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Manager, Coach/Counsellor/Mediator, Trainer

Manager, Coach/Counsellor/Mediator, Trainer

Work Experience

2002 - 2005
Manager Back-Office; Staff Employee Planning, Training and Quality
Branch: Bank and Insurance (Aegon, Spaarbeleg, Spaaradvies)
LogicaCMG Business Process Outsourcing, Leeuwarden - NL
Managing till 88 employees policy administration (inc. staff employees)

2001 - 2002
Manager Service Desk
Branch: Information and Communication Technology (KPN Telecom)
Stratel Consultancy, Capelle a/d IJssel, location Utrecht - NL
Managing department of 22 data-entry employees

Department Leader
Branch: Retail Vegetables and Fruit
Firm Super De Boer , Westerbork - NL

Assistant Department Leader
Branch: Retail Vegetables and Fruit
Holzer Parkkauf GmbH / Interspar AG, Weilheim - Oberbayern - D

Branch Manager
Branch: Retail Flowers and Plants
Holland Blumenkauf GmbH, Augsburg - D

Branch: Network Marketing and Direct Marketing Electronics
Quorum International BV, Hoofddorp - NL

Internal Export Salesman ex-DDR / Staff Employee
Branch: Export Trade Vegetables and Fruit
Jager Holland BV, Nieuw-Amsterdam - NL

Further Experience

External Information Communication Officer
Coalition to Work With Psycho-trauma and Peace, Vukovar - Croatia
I founded a database of relevant funding organisations

Secretary and PR Chairman
For VVD (political board) Department Emmen and Province Central Drenthe respectively

Market research launching chocolate tablet in the Netherlands
Graduation assignment Undergraduate School for Lacasa Chocolates, Zaragoza - Spain

Market research commercial exchanges Netherlands - Aragon
Traineeship Undergraduate School at Chamber of Commerce in Zaragoza - Spain

Host USA Wheelchair Team
World Games for Disabled, Assen - NL

Team Coach
Summercamp Delaware, Group of 11-13 years old, Winsted CT - USA


Bachelor level studies

Bachelor Class Stress Management (diploma)
Psychodidact, ’s-Hertogenbosch - NL , level University of Wyoming
Assignments: Communication Knowledge 1, Communication Knowledge 2, Clinical Psychology, General Psychology; and Respiration and Relief
preceding: Introduction Class Stress Management (diploma)
Psychodidact, ’s-Hertogenbosch - NL
Workshops: Exploring, Limiting, Encountering and Communicating
With this education I have learned to counsel and coach in a targeted way, with solutions that approach the needs of the clients. I have developed a lot knowledge and insight of human and above of myself too.


Undergraduate Business School for Commercial Economics and Linguistics / HEAO (Bachelor diploma)
Hogeschool Drenthe, Emmen - NL
Final Examination subjects: Commercial Economics/Marketing, Business Economics, Cross Cultural Management, Economics, English, German, Spanish
Other subjects: Business Administration, Business Organisation, Law, Automation/Data Processing, Public Relations/Communication, Statistics/Mathematics, Psychology/Sociology.

Other Studies

International Symposium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Erasmus University, Rotterdam - NL and Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution (IIMCR), Washington DC - USA.
Locations: Rotterdam, Den Haag and Brussels - NL and B
In 2005: passed for In-Top Knowledge Test; Registered NMI-Mediator

Globalisation of Economy and Society
Tilburg - NL, Catholic University Brabant

Transforming Civil Conflict
European Network University Amsterdam, On-line Course.

Media training, board, presentation techniques, etc. VVD/HvS

Since 1983 own Computer, by that much experience
Experience with i.e. MS Office; Website Design as a Hobby


Why do you want me?

In your job I have much to offer. I have training and experience in different areas so that I am available widely. When you search someone with leading capacities that knows to perform on the business level as well as on personal affairs, than you have found the unique person in me.

Managing and coaching qualities

At my last employers I worked through outsourcing. I had contact with clients, employer and employees. I have a practical attitude, I am creative, and I usually find more solutions to a problem.

I have learnt how a company can operate efficiently and how important the role stays of the people that perform within it. I can coach people well, because I want to understand what motivates them. I like to work in a team at moments and alone at other times.

I have experience in effectuating functioning interviews and alas in bad new interviews as well. Because of the project wise character of the last job fluctuated the employment need notably, as well as the type of acquired activities.


Languages and experience with other cultures

I master English, German and Spanish good and French moderately.
I have acquired experience in these for language environments. As a result I have worked with people from different cultures in the Netherlands and abroad.


I am a generalist with extensive experience and training on varied areas. I am available for positions like i.e.
- Manager
- Coach / Counsellor / Mediator
- Trainer
I emphatically hold myself available for other suitable positions as well.


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