Flex Manager
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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

Bredband Benelux B.V., Woerden, The Netherlands
Bredband Benelux is a company deploying its own Fiber To The Home infrastructure and providing broadband services (such as high speed Internet access) to primarily the residential market.

1st position: Chief Executive Officer
Key targets were: (1) create business plan, (2) establish joint venture with B2 Bredband AB, (4) have pilot up and running by end of 2000 and (4) recruit experienced executive management team.
Started in May 2000 with Continuum Group Ltd. (UK based investment firm) to develop business plan for a Fiber To The Home company. Other deliverables were the establishment of the joint venture with Swedish B2 Bredband AB (owned by investors such as NTL, Carlyle Group, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and Investor) in September 2000 and the delivery of a initial broadband network including pilot users in December 2000.
2nd position: Chief Marketing Officer
Acted as CMO as of January 2001, when the new management team was operational.
Responsible for Marketing, Sales and Customer Services. Key deliverable was the launch of the Bredband Internet service on August 1st, 2001. The service reached within one month over 75% penetration within the internet population in its market.

Versatel Telecom International N.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Versatel is a listed (AEX and NASDAQ [VRSA]) international telecommunications company with its own fiber network throughout the Benelux and Germany. Versatel is providing data, voice and internet services to primarily the business market.

1st position: Manager Business Development
Responsible for Mergers & Acquisitions. Completed the acquisition of SpeedPort N.V. (international Internet connectivity and co-location) and Vuurwerk Internet B.V. (largest web hosting provider in the Netherlands). Additional responsibilities: development Internet strategy, overall strategic support for the executive management.
2nd position: Managing Director Zon Netherlands B.V.
Created as Manager Business Development a free internet business model. Thereafter, started the first Dutch national free internet provider Zon (www.zonnet.nl) on August 31st, 1999. Zon appeared to be the fastest growing Dutch ISP ever and reached over 100,000 customers within one month. Currently Zon is with over 1 million subscribers one of the largest Dutch ISP’s.

EnerTel N.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Enertel was in 1996 one of the two first alternative telecom operators in the Netherlands in the Dutch market. It provided data, voice and internet services to primarily the Dutch business market. In 1998 it was acquired by US based WorldPort Communications Inc. In 2000 it was acquired by UK based Energis.

1st position: Product Manager
Responsible for the launch of the first service (leased lines) for EnerTel, one of the two first alternative telecom operators in the Netherlands in the Dutch market.
2nd position: Business Development Manager
Responsible for the bid book EDUnet (today called "Kennisnet"). EDUnet is the broadband Intranet for more than 12.000 Dutch schools and educational organisations. The owner of the EDUnet is the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Dutch: OCenW).
3rd position: Team Leader Product Management
Headed the product marketing team which included a broad range of services in the area of datacom, Internet and telephony.

Group 2000 Nederland B.V., Almelo, The Netherlands
Group 2000 is an international oriented voice and call processing company providing high-end voice applications for international customers such as KPN Telecom (NL), Swiss Telecom (CH), Belgacom (B) and Telenor (N).

1st position: Project Manager
Project management for turn key solutions such as voice mail, credit card calling, teletext, unified messaging and IVR. Customers included KPN Telecom and Swiss Telecom.
2nd position: Product Manager
Responsible for the MULTIVOX products, the main product range of Group 2000. The MULTIVOX portfolio included IVR and IN solutions for public switched telephony networks.


HTS Electrotechniek, diff. Telecommunication (BSc.)
NIMA A and B (Marketing)
Industrial Management (post HBO)


All round (especially marketing and business development)


English, Dutch, German
French (basic)


Preferred assignment in broadband or new media.


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