Flex Manager
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Ineterim manager

Ineterim manager

Work Experience

Oct 03 Ð April 05 Director of strategic communication and marketing for 2 ODPM National
e-Projects Ð Working with Business and PARSOL

Jan 02 Ð Sept 03 Marketing Director Pdffactory.net

Aug- Dec 01 Consultant to Director of Industry, Office of the E Envoy HM Govt

March 01- June 01 Branding / Ecommerce consultant Ð World Gold Council & Adforum.com

Nov 00 Ð Feb 01 Project Leader / Senior E-commerce Consultant for DERA Ð
UK Ministry Of Defence HM Govt

Jun 00-Oct 00 Senior Strategic consultant Ð Grey Owl International Consulting

Feb 00-Jun 00 Senior Strategic consultant Ð Smarterwork.com

Sept 96-Mar 00 Senior Strategic Consultant Ð Pax Consultancy

1992 Ð1996 PR consultant to Music industry

1989 - 1992 Account Manager (Lewis Broadbent Advertising)

Director of strategic communication and marketing for 2 ODPM National e-Projects

PARSOL & Working with Business Ð

ODPM funded e-projects creating tools and software to put council business, planning and regulatory services online as part of the ODPM modernisation programme. The key requirement was to identify, inform and convert the target audience of local authority CEOÕs and heads of service as well as other relevant stakeholders.


We delivered a benefits led campaign that increased awareness of both project brands and penetration in the relevant target audiences using a combination of custom written articles, interviews and case studies placed in the national, local, trade and egov media. This was supported by carefully targeted fortnightly email and monthly direct mail campaigns.

We negotiated several free 40-page supplements worth £40,000 at ratecard in a key industry title and set up very successful seminar series with an overall approval rating of 93% and attendance by over 60% of key target audience.

We identified and built close relationships with key stakeholders such as RTPI SOCITM CIEH IOD FSB British Chamber of Commerce and by building consensus the relevant key trade organisations for each project became spokes-channels on our behalf regularly supporting both projects and hosting the launches of various project products.

ÒYou have made a huge difference to the WWB projectÓ C Burnett - Programme Manager WWB

Ò Jo has carried out excellent work and I would recommend him to anyoneÓ Andy Waren Parsol Chair

Marketing Director Pdffactory.net

Start up company producing interactive pdf tickets and invoices for the retail and travel sectors

Results -

I created the brand strategy, helped find financing, set up sales dept, web presence and sales collateral, created and launched marketing and sales plan, helped grow the company from 1 to 8 employees, introduced 50 client opportunities including the first two customers Comet and Saga and created partnership deals with Sun Microsystems, SITA, MORSE, Computacenter, SCC. I participated in telemarketing and oversaw the quarterly seminar series.

Consultant to Director of Industry, Office of the E Envoy HM Govt

Scoping project for the homeless voluntary sector

Results -

We researched and delivered an appraisal of current online working practices in UK homelessness voluntary sector and developed opportunity scenarios for online integration between police, charities, social services and central govt assistance within the sector.

Branding / Ecommerce consultant Ð World Gold Council

Advising on / offline strategy for development of dedicated B2B and B2C products and integration with offline sales and marketing environment including branding, CRM, extranet, supply chain and business modelling issues.

Branding / Ecommerce consultant Ð Adforum.com

Led and organized focus group based qualitative research into branding and service orientated issues for major US online marketplace. Made strategic and branding recommendations based on research results for next phase expansion of online business into Europe.

Project Leader / Senior E-commerce Consultant for DERA Ð UK Ministry Of Defence HM Govt

Project leader with team of 8 developers overseeing the construction of large commercial B2B website and ancillary service features for UK Govt. dept PPP. Duties included controlling six figure budgets, maintaining top-level client contact, project planning and detailed scheduling, overseeing technical development in house and on site, market analysis, customer segmentation, CRM planning, future-proofing of technology choices, user and competitor analysis and online branding recommendations. Responsible for planning 4 phased site development of site growth to include interactive customer care, full e-commerce potential and multimedia distribution. Also Responsible for contact, discussion and communication with partner agencies developing the offline branding and market positioning.

CRM strategist Ð Lets Buy it.com

Led discussions on CRM techniques and strategic Alliances to raise Customer numbers and increase Word of Mouth customer acquisition over the Xmas period.

Senior Strategic consultant Ð Grey Owl International

Clients included:

Iobox.com Ð

Led branding workshop and set up multi-country focus groups to assess current branding and marketing strategy with recommendations report based on findings. Advised on European market repositioning, current market conditions and competitor threat and next phase customer acquisition programme. Prepared CRM planning, customer segmentation and spec. for CRM department. Advised on next stage of customer WAP offerings, future revenue streams, the impact of 3G / next generation m-commerce and customer loyalty programmes. Assessed current media campaign include. recommendations and made introductions on hiring of PR agency. Advised on possible future alliances and partnerships including negotiation tactics.


Setup and ran UK focus groups with resulting customer care and site redesign recommendations report. Discussed CRM tactics and assessed competitor threat environment. Discussed future options for CRM expansion, current customer typing and on/offline media cooperation.


Acted as marketing advisors to London office of 2nd largest US law firm interested in expanding their profile in Europe. Prepared branding and market repositioning review, Competitor threat analysis, 2 year phased marketing plan with European expansion options across 6 client markets. Introduced PR agency to handle UK/ European PR and initiated UK/European profile building campaign aimed at fortune 500 companies. Advised on merchandising, presentation and internal communications. Developed strategy for internal presentations to facilitate internal buy in and internal marketing.

Senior Strategic consultant Ð Smarterwork.com

Cross-functional leader with team of 6 for pan-regional e-commerce B2B: Co-responsible for leading brand revision exercise, assessment of market positioning and competitor threat analysis. Revised client online offering, advised on site functionality issues and new business acquisition. Completely restructured PR/Marketing on/off line strategy, appointed new PR agency and handled top-level contact with other on and off line media agencies. Advised on above the line campaigns and supporting DM and Online marketing. Helped develop internal marketing systems and train staff. Developed new CRM strategy and carried out detailed customer segmentation exercise. Initiated promotional brand strategy and revisions to on/offline direct marketing systems.

Senior Strategic Consultant Ð Pax Consultancy

Provided marketing / branding/ PR advice to clients including;

Digital Ape.com

Co-responsible for the marketing development, and brand strategy campaigns for UK web design and animation co. Carried out various project management roles on client website builds. Also provided marketing and brand building advice for DA.com clients including market positioning assessments, competitor threat analysis and revenue stream planning.


Prepared launch strategy and initial branding/marketing plan involving on/offline trade media coverage and CRM tactics + PR profiling. Carried out market assessment and positioning review, competitor threat analysis and 3 phase expansion plan to support business plan

Jewish Care

Acted as Senior PR Advisor involved in generating press coverage in specialist, local and national media, building corporate UK profile, setting up a comprehensive online presence and website and advising on fundraising marketing campaigns and crisis management issues for £multimillion UK Jewish Charity
Propeller group/The Communications Practice/Meridien PR
Acted as media consultant in providing creative and market assessment, customer typing and segmentation exercises, brainstorming sessions, revised marketing strategy short and long-term and corporate presentations for client pitches include. MTV & NALS.

(In association with LBA) clients including;

Moss Bros PLC

Sourced, co wrote, planned and won Blazer / CG account integrating consumer / trade press and editorial coverage, UK wide event planning, in store promotion ideas, brand identification, tactical offers and consumer targeting. Assessed market positioning and branding identity and made recommendations for brand repositioning and market expansion.

Pax International Marketing advice / Introductions for commodity co trading with Russia, Nigeria and the Far East

1992 Ð1996 PR consultant to Music industry

1989 - 1992 Account Manager (Lewis Broadbent Advertising)

Arthur Bells / UDG

Development, planning and execution of new brand launches and subsequent press and media coverage, advertising and event production. Also new product development, Brand creation and NPG brainstorming.

Mercedes Benz - Automotive

Brand awareness campaign for MB tax-free dealerships involving press coverage, advertising and event management.


Laws llb 2.2 Kings College london


Jo is an experienced Board Director level independent Consultant and has worked in both public and private sector. He blends strong strategic and planning skills with a real hands on approach to delivering results and has excellent interpersonal and man management skills. He understands the differing needs of Public and Private sector and how to successfully manage the process of bringing them together.

JoÕs work in different disciplines (marketing, advertising, PR, e-commerce, brand building and stakeholder development) has given him a unique skill-set and shown the value of taking a holistic approach to problem solving and brand building by exploring every possible avenue to deliver the desired results. He believes strongly in left field solutions and thinking Ôoutside the boxÕ to support the more traditional avenues.




day rate may be negotiable for right contract


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