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Internet project manager

Internet project manager

Work Experience

Projects with own company

·MaxFoodmarket: research and business planning for European expansion. Result: presentation with the results of the research and a detailed advice on how to move forward in two selected countries.

·Personal Injuries Insurance Association (PIV): user research, strategic consulting, planning, realization of extranet. Result: extranet solution for knowledge management. Specialist users of all personal injury insurers (50+) in The Netherlands are able to exchange information via extranet.

·Scirus(ReedElsevier): strategic analysis for building a search engine for scientific use, able to disclose both proprietary and public information. Result: Vision document for future development and phase one website.

·www.provinia.com: business analysis for internet wine exchange. Result: report and presentation focused on marketing to buyers and sellers of wine and functional design document.

·Quavida (Quadraat): consultant for realizing employee benefit extranet site, including marketing/branding issues. Result: new name for company, functional design for extranet, new corporate branding.
·Kluwer: consultant for marketing research. Result: full report on internet use of starting lawyers in The Netherlands.

·Online brokerage project: business analysis for new online brokerage concept. Result: several reports and presentations, no presence yet due to funding issues.

VSB Bank / Fortis Bank (4th largest retail bank of The Netherlands)
Manager Internet, responsible for the management of a department of 4. Developing internet marketing strategies for The Netherlands. Responsible for several major projects:

·The development, implementation and management of a new website. Special emphasis was on the user experience for our clients on the one hand and integration within the existing organization and offline channels on the other.

·The business planning of the department, creating an internet vision for the bank and matching this business plan with that of the whole business unit.

·Email response unit: implementation of a team that is specifically assigned to answering emails from our clients within 24 hours.

·Creation and implementation of online marketing strategies in cooperation with (direct) marketing department.

·Creating awareness within the organization for internet and the online possibilities on a broad scale through presentations and courses.

·Member of Fortis Bank Global Taskforce Internet. Responsible for internet strategy and creation of global and local webpresences.

Management Trainee, traineeship includes trainings, courses and workshops. Projects during traineeship:

·AMEV Particulier (insurance): Marketing department. Introduction of new insurance product, evaluation / analyses of AMEV website and internet efforts in general and implementation and management of product specific helpdesk.

·Falcon Leven (insurance): Marketing Department. Assisting the Marketing Director with long term business plan. Assisting with large marketing campaign; database selection, creation and implementation.

·VSB Zakenbank (business bank): Marketing Department. Assisting Product Manager with restructuring of product line.


Business Economics, specialized in Insurance and Banking, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Secondary General Education, 1e Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum, The Hague, Netherlands.

Qualifications and Courses
1996 Professional Writing Skills course
1997 Presentation Techniques course
1997 Certificate Investment, NIBE, The Netherlands
1997 Coaching Manager, courses and workshop
1998 General course in Negotiating
1998 Training “Working in Teams”
1998 Project Management training
1999 Workshop “Time Management”, FranklinCovey
1999 Workshop “Internet in Business”


Computer Skills
Very computer literate. Experience with amongst others: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Access, Frontpage), HTML (moderate), Internet browsers, Graphical editors, and more.


Language Skills
Dutch: Fluently
English: Fluently
German: Good
French: Good


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