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Interim Supply Chain Logistics mgr - Analytical & Hands on

Interim Supply Chain Logistics mgr - Analytical & Hands on

Work Experience

• Avans+ (HBO+): Teacher Statistics and Methods & Techniques
• BACE: teacher of APICS CSCP (Certification Supply Chain Professionals)

Supply Chain Management & Logistics
• Barco: Aug 2008 - June 2009
Barco delivers high tech display solutions, from vidiwalls of several square meters for public events (popfestivals, sport) to high definition monitors in medical applications. This results in a high diversity in the supply chain ranging from delivery of standard solutions to engineering to order prjects with a lead time of months, as well as in a short product live cycle.
Assignment: Define and implement IT-systems which can be used by all divisions for the execution of the Sales & Operations Planning process, where the operational and the financial planning are aligned based on live data from the BaaN ERP system and Hyperion.
Results: a working proven world wide solution in 2 divisions within 6-9 months, a return on investment of around 2 months with 1 division, and a planning to add the remaining divisions within 6 months.

• Philips Set Top Boxes: July 1997 - October 2004
Philips Set Top Boxes (STB) was founded in 1996 to provide Philips with a position in the new market of interactive and pay TV. The first customers were Canal+ and NewsCorp. In the slipstream of the internethype by the end of the 90's this business unit was of strategic interest for Philips and reported directly to the board of management (Adri Baan and later Roel Pieper).
Assignments: the first 2 years I was responsible for the Sales & Marketing department. Afterwards, I focussed again on my core competence: operations & supply chain management. In that environment, I was responsible for the contract manufacturing activities for EMEA \ Latam, which contributed to 80% of the turnover of STB.
Results: In this construction we succeeded during the first 4 years to double turnover every year, to reduce this activity to 20% in a year, when the internet bubble burst.

Distribution Logistics
• SHV gas: February 2006 - February 2008
SHV is a private company and owned by the Fentener - van Vlissingen familie. The gas-division has an annual turnover of around € 5 miljard. IN the Netherlands, France and Spain the company operates under the name of Primagaz, in Italy it operates as Liquigas and in England and Ireland as Calor Gas.
Assignment: Primagaz France was confronted with a strong commercial pressure on margin and turnover. The challenge was to re-engineer operational processes to resist the commercial pressure.
Results: the introduction of an automatic demand forecasting systeem that works for all (hundreds of thousands) of customer - product combinations, a reduction in transport costs of 15-20% and the introduction of a new concept "customer profitability" in the commercial organisation. The systems and concepts of France have in the mean time been accepted as the norm within the group and they are rolled out in all european countries.
The magazine "In Logistiek" will publish an article in December 2008 on this subject, which is a joint effort of prof. Goos Kant (managing director Ortec).

• van Leeuwen Tubes: May 2007 - August 2007 and February 2002 - July 2003
van Leeuwen Buizen is a leading wholesaler in metal tubes with sites world wide.
Assignment: Analyse for the UK sites whether the stock split between the sites and the distribution planning can be improved.
Results: development of a method for stock allocation and suggestions for improvement of the transport planning.

• van Leeuwen Buizen: February 2002 - July 2003
Assignment: Analyse whether the presence and spread of the Eruopean sites could be improved.
Results: An integral design and implementation of the physycal distribution strategy Europe which ended a number of long lasting discussions and the development of a stock planning system.


• Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Sep '95 - Mei '96
4 semesters of MBA modules: Corporate Finance I & II, Strategic Marketing I & II.

• Researcher at Technical University of Eindhoven: Dec '88 - May '90
Replacement of militairy service, resulting in a publication in the leading 'International Journal for Production Research'.

• Student Technical University Eindhoven: 1981 - 1988
M. Sc. applied Mathematics.
Main subjects: operations research, production & inventory control, software engineering.
Organisor of many sport or entertainment events and member of the board of several student unions, 1st degree teacher's degree maths, various functions as student assistant, traineeship at the Jiao Tong University, Xi'an, China

• Secondary school: 1975 - 1981
Gymnasium-B, 8 subjects. Average result: A-


Management style
Result oriented.
Hands on.
Links bottom up with top down.
Honest and just, rather than amiable and sociable.
Gets the job done.

Information Technology
Excellent insight in what the operational activities need and what IT can provide. IT provides the means, it is not the goal.
Extensive experience in the implementation of IT-projects.
Capable of building multi-user multi-language applications in SQL, Access, Excel and Visual Basic (Vba) as well as HTML.

Strengths & Weaknesses
Prefers to act over extensive strategy definition.
Driven from content with less of an eye for the form, both on a technical as well as on a personal level.


English Excellent
Frans good (worked for 1.5 years in Parijs)
German reasonable


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