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Public Relations and Marketing Consultant

Public Relations and Marketing Consultant

Work Experience

1998 –- Present - Freelance PR and Marketing Consultant

1996 – 1998 - Planning Director, Marshall Tanous plc

1994 – 1996 - Marketing Manager, National Dairy Council

1987 – 1994 - Publicity Manager, National Dairy Council

1983 – 1987 - Promotions Officer, Health Education Council

1980 – 1983 - Publicity Officer, Health Education Council

1979 – 1980 - Publicity Assistant, Health Education Council

1978 – 1979 - Assistant Information Officer, British Overseas Trade Board


Diploma in Communication Studies, Birmingham Polytechnic

A Levels - History, English and Mathematics – 1974 St John’s School, Leatherhead

OA Levels – 1 – 1973 St John’s School, Leatherhead

O Levels – 8 – 1972 St John’s School, Leatherhead


• Team Management and Leadership
• Project and Budget Management
• Strategic Planning and Evaluation
• Development and Presentation of Plans
• Presentation (To large and small audiences)
• Media Relations (including appearing on broadcast media)
• Design and Publications Production
• Video Production
• Advertising
• Management of Advertising/PR/Sponsorship Agencies
• Public Relations
• Sponsorship
• Research and Evaluation
• Sales Promotions




Member of the Institute of Public Relations
Member of the Marketing Society
Regular conference speaker and recognised authority on planning and evaluation for PR and corporate communications


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