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Financial Controller

Financial Controller

Work Experience

General skills
Highly experienced as an Auditor RA within a customer oriented environment. My audit and accounting operations involved many subjects, such as auditing, preparation of the annual reports, tax declarations and special audit research. Also more specific advice and recommendations e.g. take-overs, separation of enterprises, questions about administrative procedures and internal controls, due diligence and research for solvency, etc.

Since 2006, active as a free lancer mainly within international companies and focussed on financial controlling, reporting, consolidation based on IFRS or Dutch GAAP and process optimisation.

My managing style is characterised by goal oriented teamwork, coaching, pragmatism and view to the skills of individual team members.

I have a strong feeling for figures, analysis, organisation, internal control and communication skills.

Experience as a free lancer

Stichting Woord en Daad, Gorinchem
• Financial Management including Planning & Control cycle
• Process optimisation
• Setup forecast liquidity
• Monthly close
• Preparation year end close
04-2013 -11-2013 full time and from
11-2013 – 02-2014 part time
MAHLE Industrial Filtration (Benelux) B.V.
• Preparation Annual Accounts and consolidation based on Dutch GAAP and communication with headquarters, auditors and tax advisors
• Monthly and quarterly close
• Corporate income tax declarations
• Projects administrative organisation
• Project transfer pricing 09-2011- 04-2013 and from 12-2013 - 02-2014 part time
ASML Holding N.V., Veldhoven
• Preparation Annual Accounts and consolidation based on both US GAAP and IFRS including press release
• Monthly and quarterly close
• Preparation Annual Accounts subsidiaries in Germany, Belgium and France and contacts with auditors
Vitol Tank Terminal International B.V., Rotterdam
• Implementation of IFRS.
• Consolidation process including preparation (consolidated) annual accounts
• Communication with financial controllers of the entities and the auditors.
• Business combinations and acquisitions, accounting of currency translation differences, tax accounting, impairment testing of goodwill.
• Preparation of the monthly consolidated figures including analysis
• Improvements in the managerial reporting system.
• Preparation of the final year-end packages to the Parent Company in Geneva. 11-2008_05-2010
Heineken N.V., Amsterdam
• Applying the change of IFRS accounting policies regarding the recording of joint ventures from proportionate consolidation into equity method.
• Restatement of comparatives on a historical quarterly basis including all recalculations and audit trail, preparation of position paper and developing a proposal for a reporting and reconciliation model at half year-end.
• Restatement of comparatives and disclosures in the consolidated annual accounts
Bot Bouw Groep B.V., Heerhugowaard
• Financial controlling of the Holding and her subsidiaries
• Preparation of the (consolidated) annual accounts based on Dutch GAAP
• Communication with auditors, tax advisors MT and Supervisory Board
• Preparation of the monthly closing and forecast
• Evaluation of the project results and work in progress
• Analysis and changes in hour rates
• Supporting investment decisions. 02-2008_06-2008
TNT N.V., Hoofddorp
• Set-up, implementation and evaluation of country scans for all TNT subsidiaries world-wide in conjunction with Fiscal, Legal and Treasury Departments.
• Validation and analysing annual figures per legal entity and reconciliation to the consolidation package.
• Issues determined in conjunction with local financial controllers and discussed within TNT Head Office.
• Improvements regarding the financial- and tax position for every entity.
• Participated in the preparation of the overall legal entity consolidation process and the reconciliation to the annual report of TNT N.V.
Heineken N.V., Amsterdam
• Solving sticking points in the preparation of the consolidated tax return for the Fiscal Unity in the Netherlands on a legal entity basis.
• Reconciliation tax declarations to the (consolidated) annual accounts, Hyperion and SAP, based on managerial accounting.
• Preparing a plan preventing these bottle necks in the future.
• Preparation year-end closing and reporting in Hyperion of Heineken Head office.
• Communication with the auditors, preparation of all documentation, required schedules and improvements in the overall process and audit trail

Experience within permanent jobs

Londen & Van Holland Registeraccountants en Belastingadviseurs, Amsterdam
• Business Partner in an Audit, Accounting Service and Tax Advice Firm.
• Account management
• Manager Auditing Department of 25 employees, IT, Human Resources and back-office.
• Quality control in accordance with Auditing Guidelines and Standards.
• Introduction and implementation of an employee assessment system, including coaching employees and on the job training.
• Introduction and implementation of a new job time-, work in progress- and billing system.
Meijer & Kruijt Accountants, Amstelveen
• Auditor
• Preparing valuation models based on Discounted Cash Flow method 10-1993_03-1994
Deloitte, Gouda
Worked for many clients in many industries, first as a junior auditor, later as a qualified auditor. Additional duties and responsibilities:
• Advice and recommendations to Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden (Dutch Travel Insurance Association /SGR) including member screening
• Review of study cases in auditing for Erasmus University
• Providing training courses for starters in auditing and accounting including preparation of study material
• Participation in Pilot team introducing Standard Audit Approach 04-1987_09-1993
Accountantskantoor Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten, The Hague
• Worked for clients in non-profit sector as a junior auditor 02-1982_03-1987
Bleuland Ziekenhuis, Gouda
• Administration 07-1981_01-1982


Qualifications in detail

• NivRA / registered accountant 1983 – 1991 Diploma
• Praktijkdiploma Boekhouden 1982 – 1983 Diploma
• VWO Atheneum B 1975 – 1981 Diploma

Additional training courses
• SOX December 2007
• Derivatives and Hedge Accounting December 2007
• Financial Risk & Treasury September 2007
• Financial English September 2006-November 2006
• Basics IFRS August 2006


Dutch: Native
English: Good
German: Reasonable


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