG Engineering, Management en Consultancy & Independent Project Analysis
1) Introduce and enhance new technologies and improve project management;
2)Evaluate project management activities in the (petro-)chemical and oil industry. Clients were companies like Shell, DSM, Unilever, Heineken and BP.

1992 – 1993
Second (now First) Lieutenant, Enlistment in the army


1985 – 1992 Chemistry/Economics (MSc), University of Utrecht
2006 – 2007 Business Administration II (post HBO), HES Rotterdam

1991 Industrial Marketing (TIME), DSM
1996 – 2006 Prince II and Project Management Masterclass, amongst others CBE
1998 Project Financing, Tebodin (with Amsterdam Institute of Finance information)


- Strong project management skills displayed in implementation projects and organizational development assignments. Ability to operate effectively in a constantly changing environment, guiding multi-disciplinary teams;
- Effective consulting & client handling skills. Direct contact with senior executives of clients providing constructive and timely advice;
- Training staff on the job to assist them in improving their knowledge with regard to project management, organizational development and strategy development;
- Ability to communicate effectively with all levels of the organization;
- Experience in the design and implementation of programs to improve organizational effectiveness;
- Expert in developing a strategy and preparing business plans/feasibility studies.

Project Management:
Organizational development (design & implementation) & Strategy development:
- EFQM Business Excellence Model, INK Management Model, Six Sigma;
- Business Process Management (BPM) & SIPOC process development;
- COSO Enterprise Risk Model;
- SWOT Analysis;
- (Strategic) human resources management incl. competence management;
- Tools to evaluate feasibility to outsource/insource activities;
- Corporate Social Responsibility.


Dutch (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent/good), German (good), French (basic)


An ambitious consultant/(project) manager who knows ‘to build bridges’ in and outside organisations. Likes complex situations, delivers targets on time. Is enthusiastic, motivates and stimulates and with his team he gets results. Takes initiative, makes decisions and thinks in solutions. Is a quick thinker and strong communicator and is not afraid for new circumstances and situations. As a consultant/ project manager he likes to develop organizations, operations and projects to perform better.


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