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interimmanagement, projectmanagement

interimmanagement, projectmanagement

Work Experience


From 2000: (Company: management,own business) Interimmanagement&consultancy in
the area: Business Development, Marketing & Sales, Communication, Callcentermanagement, Projectmanagement, Changemanagement, Financial management,E-commerce and Crisismanagement. A.o.:
- changedirector and interim marketing &
salesdirector, international publisher;
- workshops digitization, government;
- national communicationstrategy(investigation, government);
- projectmanagement implementation informationsystem (government);
- projectmanagement implementation of improved industrial processes, (technical department, international airlines);
- financial controller, biggest dutch directmarketeer.

2000: Manager Internet- and Contactcenter .
The launch (marketresearch and promotion/pr included) of a “virtual” temporary employment agency in several countries, using State-of-the-Art techniques and solutions.
Resposible for 60 employees.

1999 – 2000: Principal Consultant, Manager businessline and Employee Benefits. Amongst others responsible for the set-up of a central consultancygroup. Relevant projects:
- Programmanager big Financialgroup for the Customer Contact departments (integration, new brands, new markets, changing the organization etc);
- Projectmanager for the innovation of a new ordering & salesproces - Projectmanager multichannelprogram bank. A.o. architect of the new businessprogram;
- Advisor Communication for the launch of the new, international stocksite phase 2;
- Responsible for strategic workshops for several top 500 multinationals (for Board and/or Board of Trustees).

Big Financialgroup

1995 – 1998: Several Management- and Projectmanagementfunctions (Local:40%, National: 30% and International: 30 %). A renumeration of different roles and functions.

Member Management Team, responsible for the subjects marketing & communication, strategy & businessdevelopment , electronic commerce and callcentermanagement. As a crisismanager responsible for the integration of the financial departments. As a programmanager responsible for the following projects: viewtelephone, infrastructure, internet, customercommunication and multichanneling. As a productmanager responsible for the launch of several products in the market. As a negotiator responsible for the big third party contracts and involved in take overs/agreements and co operations with future parties and potential partners. As a Director/Manager responsible for crisismanagement.
member of the Marketing & Sales Platform; chairman of the New Media Platform; member of the following taskforces: Development international Business Strategy;Marketresearchgroup;Callcenterplatform;
member of the New Media Taskforce;projectmanager for the international yellowpages project;launching new business and market-“scanning” in Sweden, Portugal, Canada, Korea,
Switserland, Ireland, Germany and Poland;programmanager for the setup of an international Education Institute.

Biggest Health Company Holland
1990 – 1995: manager Marketing & Communication, Qualitymanagement AND manager Customers & Innovation. First contracted as a crisismanager, after that adjunct-Director for Marketing, Communication & Qualitymanagement.
Special projects:
- electronic Data Interchanges;
- clientcommunication;
- ISO-certificate for Services (9004-2);
- paperless Administration;
- quality-system (ITIL) ;
- programmanagement for the BPR-traject (1500 employees).
Responsible for:
- the Internal and External Communication
- setup of the Customer Contact Centers

Two Health Insurance Companies

1987 – 1990: Responsible for the co operation between these companies.Responsible for the contracts and the business-administration (120 employees).

Institute for selling cources and educationprograms
1984 – 1986: Marketing & Salesmanager. Responsible for marketing & sales (40 employees).

Insurance Company
1982 – 1984: Chiefinspector Insurance. Responsible for South-Holland (24 inspectors).

1978 – 1981: Music Teacher, Mentor problemclasses (50%) en Teacher Music and Dramatic expression (50%).



1980 : Conservatorium (Music Highschool Schoolmusic and Orchestra & Choirconductor)
1982 : MusicScience
1984 : Professional diploma’s Assurance
1985 : post-Highschool Managementcourses
1986 : Marketing & Salescourses (international)
1989 : Communication Science
1990 – 1995 : Several short courses: Human Resources, Strategic management, Marketing &
Communication, Financial management, Interactive Marketing & (new) Media
1998 : Business Administration

Relevant Education Others
(in house training,management/director development programs)

- Projectmanagement and Programmanagement
- Strategyplans, Businessplans, Marketingplans and Mission statements
- ICT-organisation (a.o. ITIL )
- Crisismanagement
- Qualitymanagement (ISO-certificates , TQM)
- Business Process Redesign
- Logistic & Facility management
- DirectMarketing-course
- Callcentermanagement



Natural leader and entrepreneur with strong communication skills and a pragmatic attitude on all levels (strategic, tactical and operational). Humor and a good view on the value of the human capital of an organization.
Visionair with a “down to earth”-mentality and the capacity to motivate and inspire people.


Publications (a.o.)

- Tools for Business Process Redesign, judgement 21 BPR- tools;
- “ The Management Wheel and Quality Process “ as part of “Quality Improvement as a craft”
(Bjarne Berg Wig, 1996);
- “The 18 Golden rules for Seniormarketing” (AdfoMarketing 1997);
- The chapters “MarketResearch and Marketcommunication” in “From Monopoly to Market”
(Kluwer Sovac (1992);
- Several publications about Quality-issues in Specifiek (Foundation Qualityservices ).
- Communication & Marketingmodels as part of a strategic reconnaissance of the 20 biggest
inhouse-callcenters in the Benelux;

Special functions ( a.o.)

- teacher, guestspeaker for the subjects interactive marketing, new media, market
research and marketing & communication(workshops,courses,lectures etc.);
- 1987 – 1994 : chairman of the Dutch national Steeringgroup Administration and Organization (As
part of the Dutch Organization for Health Insurance Companies);
- organization of Business-presentations, exhibitions, events and conferences;
- 1995 – 1999: member of the Board of the Dutch national Foundation for Quality Science and
chairman for the section Customer Services;


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