Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Work Experience

2000 - 2003 Interim Management

- set up of small group, producing and selling inside decoration material (batten) through warehouse and dealers
- spin-off of service organisation of big german group
- restructuring of mid-size company in the plastic industry, sale of the company (09/01 - 12/02),
- turn-around of east european sales company

1993 – 2000 Plastic Industry, Germany

Products: industrial profiles and sheets European market leader – family owned; Turnover: € 350 Mio; number of employees : 2.200

Group MD - Production Logistics, Purchasing
Group CFO
Total responsibilty (CEO) for asian market and other european sales organisations

1985 – 1992 Consumer goods (non food), Germany
Products: Cleaning systems
Turnover: 500 Mio Euro

Director Materials (purchasing, logistics, PPS;
(in addition) Director of production facility in the U.S. (in addition) Group Production Director(Brasil, U.S. Germany)

1983 – 1985 Consumer products
Products: type writers, PC
Turnover : 1,5 Mrd Euro

Head of strategic department for materials
Projectleader COPICS
Group - Supply Chain Manager

1981 – 1982 Computer Business
Products: main frame computer
Group turnover : $ 1 Mrd

Field Service Logistics & Admin Manager

1977 – 1980 Computer Business

Supervisor purchasing european distribution center
Manager Supplies


economy sience - University of Mannheim
studies of emphasis: operations research, logistics, controlling, marketing
Rating Analyst


MBO/MBI experience, turnaround experience, international business developement, global production, global purchasing,
TQM,set up of companies in East Europe, China, U.S.,

Microsoft Office, lotus, SAP,


english (fluently), french (basic)


shareholder of commercial company in Hungary,
member of supervisory board of software company,
member of "3i" Independent Director Programm


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