Flex Manager
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Consultant Business Optimization & Interim Management

Consultant Business Optimization & Interim Management

Work Experience


Highly experienced global Entrepreneurial Leader. Delivering value add, making the difference as a professional, with managerial skills in all functional areas of a company/division, within diverse sectors. Excellent Coach, organizer, innovator, strategist and Consultant, driven to get the best results out of people, processes and products.
Specialized in pragmatic business improvement and optimization. Broad technical, financial and managerial education background flavored with quality-principles as the basics of Management. Open, straight-forward communicator with a vision.


Ranging from Departmental Manager to statutory Managing Director functions.
Companies size from 175 to 1200 FTE with Budget responsibility from 75 M to 500 M €.


High Tech, FMCG, Industrial, Chemical, Automotive, Food
Customers dealt with are Top 500 Global Companies.


Engineering, Facilities, Utilities, Buying, Procurement, Subcontracting, Project Management, Maintenance, Quality (e.g. Lean, Six Sigma), Production, Assembly, Refurbishing, Logistics, Value added Logistics Operations, Transport, Distribution, Return Flow, Spare parts distribution, Supply Chain Management, Sales, Business Development,R&D, IT, Finance, HRM, Start-ups, Shut Downs, Mergers & Take Over’s & Acquisitions & Outsourcing EE/China.

Production operations & maintenance
Energy, Utilities, Machining, Welding, Sheet metal, Plastic molding, Assembly, Electronic power supplies production, Painting, Galvano, Chemical, Polymer production, Ink powder production, Polymer, Developers production, Steel shot production, Organic belts production & coating.

Result Areas

Human Resources: Self Managed Work Groups implemented; Employee satisfaction and motivation improved; Illness rate reduced; Flex pools setup; Operator certification implemented; Change Management.

Financial: Profit restored & improved; Costs reductions; Productivity improvements; Working capital reduced (Inventory reduced, Vendor Managed Inventory contracts); New Customers attracted and turnover growth realized.

Quality: Product & service quality improved; Customer satisfaction improved; Operators, tooling and processes certified; Quality tools applied in operations and in reporting; Continuous Improvement implemented.

Strategy & Policy: Mission, vision and strategies developed, communicated and implemented; Organizations (Re) Modeling; Maintenance policy; Purchasing and outsourcing; IT support & systems & services;
Sales and Business Development; Innovation of products & services.

Time-window Employment Job title/Activities

2005 - Present
Managing Consultant (Owner)
• Pragmatic Business optimization & innovation
• Company preparation for sale
• Interim Management in total supply chain
• Search & selection vacancies

2003 - 2006 (Exel) Director Operations
Belgium & Director Sales
and Business Development

2000 - 2003 (Geodis) Director BU Logistics

1998 - 2000 (Vitesse)Director Operations

1996 - 1998 (Xerox) Manager Direct Sales
Channel Operations EMEA

1992 - 1996 (Xerox) Production Manager
Business Units Work Group
and Departmental Copiers.
Member Re-engineering team (KPMG).
Re-engineering per Business Unit
of Logistics,Engineering and F&A.

1990 - 1992 (Xerox) Business Quality Director

1985 - 1990 (Rank Xerox) Manager Site/Plant
Engineering and Tool shop

1978 - 1985 (Rank Xerox) Manager Site & Plant
Engineering & Utilities

Consultancy Customers & projects \\\\\\\'07-\\\\\\\'010

Thyssen Krupp
- Interim Quality Health Safety Environment Manager
- Business Optimization & Coaching
Optimization of :
• Product-,
• Supply chain-,
• Manufacturing-,
• R&D- and
• Project Management-quality
- Design of a quality dashboard with KPI’s
- Application & training of quality tools
- Introduction of risk management, FMEA
- Suppliers auditing and certification
- R&D Product Generation Process optimization
- Warranty policy optimization
- Flexpool setup proposal
- Production quality improvement
- Lean and 6Sigma refreshment, audit
- HSE policy and implementation
- Search & Selection new QHSE Manager

Walker Magnetics Group
• Interim Managing Director Europe
• Companies optimized for Sale
• Sales structure Eastern Europe implemented
• ISO Certification achieved

Inalfa Roof Systems
• Interim Logistic Management Europe
• Logistic Departments optimized
• Via search & selection Logistic Manager vacancy filled in

• Quality Department Projects
• Pragmatic KPI ‘s & Dashboards developed in cooperation
with McKinsey Company

• Product Generation (R&D) Process analyzed,
renewed and optimized
• Phase Gate review R&D process, analyzed and improved

• Design and project proposal for a dedicated Portal for
• Portal design for all DHL services and for all other
potential DHL customers

Consultancy Customers & projects \\\\\\\'05-\\\\\\\'06

WP Haton
• Benchmark model for profit optimization
• Cost savings proposals issued with regard to
Purchase, Production, Planning and Logistics.

• European Operations & Warehouses centralization and
project management proposal issued

• Software replacement proposal and
• Project plan for implementation issued

• Programme Management Manual updated
• Search & selection activities for interim management




- HTS Mechanical Engineering & Thermodynamics
- HIT Installation & Instrumentation Technology

Extensive international trainings:

Logistics & Supply Chain
Engineering E/W/B/HVAC


The activities are:
Optimization - Productivity - Innovation - Continuïty

Interim Management as Director/Manager

· Company optimization
Integral optimization of companies or departments

· Interim management
Including Search & Selection

· For Sale preparation & optimization of companies
Investors research and Bidbook issueing

· Commissions
Mainly small/medium size of businesses
and hightech starting ventures

Interim Management
Assuring Continuïty - offen in combination with business improvement actions - within organizations in different roles:

Managing Director
Director/Manager Operations
Production Director
BU Manager/Director
Program Manager
Project Manager
Quality Manager Director
Maintenance Manager
Sales & Business & Development Director

‘Knowhow’ on demand
Besides business optimization and interim management, offers additional expertice:

Merger & Acquisition services and For Sale preparation services
Search & Selection for key-personel




Customer evaluations/ratings available on request
References contact persons on request


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