Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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General Mgr/MD/CEO

General Mgr/MD/CEO

Work Experience

Interim manager for Connection Exchange - business start -up.

CEO- Inter Digital Networks - Started a telco as co founder.
Developed business strategy and maket sector. Familiar with transmission technologies, such as SDH - IP.
Grew business from 3 employees to 50 with and annual order book of £4M.

Start-up of London Inter Connect a comapny owned by 6 cable comapnies. Produced all marketing and business strategy and was also responsible for sales. Won orders valued at in excess of £10M.


Post Graduate course in Control Engineering
Diploma in Management Studies
Degree in Applied Electronics


Business trouble shooting.
Ability to create business strategy.
Develop and motivate individuals and teams of people.
Marketing and sales development.
Process analysis and work flow management.
Strong in communications technologies including ecomerce system development.
Very strong project management skills able to create critical path analysis and use Microsoft Project


Have learn German and French in the past but not strong.


Very adaptable person with a strong work ethic.
Although operated at senior management levels have maintained a strong technical skill set.


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