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HR Manager / Consultant

HR Manager / Consultant

Work Experience

July 2006 – today Self-employed HR Manager / Consultant a.i.
2007 – 2008
2006 – 2007 ING – Corporate Compliance
ING – HR Global Finance & Risk, Compensation & Benefits
ING – Division Intermediair – Line of Business: Life Insurance

2003 – 2006 Kawasaki Motors Europe NV, Human Resources Manager

2001 – 2003 Freelance HR Consultant:
- BT Nederland NV
- Railverkeersleiding BV (merged in Prorail)
- Power in People

1999 - 2001 Onaka Restaurant Amsterdam, founder and owner

1998 - 1999 Hoogovens Corporate Services BV, Research & Development, (merged in Corus) Human Resources Manager

1993 - 1998 Yakult Europe BV, European Manager for Personnel Affairs & Management Development
Yakult Nederland BV, Manager Personnel & General Affairs

1988-1993 Japan-Euro Promotions BV, Managing Partner


2005 German business language proficiency, Regina Coeli
1996 - 1998 Training Studies at FCE (Foundation for Corporate Education). Completed with the highest qualification
1996 In-company training Business Administration (PAO)
1995 Course ‘Working with the Works Council’ (De Baak)
1994 Course ‘Operational HR Management’ De Baak, (Management Studies Center of the Dutch Employers Association)
1987 -1988 Language and Culture of Japan, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Masters degree (cum laude)
1985 -1987 Kanazawa University Japan, Language department
1981-1985 Language and Culture of Japan, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Bachelors degree (cum laude)
1980-1981 Art Academy Utrecht
1980 Certificate High school (gymnasium)


International compensation + benefits
Senior HR Management skills (international)
Project Management skills
Computer literate: People Soft, SAP, Persmaster, Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, CASH.


Languages: Dutch (mother tongue) Japanese (good), English (fluent), German (good), French (moderate: baccalaureate level)


Details responsibilities/ tasks

ING Corporate Compliance
o Execute compensation review 2008
o Compose + implement HR handbook for managers
o Implement performance management
o Execute the job grading programme
o Settle all C&B cases
o Draft evaluation memo for works council regarding restructuring

ING HR Global Finance & Risk
o Advise on benefit schemes for foreign locals
o Revise management reports international mobility
o Advise on international transfer issues, especially with regard to contract type & reward
o Prepare compensation review 2008 for inbound- & outbound LTA’s & general managers
o Prepare Longterm Equity Ownership Plan 2008 a.o. for outbound LTA’s
o Execute washup round stock option plan 2007
o Advise on compensation, assignment and regisnation of GM members Corporate Staff Departments

ING Division Intermediair
o R&S, organisation advice, mobility, career planning, management information, salary review
o Organization of team building event, implementation of HR management tool etc..

Activities at Kawasaki Motors Europe N.V.

o Harmonization of labor conditions (after merger of formerly independent business units)
o Labor relations Dutch organization and participation in German works council
o Development and implementation European HR policy / HR administration in NL
o Introduction new salary system (based on benchmarking and performance related pay)
o Implementation HR-module SAP in NL (implementation in EU branches in preparation)
o HR input in establishment Spanish branch: organization structure, labor conditions, employee benefits, recruitment & selection, training, management development.

Activities at British Telecom NV

o Replacement of HR Consultant during pregnancy leave
o HR administration for product group (300 employees)

Activities at Railverkeersleiding BV (Now Prorail, Dutch Railway Company):

o Facilitator at Management Training Sessions
o Development of training activities
o Coaching line managers

Activities at Power in People:

o Editing standard Personnel handbook,
o Input Works Council – and Health & Safety modules
o Account management, execution of HR scans
o Draft job descriptions & competency profiles
o Composition of Service Level Agreement & Sales Contract

Activities at Hoogovens (now Corus, steel company)

o Resourcing (mainly campus related to the target group of scientists)
o Control & administration personnel affairs
o Execution Health & Safety-policy
o Coaching assessment and performance interviews
o Introduction of competence management system
o Development of long-term HRM policy i.e. carrier planning and retention issue
o Member project group for the introduction of SAP

Activities at Yakult:

o Set up personnel department for the starting organization in The Netherlands
o Facility management, Project-manager internet / intranet
o Supporting the establishment of Yakult companies in Belgium/ Germany/ UK and France, performing the HRM function until it was locally fulfilled
o Coordination of European HR-policy/ (international) carrier paths

Activities of JEP:

o Representative office of Huis Ten Bosch Inc. Japan
o Local production management of (Japanese) TV-documentaries and commercials
o Translation / Interpreters Bureau


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